
Novel's Demon

I've died. However, it wasn't the end. Somehow... I woke up once again though not in the world I knew but in a world of a fantasy novel I've read in my first life. Unfortunately, I wasn't reborn as a Main Character, a supporting character or even an Extra... No! I reincarnated as a weak and useless Demon. However, this was not even the worst part... 'Why the fuck am I stuck in the Academy!?'

FriendlyFlame · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs

How do I wield a sword?


The massive wolf let out another bone-chilling growl as it bared its teeth, tensing its muscular body for an attack.

"It's starting..."

Staring at the monstrosity before me, I muttered to myself and slowly unsheathed my sword. The weapon's blade caught the glimmer of the moonlight, reflecting the hue of my eyes.


The creature lunged towards me with lightning speed, its claws slashing through the air.

It was at that moment that everything finally clicked in my mind...

I do not know how to wield a Sword!


I desperately tried to dodge the wolf's oncoming attack, realizing how weak I was in combat.

In a split second, I managed to crouch down and roll to the side, narrowly avoiding the wolf's deadly strike.

I could feel the heavy breath of the creature on my back as it stumbled slightly from missing its target.

With adrenaline fueling every move, I scrambled to my feet, heart pounding in my chest.


The beast snarled, its ferocity unmistakable as it circled, eyes fixed on me. My grip tightened around the sword's hilt, but doubt gnawed at my confidence. Still, I squared my shoulders, determination flickering in my eyes.

As the wolf charged again, I swung the sword wildly, more out of desperation than skill. Unfortunately, my lack of swordsmanship became evident as the blade barely grazed the wolf's fur.

The wolf's claws, on the other hand, slashed my arm, drawing crimson lines.


Pain seared through me, but there was no time to dwell. I stumbled backward, cursing my lack of prowess.


With a swift motion, the wolf lunged once more, jaws snapping perilously close. I managed to deflect the attack, but not without a sharp pain radiating from my shoulder. Blood trickled down, staining my clothes as I hissed in agony.

Frustration bubbled within as I realized my limitations.

'I should use the Sword Art...'

Suddenly, I recalled that this body of mine had a Sword Art that could potentially turn the tide in my favor.

Although my understanding of the Art is only at the Novice Proficiency level, I could still use its first form to fight against a wolf.

Every weapon art has different forms and techniques, however, the way to achieve and unlock them is the same. All you have to do is train diligently, practice consistently, and strive for mastery. The higher the proficiency level, the more advanced forms and techniques can be accessed.

Every art has 4 main proficiency levels: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, and Master, 4 forms that can be unlocked.

As the massive wolf ran toward me again, I closed my eyes and focused on my breath, entering a state of calm concentration.

From the memories of the Demon I more or less understood how to execute the first form of the Sword Art.

'Please work...'

Sharply drawing my breath, I stepped forward and swung the sword with a fluid motion, strange energy, Mana, surging through my body and into the weapon.

[ Frostbite's Blade, First Form: Chilly Sweep ]


As the blade cleaved through the air, a strange chilly aura enveloped it, leaving a trail of frost in its wake.

The wolf was a little too late to notice the change in my attack, as the frigid blade connected with its side, causing a burst of icy mist to fill the air.


The wolf let out a pained growl as the icy strike landed, temporarily freezing a patch of its fur.

Blood dripped from the wolf's wound as it staggered back, momentarily disoriented by the unexpected cold.

It was hurt by my attack!

A smile of satisfaction hugged at the corner of my lips, as I noticed pain etched across the wolf's eyes.

I am not a petty person but after being wounded by the monster, I felt good about finally being able to fight back.

With my heart racing, I braced myself for the next onslaught.

Gripping the sword tighter, I tried to steady my trembling hand, the memory of the icy strike fueling a flicker of hope amidst my inadequacies.

The wolf, recovering swiftly, lunged forward once again, its movements swift and calculated. I attempted to replicate the Sword Art's form, but my execution remained clumsy. The blade danced awkwardly in my untrained hand, lacking the finesse and control required for a successful strike.


The wolf's claw grazed my cheek, leaving a burning trail as pain shot through my face. A trickle of blood ran down, blending with the sweat that beaded on my brow.

"Damn it!"

My frustration surged as I stumbled backward, my unsteady footing a testament to my novice skills. The wolf's relentless assault continued, each swipe and lunge pushing me further into the realm of desperation.

With each failed attempt to execute the Sword Art, I grappled with my own limitations. Yet, the faint glimmer of progress lingered in the frosty mist that had momentarily slowed the wolf.

As the battle wore on, I found myself adapting, albeit slowly. The movements became less erratic, the swings a tad more controlled, a semblance of technique beginning to emerge amidst the chaos.

"I just need more time..."

Gritting my teeth, I pressed on, determination overriding the pain and fear that threatened to consume me.

The wolf, sensing my vulnerability, intensified its assault, a relentless force of nature. I parried, dodged, and occasionally managed a strike that glanced off its fur, leaving shallow wounds.

Yet, the gap in skill remained glaringly evident.

I was slowly losing and if nothing changed, I would die.