
Not so little witch

This is a story of a little witch named Elaine as she grows takes up both good and evil magic and goes to a witch school. As she turns 18 her life beings to change when she meets a handsome warlock. Elaine's not so little anymore. MATURE PARTS INCLUDED!!!!!! 17+

Chicaluka · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Chapter 9

Maleficent POV

It has been about two days that I found out about Nicholas and just like the first day of school, he has been acting the same way but this time I was watching him. He has been observing Elaine during class and sometimes he would follow us behind after class to our next one. I really need to talk to him cause if he wants to meet her this certainly is not the way to do it. If Elaine starts to notice he might as well look like a stalker and she wouldn't like that. I would have to message him when I get home or talk to him after school. I was in my last class of the day with Elaine, "hey Maleficent do you want to come with me to a friends house so we can hangout." It was so nice to offer but I did have some things to do. "I'm sorry girl but I have a few things to do after school, maybe next time. I have to meet my boyfriend and his friend today maybe I'll introduce you to my boyfriend next time." I said with a smile. "Oh okay that's fine and I would love to meet your boyfriend, you do talk a lot about him." After she said that now I felt embarrassed and started to blush. When the class bell rang I got up, Snow got on my shoulder and I said my goodbyes to Elaine and her familiar and headed to my locker quickly. "Hey Snow I want you to go find Nicholas and tell me when you find him, I need to talk to him." "I'm right on it Maleficent," that was all Snow said before she took off. A few minutes later she had told me he was outside near the woods, apparently he was going to my boyfriends house but I needed to tell him something alone before he left. I couldn't go to my babe's house this time cause I had homework and a plan to organize. I started heading to where Nicholas was.

Nicholas POV

I was about to lift of in my broom but something landed on my shoulder and it got me off guard, I instantly recognized it was Maleficent familiar or maybe not. "Its Snow, she told us to wait here, Maleficent needs to tell you something." Okay well at least Kara confirmed it, I wonder what she wanted. I waited for a few minutes till she got here; "what is it that you needed?" "Well hello to you too. So I notice you stalking me and Elaine," "hold up I'm not stalking;" "well Nicholas the way you are following around I noticed and maybe Elaine did too, she hasn't said anything to me yet. If you want to get to know her, you have to approach her in a different way or else she will think your a creepy guy stalking her in her first year of college. I had told her I would introduce her to my boyfriend the next time I had the chance either you want me to introduce you when she meets my boyfriend or here at school as a friend of my boyfriends, your choice." Okay what she was considering were both good opportunities to meet her but maybe it was best when she introduces her boyfriend that way so I would have a chance to be alone with her while Maleficent and Blaze can start to make out in a different room. "Okay you can introduce me with your boyfriend but remember you have to call me Nick instead of Nicholas and not my last name either." "Oh alright... Hey what is your last name?" "You don't need to know." After we finished talking I went to Blaze house and I told him what we were going to do.

Elaine POV

I went home to drop off my school bag, when I was going back outside my mom called after me. "Hun your dad will be coming home." "Really what time is he coming?" "He will be here tonight before dinner." I can't wait, my dad is a teacher for light magic, basically fire or control the light. He taught me a few things when I was younger but he got a great teaching job and its kind of far away so he decided to live closer to the school but we wanted to stay well I guess just me but my mom didn't want me living only yet. I only see him at least 4 times a month; I'm surprised he's coming today usually he only comes on weekends, because he is a busy guy, but I'm proud of my dad. I can't wait till he gets home, I quickly got to Larissa's house at top speed. When I got there the door was open for me already, I found her in the living room reading a book. "Hey Larissa... Miss me?" "Yeah of course, what's up?" I told her about my day and all about how my dad was coming, she felt happy for me. I felt bad for her cause her dad had past away when she was little do to a sickness and she didn't have enough time with him especially Nicholas. I only stayed for a few hours so I got home early this time, I wanted to get ready to meet with my dad again. I was in the shower and I started to think of my school day but then my mind started lingering to a guy, Liebchen noticed him first.

Memory of that same day- I was walking to my next class with Maleficent and Liebchen was in my school side bag and was staring behind us. "Hey Liebchen what are you looking at girl?" "Not much Elaine, its just someone following us." I started to look behind us and I got a glace at him and I did admit he was kind of cute, maybe even hot but I didn't have time to have a good look at him, I was in a hurry to my next class. - End of the Memory

I was trying to picture him in my head again but it was hard, I was taking too long in the shower so I finished washing my hair and got out to wear a black and purple dress that my dad gave me on my birthday, of course he sent it with a birthday card; it didn't come till two days after my birthday. I was happy with my dress and when I got downstairs I heard a knock at the door. I am just in time, I went to the door and turned the knob.

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