
Not so Normal (highschool dxd male reader insert)

just a fanfiction I made and decided to post here.

Kawininja · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 4

"Oh no am going to be late" you said as you ran outside a toast in your mouth today's the day you been waiting for your first day at kouh academy now let's be honest what guy wouldn't want to go to a school with a guy to girl ratio as 1/10 that's a 5% chance to get a girlfriend and 2% chance at sexy time you'd be a lier to say you don't think that I mean everyone's a perv inside unless your not then am going to shut up... OH LOOK THE GATES OF HEL- the school with two minutes to spare till orientation you walk in to a new chapter a new school a new life

Timeskip 3 weeks later

Well that's unexpected 3 weeks have pass and in that time many things has happened you found out your master also go to this school and in the same class her name being koneko, mikan is also in your class you almost got catch in the girls locker room inside mikan's locker the reason being the same as what's happening now

(I'll randomly do this when people talk so the words in "_" are yours unless PoV is changed or I say so)

Bullyleader: damn that Akira saying my partner's small I'll have her know am not

Bully1: yeah boss is a big boy he's still growing

Bully2: want me to cheer you up boss

Bullyleader: nah am good this stress ball is doing just fine

"I'll have you know a stress ball is different from a punching bag- oof"

There you where tied to a tree getting beat up why don't you use your real strength well you promise master not to use it on normal people so your being subjected to this

Bullyleader: what all did he have on him boys

Bully1: expired gum 5cents and a picture of him shirtless in the mirror

Bullyleader: is the picture good for blackmail

Bully1: nah not really he's really rip it would sell good if he had a good looking face

"But mommy told me I was a handsome young man"

Bullyleader: she lied now where's bully2

Bully1: oh when he saw the picture he said he had to use the bathroom then the picture went missing


Bully1: he probably went to vomit after seeing it

Bully2: see what

Bully1: oh bro you know where the picture is

Bully2: oh it's right in my pocket you told me to hold it when I when to take a leak

Bully1: I don't remember that but if you said it then it must be true

Bullyleader: alright am bored let's go

Bully1 /2: ok boss

They then walk away leaving you tied to a tree

"Well I should pass the time..."

"I don't know where your going but do you got room for one more"

15 minutes later

"So if by the time the bar closes and you feel like falling down I'll carry you home.. tonight"

"I had no idea that song was that long"


"Please shut up" you then got untied and feel face first to the floor getting up you looked to see who it was only to be greeted by the sight of your cousin his brown hair has the school jacket and shirt opened with a red shirt on

"How long's it been"

"Issei I almost thought you got expelled on the first day I was looking for you and Isabella"

"Oh sis is a third year you probably won't see her much she's always with the two queens"


"You don't know the two queens!"

" I haven't been here long so I wouldn't know"

"Me neither but they are the two best looking girls in the school I don't know there names all I know is those tibble biddies they got are amazing I might be able to fit my head in there"

"What's the best part of a girl"

"The breast"

"You fool it was a trick question the answer is what isn't you see breast big or small both have there perks big ones you could get your partner in between there but with small ones you can admire there cuteness don't get me started on thighs or as-"

"Yes I understand no need to get to into that.... Unless"





"This was a great idea" you said

"Of course I only have great ideas in this head"

You two are hiding in the girls shower room behind a blanket the same pattern as the wall it would be see though from both sides but you both stood on the opposite side of the window so the girls can't see but you both can

"How did you get this blanket issei"

"I don't know it was just here when I walked in"

"So how were we going to hide if it wasn't there


"Shhh the girls are coming"

After a few minutes of watch a new group of girls walked in

"Why is there two shadows on that wall over there" a girl said

You two are hiding in the girls shower room behind a blanket the same pattern as the wall it would be see though from both sides but you both stood on the opposite side of the window so the girls can't see but you both can or so you though

"Wait isn't that the blanket I wanted to show tall" a next girl said

They started to get closer to your position so you decided to use you secret stealth move

"No this is definitely just the wall"

"It's clearly a wall" issei joined in

"Nope pretty sure that's a blanket"

"Nooo your seeing things"you said getting scared as they got even closer

"Am definitely not coming behind the blanket"

"Oh but one of us is" said issei as you realize his hand movement (if you get where this is from u get a cookie)

"Really right besides me"

"Hey if am going to get catch might as well get something out of it"

"Good point"

You were going to pull out your phone but saw a window above you probably how the girls found out so you use your final super ultimate last choice movie no.2


you then jump to the window and crawl out and ran away as a year drop down your face

'sorry issei but this is it it was me or you and I have someone I must protect am sure if you survive you would understand but if you do you might be seen as a sex offender I can't because a protector with that following me am sorry'

You then bumped into something looking up you saw the white hair and hazel eyes of your master

"Why are you running from the girls shower room"



you use your final super ultimate last choice movie no.3


"It was my cousin him and his friends went to peep on the girls I tried to stop them but I couldn't his friends got away and left my cousin so I was looking for them so they get what they deserve" 'ill avenge you issei'

"I see let's go get them then"

"Yes master"

Later the girls had issei two friends cornered with you behind the girls head down where your hair covers your eyes then you slowly looked up with a smile and mouthed

"I am kira-


Later the girls had issei two friends cornered with you behind the girls head down where your hair covers your eyes then you slowly looked up with a smile and mouthed

"I win"

The next day

"hey guess what I got a girlfriend"


"Well it went like this"

Issei PoV

So I was walking home singing to pass the time

"Don't touch my butt cheeks... They belong to me.... Don't touch my butt cheeks... Just let them be.... I know you love my back behind.. but it's mine"

(If you know where this from good to know am not the only one)


I looked behind myself the at her then behind me then back at her

"You talking to me"

???: Um w-well I have been watching you for a while now and w-well will you be my boyfriend

*Windows shutdown nosie*

'i feel like something in that sentence isn't right but a wise man once said if it's free why not try it'


???: Great my name's yuna how about a date next Sunday


Yuna: ok bye

She then waved and ran away

"Am so smooth I got her to leave without getting my number now she has to me me in person to decide a time am a genius"

He then looked down the road as he saw some guy in a suit and fadora holding a sign that said 'she don't love you' ignoring it he continue his walk home

"Now you see me I be flexing on the TV now"

Y/n PoV

Issei: and that's how it happened but she was there the day after and the day of the date but know on remembers her

"I think something was wrong with that girl"

Issei: how

"Well it's only natural she doesn't know your name and was watching you for who knows how long that's natural but she only stutter when saying will"

Issei: wait you don't mean

"That's right it was a test and you failed"

Issei: how didn't I notice that whole time she wanted me to say ah that's hot if only I was quick enough

"Next time issei now I gotta go it almost time to get bullied I don't want to be late"

Issei: why they'll beat you up if you come late

"Yeah it's freaky Friday and it's bully2 time to pick he'll get mad if I make his turn get shorten"

Issei: huh

"Oh on Monday and Tuesday I get beat and robbed wet Wednesday I have to bring porn for them thunder Thursday we disrupt classes and if we get catch they blame it on my freaky Friday one of them pick a porn from the ones I bought and we have to watch it last to leave the roof wins all money"

Issei: but it's Tuesday

"Yeah well we got caught up last Time so we're doing it now"

Issei: sounds cool to bad I got to go to class am a main character after all I have to go till the plot starts


Issei: look at the time I gotta go bye

He then ran of as you head to the roof and was tied upside down to a pole an intense battle was happening only you and bully2 was left both with a poker face

Bully2: should give up am not even into regular porn I am invincible

Y/n: we'll see about that I haven't even reach my final form

Bully2: so what's that bulge in your pants


bully2: damn can't argue with that logic

The sound of the roof door is heard as bully2 unties you then pull up his hands and does a peace sign and disappear

"What how"

???: Y/n?

You then turn and saw mikan standing there with the student council president Sona your were about to speak but was interrupted

"This i-"


you swiftly yeet the tv and dvd player off the roof before going back to your spot

Sona: mikan deal with this as a test run I want him in the student council room in 15 minutes

Mikan: yes ma'am

After Sona left mikan turn to you with a disgusted face

"Wait it wasn't me I swear I was tied up the whole time see there's the rope right here"

Mikan: I don't care just follow me

She then looked down then back up with a slight blush

Mikan: on second thought you lead I'll follow

You look down only to see your own poking from in your pocket you then took it out and put it in your shirt pocket and went to the student council room you was a serious looking Sona her second in ca- vice president no where to be seen and some blond guy going to deliver some papers leaving mikan you and Sona left

Sona: am not going to speak about what I saw but if you wish to try defend yourself then say so now if not you'll be suspended for a the rest of the week the teachers told me you've been causing trouble slot lately but sense the school year is still fresh I'll let you off easy

Mikan went to stand near here and you stood there silent

Sona: I take it your silence means you accept your punishment

"Yes ma'am"

Sona: good collect your stuff and head home I don't want to see you till Monday morning where if your late your collecting garbage from all over the school

You nod your head and walked out

Mikan: miss Sona why did you do that if I was the imps who were the problem

Sona: as unfair as it is I was told keep as much attention away from them as possible so I had to place it on him or have him report them it's not an easy job but it's one I accept and shall do with no regrets

Mikan: I see

As you walked out you saw a familiar face

???: Looks like you have some more fee time how about training your magic

Another boy your around your age maybe a year or two older long bright blue hair with the sides cut at shoulder length and the middle continuing to his mid back being held by two white syringes with silver eyes he wears and white t-shirt white jeans and sneakers with two white gloves on his hands and a white jacket with light blue highlights

"Magic master how do your clothes always stay so clean is that a magic you use"

???: First my name's silver not magic master and second no I just very good at staying clean now let's go on a magical journey to train you a 38 hour training no breaks

"Huh how am I supposed to do that I can't how would I eat if I have to focus"

Silver: well it's that or your Mana reserves over load from how it's powering up with no control


Silver: well when it comes to Mana a normal human has a marble shape Mana reserve it's there but unusable a supernatural being or mage have there Mana as an aura instead so they can use it then there's us  unusual beings we have a large marble with a aura surrounding it meaning we can us it but instead of it being around us it gathers inside us which can and will damage you unless you control it weekly or daily if you use it a lot and as our Mana increase so does the level up control needed first we continue to gather Mana inside of the marble untill it cracks which yours just did today hence why am here so now we must pull as much as we can out of it without overloading you body I myself still and doing this step I have for 2 years now but am almost done and sense I have experience it should take you 3 months if we milk as much out as possible every time

"Wait is there no way to let the Mana stay in the body as a natural source"

Silver: it's possible but the only beings capable are demons now enough questions we have to hurry before you explode

"How do you know I'll explode"

Silver: I saw it happened to a friend of mine who was like us now let's go

We then went to a cafe and entered the back room as he told me to sit on a carpet

Silver: do what you normally did but pull instead of push don't stop or open your eyes until you feel your body get lighter 4 times then we'll do affinity test good luck see you tomorrow

He left and lock the door as you did what he said but for the third time you are back in the void as you felt your body doing what silver said you looked around but this time there is nothing even the stars around you were going away including the ones that were holding you up you started falling as the once black and purple area turned dark red you wanted to scream as you feel but you couldn't do anything only move your eye

WeLcOmE wElCoMe

SuCh A rUdE hOsT

tO lEaVe Me By My SeLf

FoR So LoNg

YoU hOwEvEr ArE fOrGiVeN

nO nEeD tO thAnK mE aFtEr alL

We HaVe SoOoO mUcH tImE tO oUrSeLvEs