
Not Human 1

A night in the woods, a morning of questions. Asher McKnight's life is changed after he wakes up to the most painful experience in his life. The stories always said a bite did it, but it's different now. The tables are turning and the bodies are piling. Teenagers and townsfolk going missing and Rider's Crest has more creatures than it should boast suddenly showing up everywhere. What's worst, someone is turning people into supernaturals but not the regular way. Asher's new world is catching up to him fast,and he seems to keep hearing that lone wolves never make it to winter. Yet with a stubborn alpha hell-bent on pulling him into the pack, a vampire that won't leave his side and Helsings in the mix. Asher can't believe he'd actually grown up in such a dangerous place. Maybe, just maybe he'd get to see winter.

SaimtNoctis · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs

That's a big one.

The pain blurred all thoughts of time and speed as she stared on at the moon, her body shaking as it begged for the fire to be quenched. Her head jerked to the side, the patter of feet locking onto her hearing.

"Great. Now I'm going delirious. . " Her lips moved in a mumble.

The feet patter came closer catching her interest but not moving her from her position. Her body had gotten so weak and pained she could barely feel her limbs. Her skin had turned icy as it seemed to be ready to crack in any minute.

The feet came close very close, but at this point she could really not give a damn, the world had tilted to her the moon had disappeared in it's place the sun had taken over. The stench of alcohol stung her nostrils but she smiled, it was a welcome escape from the annoyance that was this night.  Another stench wafted in assaulting and chasing off the alcohol. It smelt of bar and alcohol, a man's cologne but female's too.

*Well. What ... Burp....Do we ...gat here. "A voice, very drunk voice spoke. She sensed it now, the twist the churn, it pulled at her called for her. Her lids opened as she finally realized there was no fighting it.

"Help". The croak left her throat beckoning the victims forwards as the crouched down. In their drunken state they could have noted the burns and if that had been oblivious the red eyes that peeled at them was a dead giveaway or atleast the teeth she flashed in a pained smile.

It was a quick and slow ordeal, she didn't, couldn't make out how she got to his neck all she knew was. water was a huge exaggeration.

She gulped down the liquid like it was a lifeline, though to her she assumed it was one. It exploded senses on her tongue that she didn't realize any food could. Wafted around her mouth like a favorite drink as it soothed her nerves and quench the wildfire blazing in her body.

The burns slowly receded, the bruises and cuts following suit till her skin was as clear and as fresh as porcelain. She felt the liquid end and moved away letting him drop to the asphalt his body already cold and lifeless. Her senses awakened more than it had before as she gazed at the fool before her a fool she noted who was actually screaming. She'd been too absolved in the blood to notice his cries or the death cries of the one she drained. She felt a strength that she had lacked, a weakness now gone from her. 

Like a statue,  the second had paused at the feet of the  other he's eyes locked on her and unable to move from his position. She stared at him for the longest time while he simply stood, gaze locked on her. Her mind was clear no thought, no plan no premeditation. All that surrounded her was the buzz of the pull and the elation that came from the blood.

He finally moved tearing off in a run up the street as he screamed more if it was possible. She lunged her body now at total use to the need for the sustenance her fangs at the ready as her arm pulled the running man back and the other twirled him to face her. His scream went up an octave as he saw and realised then sharply it died as her fangs met his neck.

She relished in the blood, the fire now gone her body hummed in relief, more than relief as something else replaced the fire. A spark like a shock running over and everywhere in her. The red metallic liquid kept running down her throat and filling her belly as the spark intensified. She could feel her skin humming in appreciation her body reeling and begging for more of this heaven.

SPLASH. She heard it first,a disturbance in her bliss. Then a snap and a little crack like a twig, and her body hummed maybe not a disturbance. Maybe more bliss it said, less pain now and more of the spark it echoed.

She smelt it next, the scent of fur and blood, a little bulb activated in her at the scent.  Slowly she raised her head up letting the second man drop as she turned ever so slowly her body humming with need but her mind now cautious.

She stared, it was all she could do, stare. The streetlight above kept flickering a nuisance for her vision as her red gaze burned into the creature before her. Her mind clawed at the truth searching for the answer until it held it up for analysis like a prize. Wolf. Big. Very big wolf.

She eyed it's black fur, the muscles that adorned it's form, it's bloody snout that a red tongue kept licking. What did wolf eat?, Her mind asked, meat?.  Was she meat?. She pondered as she stared. Her eyes locked with the blue orbs that were it's eyes, blue orbs that seemed to remind her of the day sky that the sun now hid from her.

Blue orbs she watched intently until it burned gold eliciting a gasp from her. The wolf seemed enraged as it looked at her feet. Her gaze following till her mind came to a halt and she gasped fully outright.

"I liked them". She muttered lowly to herself. But her inner turmoil had the wrong timing with a black wolf snarling out at her.

Run. Her body hummed her mind agreeing, turning she left the floor she had stained with crimson and ran forward. She could not even tell difference, the air slapping against her as she ran a speed she knew was normal in those cartoon drawn books her brother always read back home but shouldn't be possible in reality.

A bark and she turned, her gaze widened in panic as she saw it catching up. How?. She pondered. Her feet made more effort her mind zeroing in on one thought. Flee. Survival. No more pain.

Her mind watched but her body knew the error before it came, her feet tangling, her body leaving the buffet of air it had been comforted with as she struck the forest floor a cry leaving her lips. Turning to guage the Wolf's distance her eyes widened as she saw it just a few legs behind it's maw already open and eager to have a taste of her.

No. Her body relented, no more pain for today her arms shooting forward and grabbing the Wolf's shoulders in a speed she barely realised and a twist that had it flung aside and rolling in the dirt as it snapped at air.

She watched as it stared at her licking it's jaw more before baring it's teeth her eyes widening in panic as it pounced. Up she went into the security of the trees, where dogs she knew weren't supposed to come. But this one did.

It jumped and dived finding purchase in things bigger than it. She moved to avoid it's fangs but found the avoided pain lighting up the nerves on her back as she went down to the ground with the wolf in tow.

She hissed in pain as she watched the mass of black hunt her. The scream tore from her lips as it's jaws clamped on her right leg, but she moved her body and mind as one kicking out as it jumped away as it's gold eyes gleamed in expectation as she realized it enjoyed the hunt. Gold eyes that flickered as the blue calmed the storm then abruptly was reignited in a sea of gold.

It came again and she knew this would be it, she scampered back but there was no where to move as it made for her face. Her cry went up as her mind asked the question of sanity while her body hummed defiance. A peek found the wolf staring down at her still poised to kill. It's gold sun and blue sea fighting for purchase. She watched the battle as the wolf jumped off her and still stared. She could feel the hesitance the indecision but she couldn't be sure.

The bark did it for her as did the blue looking back at her as the beast stared, she waited for no assurance as she disappeared gliding into the air as she made sure of the increased distance between her and the black mass of fur.

Home was waiting. Home was where she ran for , her body hummed and her injuries sealed off like they never occured and she kept running unsure if the gold had taken over again and was coming.

Her question was answered as her ears picked up the howl, the distress in them calling to her. The questions and confusion that seeped through the mournful sound had her halting a gaze thrown back from where she had fled. Her mind pulled to return her body hummed different. Home. And home she went, away from this forest away from this night that had brought nothing but pain she'd never felt.

But in a last gaze she looked to the sky and finally realized, the moon was white and one and the sky had no fire. No, it had just black ink and one queen watching her, it's light embracing her movements like an adoring mother.