
Not just a game(BL)

let's play a game. it's called solar system this story isn't about planets, planets are stupid. this isn't a stupid space adventure. who would want to read about a space adventure? why would anyone want to read about a guy on a space adventure? I'm talking too much about space adventures, aren't I?. you're also wondering, what the fuck is this even about if it's not about planets?. Then shut up and let me explain. why would you think this was about planets in the first place? okay, the solar system is a game. I know it has a weird name but trust me it'll make sense pretty soon. okay, in this game, they are ten players, one's the sun and the rest are the planets. so, the sun has to date all nine of the planets, each person is given three days to be their boyfriend or girlfriend. This time around the sun is Caleb Keller, the point guard of the basketball team. And for some unknown reason, I've been picked as one of the nine. now you're probably wondering, saying things like: "what's the problem?", "you're one of the nine" and "you should be happy, you're gonna date a hot guy" well, here's the thing, my Name is Xavier Castor, I'm a guy and I'm not gay. yes, definitely. not gay. never ever gay. now, explain to me, how in the hell am I going to get through the whole month knowing that I'm dating - oh good, lord, that word - Caleb Keller. How?!!!!

T_Of_Hearts · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs

You Are A Disgusting Teenager


Xavier's point of view

the door bell rings and I run downstairs before more or anyone else in this madhouse get it. I didn't make it in time, mom was at the door and she was signing off for my package. she takes the package from the delivery box and shuts the door. "hey, Binky!!... oh, hey, what's in the box?" she sees me and asks. she starts to unwrap it and i freeze.

"mom, no!!" I scream as she starts taking the tape off. I run to grab the box but mom moves away from me.

"what's in the box, Vee?" she starts backing away slowly, unwrapping the box

"mom, please for all of our sakes, do not look inside that box... I am begging you, mom" she peels the tape away and opens the box.

"oh my fucking god" it was a box with a first time vibrator user kit. it had two vibrators and lube and an enema kit, I got them because I was tired of using my fingers. "Xavier?!"

"I told you not to open that and now neither of us can unsee that" I walk up to her and snatch the box from her. "you should be proud that I'm taking your advice and not using Vegetables as dildos"

"you are a disgusting teenager, you know that?" she was fighting a smile. the thing was, I wasn't scared mom would get mad for buying this, I was more worried that i'd be embarrassed. she was more mortified than I was but I guess she was proud I listed to her, she's seen more people with a vegetable stuck up their ass than she'd care for and she didn't want one of them to be her son

"I do, actually and now, if you excuse me, I'll be going upstairs to... playing with my new toys" I quip and she screams.

"oh my god, oh my god!!!!" she keeps screaming. I laugh as she runs away, heading upstairs.

I drop myself on the bed carefully and take out the biggest vibrator, flipping to the highest setting... woah

it was big, even bigger than Cal but this is what I wanted. i lock my door, took off my pants and underwear, laying down on the bed after I grab the lube, pumping some on to my fingers.

I start with two fingers, sliding into my ass and moaning at the slight fullness. I slid my fingers in and out if myself, reaching for the part of me that makes me see stars and gasping as I find it. I added a finger, fucking myself with three of them, moaning as I hit it each and every time.

I pull my fingers out and grab the vibrator, rubbing lubes on to it and the sinking it into my ass, flipping the switch on the lowest setting. "oh... shit" I shut my eyes and fist the sheets, the plan wasn't to fuck myself with it, I was just trying to see how intense the vibrations were.

I reach down again and flip it to the middle. the vibrations become more intense. I moan and bite my lip, fully aware of mom being in the house and trying to keep it down so she wouldn't disown me.

I set it to the highest setting and stroke my cock as my orgasm nears and hits me hard, pushing me over the edge and dropping me hard. "oh... god, oh my fucking god" I lay in the afterglow for a full minute before my brain catches up. I needed to get laid.

I clean myself of up and take my phone from my night, scrolling through my contacts. I find Caleb's name and tap on our chat history, scrolling up to our last sets of texts from more than a month ago

"I'll see you at the party, boyfriend" I had texted

"yeah, I'm so excited for our date after" he texted back.

"me too" I added a few hearts and texted it back to him.

"Xavier, please answer your damn phone" Caleb texted

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" Caleb texted again

"Vee, please" and again

"I'm sorry" and again

"don't do this to me, please" and again

"please" and again

Caleb! Caleb! Caleb!!

I need to stop before I gave in, so I texted him "I didn't do anything to you, please leave me alone, Caleb, I can't let you break my heart again" I finally texted and blocked his number.

I'd see him every once in a while, walking through the hallway or in class rooms and he'd smile at me or wave and sometimes I'd catch myself smiling back or waving at him first but no matter how many times I waved or smiled, I was still scared of him hurting me.

Caleb picking Sophie over me hurt like hell and I was still reeling from that punch to my heart and my heart wouldn't be able to take another. I knew he was having problems and dealing with his emotions and all the bad shit his mother did to him but I wasn't going to let him walk all over me because he had problems.

I snap myself out of my gloom and call Shawn. the phone rang six times before I realized what was happening. Shawn usually picked up by the third ring, if he didn't, he was probably with his parents or having sex with his new fuck buddy, Daniel.

Shawn seemed to have gotten it into his head that he couldn't fall in love and have a happily ever after, so, he's taking the executive decision to have great sex. and that was great for him, except he didn't understand you weren't supposed to answer the phone when you're getting railed.

"hello" Shawn answer and I could hear the slapping sounds of sex.

"stop picking up while you're getting fucked!" I chide at him.

"maybe you should stop calling me when– oh god... right there!! fuck me just like that, Dee!!"

"Shawn!!!!" I scream into the phone and hang up when he moans. "Jesus!" I really needed to get laid

I stand up from the bed and pull on some pants, Making my way downtairs and calling Maddie as I walk. "hey, Maddie"

"Hey, yourself" I can hear her rummaging around her room. "so, did your vibrator come in?"

"eww, gross. don't repeat that again... but yes, they did come in a few hours ago and they are tested and trusted" I quip and she fakes a gag. "what are you looking for?"

"my fucking keys, I don't know where I left them... did I leave them at your place?"

"I don't think so, see as you'd need them to drive home" I hear her chuckle at my joke, march down her step and scream to her moms and ask if anyone of them had seen it... I guess one of them did because soon she's back on the line and jiggling her keys into the phone.

"found them and now, I've got to go get some female essentials from the store... do you want to come?"

"you know, on a normal day I would have said no but I'm that bored, so I'm going to say yes" I answer.

"okay then, I'll pick you up...." she trails off and then she speaks. "never mind, Vee, something just came up"

Caleb's point of view.

I play with my fingers before I worked up the courage to ring Amber's door bell. she opens the door and sees me standing there.

she had her phone to her ear. she looks me up and down before talking "never mind, Vee, something just came up" she hangs up and drops the phone in her pocket. "hi, honey" she says softly and pulls me into a hug. I hug her back draw from her comfort.

for the past month, Amber has been my rock, she guided me and helped me to get over the fear of sharing certain things at my therapy appointments. she was the one I talked to when I need to get things about therapy off my chest... well her and Shawn. I knew they were betraying, Xavier by helping me but I also couldn't be more grateful.

"I need your with something, Mads" I told her. she pulls away and looks me up and down.

"is it illegal?" she asks, a smile at the edge of her lips.

I laugh lightly and shake my head. "unfortunately for you, it is not but it's kind of important and there's no one else I can trust with this except you"

"okay, now you're sounding serious, what is it? " she asks taking my hand. "you know you can tell me anything, Caleb"

"yeah, I do" I squeeze her hand. "so, I got a tank full of gas and an entire weekend and I think I'm going to use it to drive back to bright falls and go see my mum... and I kind of don't want to go at it alone. I need backup, you know... I need you, just in case"

"okay... then but I'mma tell my moms I'm studying at your place, is that okay?"

"yeah, thanks" she let's go of my hand and goes in to talk to her moms, leaving me behind to imagine the worse possible scenarios on how this would go.

I dreaded it