
31:The house knows your name


I woke up in darkness. I felt cold and wet. I had something covering my eyes but I didn't know what it was. I didn't want to open my eyes, for I knew once I did, the happy memory with Prince Zephirin would shatter like fragments of broken glass. 

Something was amiss. I fell asleep and had the worst nightmare only to wake up and have the nightmare continue. When I fell asleep I hit pause on the nightmare and immediately I woke up, like clockwork everything began again.

"It's not safe here, " a voice whispered. "You should leave before the house learns your name, " It warned me. 

I got up and removed the lace covering my eyes. I had no idea where I was or how to leave. The warning I received only aided to increase my worry amd get my heart racing. It was evident that I was no longer in the palace of Liradia.