
Not so little witch

This is a story of a little witch named Elaine as she grows takes up both good and evil magic and goes to a witch school. As she turns 18 her life beings to change when she meets a handsome warlock. Elaine's not so little anymore. MATURE PARTS INCLUDED!!!!!! 17+

Chicaluka · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
23 Chs

Chapter 19

Nicholas POV

I didn't go to school yesterday because I didn't feel well and I didn't want to go, even though I wanted to see Elaine again, I didn't want to get her sick either. I missed her presents and it took a lot effort to get better quickly, I asked my sister to make me a potion to get a faster recovery. I did receive a letter from Maleficent asking about my absence and I told her, she mentioned someone was worried I was gone form school for the whole day and I feel in my heart that it was Elaine, she worried for me; I can't wait to see her, would this be a good time to tell her how I feel? I got to school pretty early this time and I was searching for Eliane, it was at least 10 minutes later that I spotted her. She was at her locker getting some of her books and I creeped up behind her I stood behind her waiting to close her locker and turn around. Once she did, she dumped right into me but she lost her balance and was falling backwards, I took ahold of her waist with my left hand to keep her from falling back and hitting herself with the locker; my other hand slammed against the locker holding the both of us in place from going any farther. We stayed like that, we looked into each others eyes, I had the urge to kiss her then and there; I started to lean in slowly. I was interrupted by the stupid bell and we ended up pulling away. "I have to go." Elaine was leaving me behind. "Elaine wait..." Damn it was I going too fast maybe I shouldn't have done that just yet. I gave Elaine some space and I walked to class alone; when I got to class she was already seated and when I sat next to her I took a glance her way but she didn't seem to be bothered by me, she did seem to turn a little pink.

Elaine POV

"I have to go." I speed walked away so fast, I didn't even wait for him. My face was heating up and my face was like a tomato for sure, I had to cool my face down before class; I walked a little slower and took a few deep breaths before walking in the classroom. When I got to my seat Nick was already walking in and my heart was racing again and I feel my face change color again, when he sat next to me I can sense he was taking a glance where I was but I was just getting nervous again, it made me think what happened awhile ago. The way we were starring into each others eyes was like the dream I kept having but when I looked into them I can see longing but something else as well, affection. I couldn't move, my footing was wrong and he was keeping the both of us in place; he was slowly leaning in, my heart was racing and my brain was telling me to pull away but my heart told me to stay. I was letting him lean in. That's when the bell rang and we both pulled apart and I left the scene. I didn't know what to do when he was calling after me, imaging I was going to have my first kiss with him in front of other students around us, I honestly prefer to be alone for that. I really just wanted to cast my invisible spell upon myself so Nick wouldn't see how sheepish I looked, but I know the professor would think I'm not here; I have no choice in the matter I had to stay as I am. After each class Nick would follow behind me but kept his distance, he was giving me a little space or he didn't know how to approach me, he might think it's awkward now. I spent lunch alone because I was gathering my thoughts and feelings together, Mal wasn't here, she was off campus and Liebchen was at home taking care of her babies. I was finished with lunch, I sat in my hiding place knowing Nick might go to my usual spot. I surrounded myself with bushes and tress that were more behind the school and its was a small dark area so for sure no one would find me here. I found myself tired, my eyelids felt heavy and I closed my eyes for a some rest. My eyes opened when I heard a few footsteps near me, I peaked through the bushes and I could only see their legs by the looks of it male pants so I got up and to my surprise it was Blaze, I came out of my hiding spot and Blaze heard me and smiled at me. "Hi Blaze nice to see you here, did you come to drop off Mal to class, where is she?" "Hi Elaine and yes I just dropped her off already shouldn't you be in class now, its about to start." When he said that I freaked out for a second if I didn't hear him coming over I would have missed one of my classes and then I would have lost points in the class. "Oh my gosh, I didn't know class was beginning soon thanks for passing by." "Oh... Your welcome." I waved good bye to him. I got to my class before the professor did which was good, its odd that I didn't hear the bell this time; I guess I was that tired. I haven't been sleeping well lately; I going to Mal's house after school to tell her what happened today then go home and take a cat nap before I do my school work. During class this time Nick wasn't taking any glances at me the rest of the day or follow behind me after class. When school was over I went to Mal's house by myself; she doesn't know I'm heading over there but I'm sure she's home. I knocked the front door and her mom answered the door. Oh hello dear, how are you." "I'm good, how are you?" "I'm good, won't you come in." I walked in and entered the living room and sat on the sofa. "Is Maleficent here?" "Yes she is, she is taking a shower, she will be out soon. Would you like some tea." "Yes thank you." I sat there for a few minutes before she brought in some tea, she brought two tea cups, the tea pot and some treats for the tea. I thanked her again before Mal came downstairs.

Maleficent POV

I went downstairs after my shower and I saw Elaine in my living room. "Hey Elaine I didn't know you were coming." "Hey, yeah I wanted to surprise you." Elaine just gave me an innocent smile, I think she needs to tell me something. I went to the sofa across from here and grabbed the tea pot and served myself some tea, "so what did you come to tell me?" "Well, it has to do with Nick." Okay this will be interesting, she told me everything. This is some nice juicy gossip. "What should I do Mal? Did I image him leaning forward or was I the one moving closer to him." I think I should tell her about Nick but not everything. "Okay listen Elaine what I have seen and observed is that I do think Nick really likes you, and I do think he was the one leaning in for the kiss and now that you know that you like him; you already confirmed he feels the same way. If something like this happens again that's the green light to go for it and don't hold back. I' give you my congrats in advance girl." It looked like she was in a daze at first then a silly grin appeared on her face. We spent another hour talking about girl stuff and drinking tea and enjoying the baked treats my mother made for us.

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