
Not so Normal (highschool dxd male reader insert)

just a fanfiction I made and decided to post here.

Kawininja · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


After running a bit you reached the park half way to the church

Silver: and where are you going

"My friends in danger I gotta help her"

Silver: and if I don't let you it would be a problem if I were to be discovered so right now

"Even if you are my master I said before I wanted power to protect those I care about"

Silver: so you see your self as a wolf a ruthless hunter who protects there pack well then let's see how strong you are Mr wolf who needs a leader who can't even protect himself

"Am no leader and  the last person I care about saving I choose black as my color the color of a shadow I shall be the the shadow of many nightmare for some I'll carve the name of this persona into there souls so they think twice about attacking my pack"

Silver: and what name is that


Silver: from lightning dragon to shadow wolf let's hope you live enough for the real Kirin to hear your name

"And let's hope you get out of my way so I can save my friend in time"

Silver: I saw that girls power twilight healing if am correct there extracting her sacred gear

"Which is why I should get there now"

Silver: in the shape your in now what can you do bleed on your enemies

"If I have to I will"

Silver: you pushed your body's limit if you go on and do this you'll put your body in a worst shape and your Mana with tear it apart

"Then I'll just have Asia heal me after I save her"

Silver: Asia is her name I see then I'll let you pass if you get on hit on me but in doing that I will no longer be your master who will teach you magic

"A price am willing to take"


You then dashed forward closing the distance between you two whiles going for a palm strike how ever he grabbed you wrist twist it and jab his finger into the three spots of your left shoulder that were bleeding kicked you in the side then flipped you over him

Silver: never underestimate your opponent

You got back up as you tried to use the fire spell he used before but nothing happened he used you confusion and let out a barrage of punches and kicks your way only hitting spots that were bleeding or where the muscle were soft before you dodge on of his punches and went to counter attack but he jumped back before jumping forward bending on leg and extending the next doing a 3 spin, spin kick

Silver: where was all that talk huh did it disappear with composure

Your left hand then started twitching as you look at silver barely able to hold in you rage as you reached for your gun but the moment you hand touched it you flinched

???: What are you doi- ahhhhhhhhhh

???: Please not my wife

You removed your hand from the gun as all your rage suddenly left you and you paid move attention to keeping your composure as you let some of you Mana out your body and coated your hands with it

'I have to keep calm if this was the church I might have died because of that now'

You rushed forward as he got ready to counter your attack you throw a punch and when he grabbed your wrist you grabbed his pulled him in and knee him in his stomach but he used his next hand to block it using your other hand you do a palm strike at his face

Silver: you win now I am no longer your master however as a friend I suggest you hide your aura now

Seeing at the fight was over you did as he said as he grabbed your shirt and throw you off to the side of the park you got back up and saw a short blonde girl wearing a gothic Loli outfit but the most noticeable feature was the black crow like wings on her back realizing you then realized why silver did this

'he wants me to save Asia but didn't want me to lose my composure and now he's letting himself get discovered so I can go to the church I can't do that' you then pulled out your gun and in a swift moment you did what you did during the fight and transfer your Mana to the gun and into the bullet as if flew through the are and into her right wing taking a good chunk out of the top followed by two one in the middle of the same wing and one on the edge of her left as you ran forward and grabbed her neck and pushed the gun to her forehead after feeling what it can do she stood in fear of your weapon and appearance

"The nun is she alive"

???: Um I-i don't know I was told to stand guard outside until I felt magic being used so I came to check it out

"Lead the way"

You both made it to the church just in time to see a black haired fallen get launch out of a window

????: Damn that issei when I heal myself with my new sacred gear I'll get you

"That's all I needed to hear"

She then looked up only to be met with the barrel of your gun

























*Click* *click* *click*

"That probably got the attention of everyone"

??: Indeed it did

You look behind you to see a red head with blue eyes and big breast

a Raven hair with purple eyes and big breast

A blonde boy with blue eyes

Issei and master

"I see so their why you ran away issei I understand hey fallen what's your name"

???: Millet

"Alright me and her are going to leave but first" you picked up the rings and walked towards issei as everyone on there side except issei got in a fighting stance as issei walked to you and you gave him the rings and pulled him in close "if there's anyway please save her if you can bring her back as the person she use to I don't care if she hated it please save her if she needs someone to blame she can blame me for being to late"

Issei: don't worry am sure she'll be happy know you showed up after all

"F is for friends who do stuff together... Here take these two made them before she got taken"

You pulled out the pocket size plushies you made and and the one of him and Asia to him "tell her if she wants the bigger one she better live"

And with that you spun around and started walking away from the church from the Forest

"Let's go Millet unless you want to die from them either way be my guest"

After hearing your words she hid her wings and followed you

"Can you hide you magical presence"

Millet: y-yes

"Do it and keep it that way I don't want unwanted company at my house"

After reaching your apartment you placed you hand on the railing and left a bloody hand print so you tried not to touch anything and when you reach your door and pulled out the keys your vision was to blurry to see and you had Millet unlock to door but by the time she did you lost feeling in your legs and feel from the third floor down on hard steel of a truck as some of the metal stabbed into your side and you passed out