
Not Your Typical Luna

"Can't you be a bit more un-weird?! ugh!" he groaned, exasperated. "Aww! is the Alpha already accepting defeat? I am not even started!" i smirked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Two weeks in my new school and I am already the alpha's mate! big deal, huh? But, the difference is that, unlike other mates I am NOT the one to meekly follow the alpha and quietly agree to everything he says while drooling on his abs. Oh hell no! I am me, not them. I am the tomboyish wolf, the weirdo, the happy-go-lucky girl with a sprinkle of humour. I live for fun! duh! You wouldn't want to get on my bad side though! I kinda sorta have a real bitchy mouth and a lot of strength in my punches and kicks (training helps, i guess, training, as in being able to hold my wolf back when i am angry so that i can literally kick and punch). I am, as I can proudly say, STRONG! Yet i am scarred with a horrendous childhood, that turned me into what I am today, a bad-mouthed, reckless, hot-tempered shrew who does not believe in tears. So let's see if the Hottest boy in campus/ School bad-boy/ My alpha mate can tolerate this 'charming' bitch (hey, i really DID charm many, even though people are supposed to be disgusted of me, since i am a rogue, but i guess they were scared of my fists! I did wring out the school bully's balls on the first day!) for more than a week. I am not your typical Luna, that's for sure!

Kupkake_gurl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Ch1- Utterly twisted tale


"Hi Li! Hey there Ari! Howdy Cassy? Wassup Ky?!" I hooted as I dumped my things in the locker while hi-fiving with the four.

Meet my friends, Liam Bailey, Aria Brown, Cassidy Wilson and Kyrian Larrsson. They had acquainted themselves with me on the first day I set foot on this lovely (not) school. They had probably smelled the rogue blood in me and being the kind-hearted, righteous souls they were had stood up for me when the bullies had attacked me (only to get their ass like faces squashed under my kicks, which presumably impressed the four of them even more).

And guess what? Liam here is the beta with Ari as his mate and Kyrian is the gamma with obviously Cassy as his mate. They all had the same tanned flawless skin, strong limbs and sturdy build, even the females (though they weren't wolves). Liam was the typical sandy blonde-with-blue-eyes hunk, while Kyrian had Dark-Brown hair with damn mischievous hazel eyes. Both of them were, lean with drool worthy abs and a good 6' plus height.

Cassy and Ari were on the other hand, utter beauties, while the former had lustrous, long chocolate brown hair with hypnotic grayish-blue eyes and 5'6" figure, the latter was shorter with a 5'4" build and shoulder length golden hair- black-eyes combo. And even without the authority they held in this school being the ones on the topmost rungs of the werewolf society I could see why all of them were so popular. I mean look at them! They were like the ones we usually read in stories, perfect and stunning and all those shit y'know? Fuck! I am so jealous.

Well, within these two weeks, I probably would have done a plastic surgery out of self-consciousness of associating with the hottest of the lot had I BEEN self-conscious about my looks. I don't care a damn about my face, you see? And am probably the most ignorant female about make-up and dress-up you'll ever see! I am not ugly, but I am not like them either. Even with my ass-brain I knew I was miles away from what they looked like. But again, who cared?

"Hi Tan!" "good morning Tanya!" "had a nice weekend Blare?" everyone (and by that I DO mean everyone, as in everyone in the near vicinity, everyone whose faces I remembered or did not) surged forward to greet me, well what can I say?? Defeating lead bullies, befriending the most popular four and bitching the bitches to limits where they almost burst into tears had earned me a great deal of popularity too, just that it was not because of a good reason.

"she's such a hoe!" "look at her! Filthy Rogue!" "whorish ugly wolf! Who does she think she is?"

I don't think I am anything but I DO know this that my sharp ears could pick up whatever the Barbie-dolls were muttering behind my back in the far end of the corridor. If they knew that I was a wolf then why were they shit-talking about me? Cuz like when I just go and kick them in those fake-boobs, they will not be able to squeal that I had no proof that they were dissing me. I LITERALLY HEARD THEM!

"just you wait until Aaron comes back today! He will put you right back in your place, ROGUE!" their high-pitched venomous whispers reached my ears. Ah! These humans! Tsk tsk! So vengeful cuz I had just pointed out that their plastic nose didn't suit them. But who was Aaron?

Cassy smiled, "you wanna know who Aaron is?" she had obviously heard the bitches AND deciphered my confused expression. There were three types of females in this place, 1. Who were pure humans (like the sluts in question), 2. Who were like Cassy and Ari, also referred to as 'wolves,' they had almost as sharp hearing and eyesight as us wolves, as their belonged to the pure wolf bloodline of this village, but had not gotten the shape shifting streak and 3. The wolves, like me, we were rare and were almost considered as prizes, being fought over to be won, and getting all the attention and love and care and awe we wanted.

The ones who were usually mates of the packs were the second category and they too were taken as very precious beings because for one, they were supposed to bear the future generations and secondly, as I said, likes of us female wolves were VERY VERY rare, so they got their share of adoration too. The first category was, unlike what anyone might think, not discriminated and they sometimes were mates too. If they were mates they were treated with more grandeur because it was prestigious to be mates and bear the next generations of wolves who would protect the area. And as you might have guessed, the ones who got the first category as mates probably died of happiness itself. I was 17 and still single and mate-less! Thank goodness! I am sure as hell not ready for having children, nor will I be! EVER!

So you see the reason why both Cassy and Ari could hear almost as well as I could? But what they didn't know was that I was a REAL wolf, that is a shape-shifting wolf, and I had no intentions of breaking the news to them at the moment, mostly because that would mean a LOT of questions, first and foremost being, why a shape-shifting female wolf, seen almost as a deity, was an omega! And trust me I did NOT want to answer that.

"Aaron White, you see, is the hottest boy in the campus, and he is the most notorious player/ heartbreaker! He was due today, as he had to go on a work last week!" Ari informed as we made our way to the first class, English. Liam and Kyrian tailed behind us wrapped up in their own conversation. "And why exactly did they think that he could ruin me?" I raised an eyebrow. "well you see, that's probably because he is the...!" Cassy's voice trailed off as we all stilled due to the sudden deafening silence in the corridor. I stared up, puzzled only to meet deep intoxicating midnight blue eyes.

He was probably 6'3" with lean, yet muscular, tanned, strong build. He was wearing a grey shirt which hugged his body, accentuating his perfect figure. He paired it up with a deep blue jeans and a sexy brown leather jacket, oh! Brown was SO his colour! His face was chiseled, with a jawline sharp enough to leave a deep gash even on my fast-healing skin, he had perfect angle between his chin and nose and carried that black I-just-got-out-of-my-bed bed hairstyle with such hotness that it would have been hard to believe had I not been gaping at him.

I froze and so did he. I felt the warmth course through my veins, my heart beat increased to like 12345678987654321mph, each of my cells tingling with familiarity and pleasure as I stared at the breathtakingly handsome stranger. I suddenly felt extremely light-weighted, giddy and happy as the blood rush up my cheeks (what the hell? I never blush!) The wolf in me howled, struggling to be set free that very instant while I battled the sudden and overflowing lust erupting in me.

His expression mirrored mine as my jaws hit clattered to the ground and realization slapped me hard full face. "what the fuck?!" I blurted out, already mesmerized by his eyes (did he know that he had golden flecks in his orbs?) And that broke the spell.

His upper incisors bit down his lower lip as it curled into an awfully sexy smirk, and his hand left hand jumped to his hair, running a hand through those silky black locks, mussing it up further. I watched, hanging onto his every movement with my over-sensitive eyes, even though his own never left my face. My view crawled back to his face and I smirked, jerking off from my daze, and returning back to my sassiness, "well, why is everyone so quiet? C'mon Cassy, Ari what's the matter?"

My voice was quiet but it travelled down the whole corridor. Everyone looked at me with an are-you-crazy-look. That is until, Liam, Kyrian, Ari and Cassy pounced on the stranger, strangling him with their hugs. "you are back, man!" Liam grinned. "just when I was gonna call the cops!" kyrian added punching him. "I missed your hair, dude! Nothing to pull at when I am mad, for a whole ass week!" Ari shrieked grabbing a fistful of his hair and tugging it as he mock-winced, and a pang of heat ran through my body. "did you bring me a souvenir?" Cassy pouted and all of them laughed.

By now the whole corridor had thawed out. I smiled, turning on my heels, to leave those five to their own devices, after all they seemed like very old friend and judging from his ridiculously delicious musky-woodsy smell, he was a wolf too (There was something else too but I just couldn't pin point it), on top of which I had my own, er, 'wolfy-problem' to attend to.

I hadn't even taken two steps when the voice, deep, husky and illegally sexy rang out, "wait!" I halted and turned around incredulously. Can't he see that I don't Want to be near him and his damn fine hot self? Did he want me to spontaneously combust? Well I wasn't far from it, what with the monarch butterflies in my stomach going frenzy, my skin flaming with heat and the wolf growling contentedly in my chest as I looked into his gorgeous eyes again.

"This is the Aaron White, I was talking about!" Ari smiled. "and Aaron, this is...!" I cut Liam off, " Blare! Tanya Blare! Normally known as 'hoe', 'slut', 'bitch' or 'filthy Rogue'!" I announced eyeing the barbies In the far corner who cowered under my gaze.

"How can you be a rogue if you are my mate?" Aaron pointed out the obvious and everyone in the hall sucked in a huge breath while the four immediately broke into applause. Yeah, there was this mystical rule here that mates of werewolves HAD to be of the same or sister clans. "Well, technically I AM an Rogue, but if I am your mate then I still belong to this clan I guess!" I shrugged. "Then how come I have never seen you before?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

Seriously? Look at us? We just found out that we are mates and instead of being all coy and blushing, we were sorting out the formalities and technicalities. Great! I like him already! Wait, what?

"I don't remember seeing you either but I had been quite young back then, but how about we discuss this later? We will be late for the first class!" I answered as he nodded, agreeing.

"Mm hmm!" he nodded finishing up stuffing his bag with required books and following the other four and me into the English class. while Cassy and Liam sat on either sides of me, Kyrian and and Ari in front of them and Aaron before me. He pulled his chair out and sat facing me, resting his chin on his elbows which in turn were propped over the backrest of the chair. I knew what was coming, so before he could ask that dreaded question I switched the topic, "I really did want to stay single, y'know?" I pouted.

That earned me a sexy chuckle,"you are weird, custard!" "custard?" "yeah, you are frail and weak and and delicate and soft as Custard... not! I heard what you did to two of my pack mates who tried to bully you, I am impressed!" he smirked. "I kinda feel bad for their balls!" I laughed. "if I am custard, you are a candy!" as in freaking eye-candy. "sure, custard!" he drawled.

"drat! I have never seen anyone control Aaron like that before!" Kyrian snorted. "Look at him! All goo-goo gaa-gaa!" Liam smirked. "Well, what can I say? I am hot!" I winked, teasing, making everyone laugh. "I won't deny that!" Aaron eyed me, and I hit him on his head, feeling the sparks flow through my fingertips on the moment of contact. "dammit! Woman you got some serious strength there!" he scowled rubbing the sore spot as I leaned back into my chair, satisfied.

"I knew I loved you from the beginning!" Cassy grinned at me. "did the big-bad-wolf get hurt? awh! You poor poor alpha!" Ari sang and I froze. "hold the fuck up! Alpha? As in Alpha of the pack?!" I gasped. "how many more Alphas have you seen?" Aaron countered, clearly amused. "Shit! I am the luna??!" I realized belatedly and gasped, my mind reeling. A major brain over usage alert blared painfully in my head.

"When do you want your devil's spawns? I'll have them delivered at your doorstep, nicely packed with a ribbon on their heads!" I asked scathingly, referring to the most important (and dumb if you ask me, I mean don't women have any other responsibilities?) role of the female mates, bearing children. I watched his blue eyes twinkle with laughter at my dripping sarcasm and surprise at the grudge I possessed against bearing kids in late teens. "Don't fret love," he answered sagely, "I will have you know that I intend to finish my college!" he added with a wink. "Studious much?" I hummed. "Oh! You don't know shit!" he murmured evenly as the teacher entered.

I watched him fall asleep as soon as the teacher started her lecture, drooling a bit over his broad shoulders, and sighed, have y'all ever seen two wolves who were more disinterested in mating than us? But then we both were way too different than normal people.

For starters, Aaron didn't treat his friends like slaves even though he was the alpha, and frankly, Liam, Ari, Ky, Cassy and Aaron looked like a BIG family, instead of Alpha, beta, gamma and their mates. Even though I didn't know how he was when he was angry, or what he was like in full alpha mode, leading the pack around and all, but it was fact, that he tried to be good to all, badboy or not, player or not.

Secondly, he was as chill as me in terms of us being wolfy-life-partners, I mean, he probably mentioned that only once, and accepted my utter disapproval in the child-rearing concepts without any rebuttals. And thirdly, he seemed to know, What to ask and what NOT to ask and when and where to privy information and not.

And then there was me, all unbothered about being the luna, when my sensitive ears were buzzing with excited gossips about me from different classrooms, hell even the janitor was more excited than I am. Well, I would be lying if I said that I wasn't excited, cuz the wolf in me was practically jumping painfully in my chest demanding to be let loose. Add to that occasional awed, congratulatory and confused-as-to-why-i-hadn't-yet-jumped-Aaron-yet looks that the four on either sides threw at me alternately.

I massaged my forehead, my head throbbing as the gossip-buzz grew louder and louder. My chest hurt with my wolf constantly engaging in trying to break the binds and jump to her mate. And my brain reeled with the sudden 180 degree twist in my already fucked up life.


"who do you think you are you hoe? The fucking luna?!"

...flashback ends...

I felt myself smirking, I will show them... I will show them who I really am. They will pay... dearly!

This was all a messed up and utterly twisted tale, where one thing was for sure, I AM SO NOT YOUR TYPICAL LUNA! Let's see if you can deal with me Aaron White!