
NOUVEAU: The Unwanted Child

Poor beautiful ex-slave Nova, pregnant with Tyrian's child, faced his disdain for her steadfast decision to keep the baby. Despite enduring his cold and abusive behavior, she remained torn by her love for him. Meanwhile, Tyrian, a formidable demon hunter, tormented by his forgotten past and battling his inner demons, oscillated between bouts of cruelty and fleeting moments of empathy towards Nova. As they grappled with their tumultuous circumstances, could they find a way to confront the darkness and navigate their chaotic destinies through the cruel dystopia that surrounded them?

Hagunyu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 1

"I'm pregnant."

As Tyrian was about to light his cigarette, Nova's hesitant voice broke the silence, causing him to freeze mid-motion. His hand holding the lighter hovered in the air as he turned slightly, his expression darkening. 

"What did you say?" His tone was cold and intimidating, his bare back still turned to her. 

Nova's eyes remained fixed on the floor, her fingers fidgeting nervously as she struggled to repeat the words. "I'm... pregnant," she finally managed, her voice barely rising above a whisper as she repeated the words. 

Tyrian's piercing blue eyes narrowed as he absorbed Nova's words, the cigarette forgotten in his hand. His expression darkened, a mix of anger, frustration, and disbelief crossing his features.

"Pregnant," he repeated, the word laden with meaning. His voice dropped to a dangerous, low tone, starkly contrasting Nova's nerves. Each heavy step he took toward her only heightened her anxiety, his imposing presence looming over her.

Tyrian snatched the small object from Nova's hand, his movements swift and forceful. His gaze flicked to the two strips, one of them faint, indicating a positive result. Anger clenched his teeth as he processed the sight.

"Retest," Tyrian commanded, his tone even colder than before.

"What?" Nova asked, her voice barely audible.

"Now!" he barked. His eyes flashed with unbearable rage.

Nova flinched at Tyrian's sharp command, her heart pounding in her chest as she scrambled to obey. With trembling hands, she retrieved another test pack and disappeared into the bathroom, her mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions.

As Nova waited for the test results, her thoughts swirled with fear and uncertainty. Meanwhile, Tyrian stood outside the bathroom door, his expression unreadable as he waited for Nova to emerge with the test results. His mind churned with a tumult of conflicting emotions.

Tyrian's gaze bore into Nova as she emerged from the bathroom, her demeanor betraying her fear and vulnerability. He took in her slumped shoulders and downcast eyes, his expression softening momentarily before hardening once more into a mask of cold resolve.

"Well?" he demanded, his voice sharp and impatient. "What does it say?"

Nova swallowed hard, her throat dry as she mustered the courage to meet Tyrian's gaze. With trembling hands, she held out the pregnancy test, the result clear for both of them to see. The second test confirmed what the first had indicated—Nova was indeed pregnant.

Tyrian's jaw clenched at the sight of the test. "Retest again!" He snapped.

Nova nodded. The woman with long, wavy blonde hair retreated to the bathroom to carry out Tyrian's request, she couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them. Would the tests confirm her pregnancy once again, solidifying their reality? Or would they bring a glimmer of hope, a chance to escape the daunting prospect of parenthood in a world consumed by chaos and darkness?

She kept retesting for a week. Until the last day of the week, Tyrian's hand trembled as he held the final test pack, his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for the inevitable. With each passing moment, the strips on the test grew bolder and bolder, confirming Nova's pregnancy with a finality that left him reeling.

In a surge of frustration and despair, Tyrian crumpled the test pack in his hand, his knuckles white with tension as he hurled it away from him, unable to bear the sight of it any longer. The sound of the test pack hitting the floor echoed through the room, a stark reminder of the reality they faced.

For a prolonged moment, Tyrian remained silent. His jaw tightened, emitting a grinding noise. How could this unfortunate situation befall him?

Seated menacingly on the chair, Tyrian nervously tapped his feet. "Fuck! Damn it!" he cursed.

The air in the room hung heavy with tension as Tyrian's curse shattered the silence, his frustration palpable in the air. Nova remained frozen on the bed, her heart pounding in her chest as she dared not move or speak, afraid to incur Tyrian's wrath.

For a long moment, the only sound in the room was the rhythmic swaying of Tyrian's feet, a stark contrast to the stillness that surrounded them. As Tyrian's gaze bore into her, Nova felt a wave of fear wash over her, her body trembling with apprehension. She knew that Tyrian's temper was unpredictable, his moods shifting like the tides, and she dared not provoke him further.

"There must have been a day you forgot to take the pills I gave you," Tyrian accused, his anger barely restrained.

Nova remained silent, too frightened to respond.

"Answer me!" he yelled, his impatience evident.

Nova flinched at the sound of his raised voice, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to find the words to respond. She knew that Tyrian's anger was justified, his accusations hitting painfully close to home. But she also knew that any explanation she offered would only serve to further incense him, and she feared the consequences of provoking his wrath.

With trembling hands, Nova finally spoke, her voice stuttering as she met Tyrian's gaze. "I... I don't know," she admitted, her words coming out in a rush as she struggled to articulate her thoughts. "I... I thought I was being careful, but... but maybe I... I missed a day."

"One single day, huh?" Tyrian nodded sarcastically. "Just one day could wreak havoc like this?"

He rose from his seat, pacing back and forth. "One fucking day that ruins everything!"

Tyrian's sarcasm cut through the air like a blade. Nova shrank back on the bed, her heart sinking with each step he took as he paced back and forth.

"It's not just one day," Tyrian muttered with anger. "It's the consequences of that one day, the ripple effect that it sets in motion. You have no idea what you've done."

Nova's throat tightened, the weight of his disappointment heavy upon her shoulders. She had never meant for any of this to happen, never imagined that a single lapse in judgment could lead to such dire consequences.

"But you..." she began, her voice trailing off as she struggled to find the right words. "You weren't using any protection either."

The white-haired man halted in his pacing, his eyes locking onto Nova.

"I provided you with expensive pills!" he exclaimed. "They should have been effective even without using a condom!"

Tyrian's frustration boiled over as he glared at Nova. "It should work," he repeated, his voice tinged with bitterness and resentment. "But clearly, it didn't."

He took a step towards Nova, his movements deliberate and menacing. "You were supposed to be careful," he growled, his tone accusing. "You were supposed to make sure this didn't happen."

Nova flinched at the intensity of Tyrian's anger, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to hold his gaze. She knew that she had failed him, that her mistake had led to this moment of reckoning. But she also knew that Tyrian's own actions had played a role in their predicament, and she couldn't bear to shoulder all the blame alone.

"I'm sorry," she spoke almost inaudibly, her voice just a faint whisper. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

But her apology fell on deaf ears as Tyrian turned away. As his heavy sigh filled the room, the tension between them seemed to dissipate, if only momentarily. Nova watched in silence as he stood there, before finally turning and striding out of the room without a word.

Alone in the aftermath of their intense confrontation, Nova was engulfed by a deep sadness. She understood that Tyrian's departure marked the start of a new phase in their turbulent relationship. Particularly because Nova was aware that Tyrian harbored ambitious aspirations as a formidable demon hunter. His dedication to his work consumed him, and he pursued goals that Nova had yet to comprehend fully.

Nova reflected on their current situation. Their demanding jobs constantly exposed them to danger, offering only brief moments of relief. In those crucial moments when Tyrian needed her most, Nova felt the burden of her pregnancy impeding their progress. Tasks that would have been straightforward without her condition now seemed like unattainable dreams.

Tears streamed down her face, saturating the pillow beneath her. She was acutely aware that their journey ahead would only become increasingly challenging.

After what felt like an eternity of introspection, the sound of the door creaking open stirred Nova from her thoughts. She looked up to see Tyrian's silhouette entering the room, his presence casting a shadow across the dimly lit space. With deliberate steps, he made his way to her side with unreadable expression.

Wordlessly, Tyrian reached out and set a small bottle down on the nightstand beside Nova. The soft clink of glass meeting wood echoed in the room, breaking the silence that had settled between them. Nova's gaze flickered to the bottle, her heart quickening as she wondered what its contents held.

"What's this?" Nova asked quietly, her heart racing with anxiety.

Tyrian's expression softened slightly as he met her gaze. "It's medication," he replied briskly. "To end the pregnancy."