
Not Human 1

A night in the woods, a morning of questions. Asher McKnight's life is changed after he wakes up to the most painful experience in his life. The stories always said a bite did it, but it's different now. The tables are turning and the bodies are piling. Teenagers and townsfolk going missing and Rider's Crest has more creatures than it should boast suddenly showing up everywhere. What's worst, someone is turning people into supernaturals but not the regular way. Asher's new world is catching up to him fast,and he seems to keep hearing that lone wolves never make it to winter. Yet with a stubborn alpha hell-bent on pulling him into the pack, a vampire that won't leave his side and Helsings in the mix. Asher can't believe he'd actually grown up in such a dangerous place. Maybe, just maybe he'd get to see winter.

SaimtNoctis · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
33 Chs



I eyed myself in the mirror as I did my little makeup to try and tone down my paleness. I blinked my eyelashes a bit as I turned in different angles checking out the look I had given myself. I stood from the vanity table pleased with the red of my lips that complimented my hair. My red dress which I knew was going a bit overkill with the red was perfectly molded to my curves before spilling out like waves and then stopping above my knees. The breeze tickled my bare back as my finger rubbed the line where the dressed rejoined d just above my hip. Grabbing my purse and slipping the phone into it I headed downstairs.

Tonight was Venna's home warming party to welcome the family home. Most people had been invited to attend and fortunately cops too. At least I heard that cops were invited too so I hoped that he was coming since everyone was allowed to bring their family.

I doubted though since I knew the boy's intense dislike for socializing. I'd have to hopefully assist with that today if he came.

"Little A! Aurora dear come on let's get going. " My mum hollered from down the stairs while I hurried to descend.

"I'm here I'm here. Sorry last-minute touches that's all.". I hurried down as I apologized.

"Hunny you look breathtaking, any special someone. " My dad asked from the door where he stood in his tux looking me over with pride in his eye that said yep my wife and I got busy and made that.

"Dad!" I exclaimed thankfully the little powder covered up whatever redness he caused on my cheeks.

"So there is?. Alright. In the car y'all, and you .." my mum pointed at me ".. spill. I wanna hear all the juicy bits. " She shook giddily which made me cringe.

"Wait. Didn't you and George ..."

"Martin !!" My mum exclaimed glaring at him then she shot me a wary look.

"It's okay mum. I'm fine. All in the past now". I assured her.

"Ehmm. Not sure a week is too far to be called the past " my dad stated then froze as he found me and my mum looking at him like he was about to die a quick death.

"I'll be silent now. " He said and walked to the car while my mum and I stared at each other then laughed. My dad was always the goofiest man and we both loved him for it even though he didn't quite know when to zip it.

"Evelyn, front seats empty hun. Come on. We'll be late. " Dad told us from the car and we hurried down to him Derek and I getting in the back while mum sat up front with Dad.

He started the engine and pulled out of our driveway into the street heading over to Venna's place. Dad gave us a look through the rearview mirror as he ordered us to put on our seatbelts. Once he looked and saw Derek lock his seatbelt he turned and smiled at mum grabbing her hand like they were high school lovers. Derek made a groaning sound and a face while I smiled.

Venna's place always blew my mind away. It was one helluva mansion to be at. The driveway expanse gave room for a lot of cars to park. A fountain sat in the center of the driveway creating a roundabout. A large expanse of the field went all the way behind the actual house to the fence. It was longer and wider than a football field.

The house itself was nothing too fancy which made me smile. Even with a lot of money, the family had they still went a bit simple with their choice of looks.

Mum and I held Derek hand in hand as we walked over to the doors while Dad went to park the car. Derek was a wanderer so once mum saw the place she gave me the look that said keep an eye on Derek which sucked.

As we got to the entrance we found two burly guys in suits waiting to check for invitations. Fortunately, the only card was sent out that extended to the family.

Mum handed them the card and mentioned my dad who went to park the car and after leaving his name with them we went in.

The outside looked simple but the inside was beautiful. A large stairway led to the two other floors of the house. Behind the stairway stretched the main hall expanse where the dinner was being set in the grandest spiral table I had ever laid eyes on. Not like I had ever seen a spiral table before but this one was huge. Very huge. It covered the entire room from wall to wall. It was brought in for the dinner because it wasn't there the last time I came.

"Aurora!" A voice called to me and I turned to watch Venna strut over to me arms open with a smile that could make an angel fall.

"Hey girl" she winked. "Looking wicked huh" she smiled then looked to mum who had been patiently watching with a smile as she went past me and hugged her.

"Good evening Mrs. Philips, you are looking stunning this evening. " My mum blushed and smiled as she waved Venna away after being released from her hug

"You are not supposed to tell her that little girl, that's my line." My dad piped in suddenly appearing beside us.

"Hey Mr. P. Long time no see." Venna greeted him as she hugged him.

"Hey. Where's my hug" Derek piped up looking cross. Venna chuckled then leaned over hugging him.

"A hug for the little prince " she straightened up smiling down at him, a twinkle lighting up in the boy's eye.

"I beg to say he'll be crushing soon enough" Mum spoke smiling while Derek gave her a sharp but cute look.

"I do not mum." Then turning he grabbed me as he made to pull me towards the table. "Let's find our seats Aurora".

"Of course, we will, just not yet." I released his grip as I spoke. I turned back to Venna who just chuckled at me before a guy tapped her shoulder softly. Turning her head to him her smile seemed to fizzle a bit before she gave him a questioning glance.

"Mother needs you". The black American spoke his brown eyes twinkling with mischief.

"I'll be right back girl." Then turning she moved past him.

"I'll just be keeping your little friend here company" he stated more to me than to a Venna who practically disappeared. His hand extended to me his palm facing up, a gesture I inclined to not be comfortable with. Placing my hands in his I watched as he took it to his lips a dark look crossing his features while his eyes seemed to roam my form without care. I decided there and then that I didn't like him.

"If you'd excuse me I..."

"Ah. But the evening is only just beginning my dearest. No need to run off I'm sure you'd find my company very .." he paused to lick his lips as his eyes darted down my body again leaving tingles of repulsion along my body. " ...interesting.".

"I assure you. I'm not one to find many things interesting." I hissed not bothering to hide the malice in my tone as I withdrew my hand and stepped an inch away closer to my mum who was now conversing with some other older people. He seemed to be amused by my outburst though which showed me that this was nothing new to him.

I was saved whatever more stupidity he had brewing when Venna reappeared by my side with a questioning look.

"So, when does this thing begin?." I asked coldly to which she cocked an eyebrow and then glanced over to where the boy stood now conversing with another guy.

"He been a dick again?" She asked me her eyes lighting up with fury.

"It's nothing actual, just a creep that's all. I can handle them just fine" I assured. She looked at me a while then nodded calmly before looking ahead and sighing.

"Here comes another one of em creeps" she muttered I looked forward and frowned. Platinum blonde hair, ash eyes, a jawline that could cut through paper, and a smile that once lit my belly afire, George Hayton was the typical high school girl's dream boy and for a long time ago he had been.

"And the devil fell to earth" Venna hissed before picking a flute of champagne off a waiter's tray.

"Don't insult the devil Venna, he'd be so embarrassment" I sassed. Venna halted almost spitting out her drink then glaring at me she downed it all in one go.

"Ladies, nice to see you all here". George's silky annoying voice greeted. I smiled back keeping my mouth shut.

"Standing away from the jerk section which is where you should be headed" Venna lashed blinking fiercely I stifled a laugh and on catching his eye coughed and cleared my throat.

"I'll... Uhm..... be seated." He murmured.

"Do one better. Leave" Venna hissed. I clasped my hand on her shoulder and smiled at George.

"Ignore her. One too many glasses already." He nodded and walked past us.

"Really? Leave?." I asked folding my arms. She shrugged smiling back.

"That one had better be careful though. I intend to murder the next idiot who toys with you" she stated looking behind me.

"Who ...?" I turned and found him. His black hair was combed together, it hung down around his head stopping right at his neck. His blue eyes swept the crowd in discomfort as his hands twitched, his legs stood rigidly on the spot refusing to move anymore as his mom spoke to another lady I recognized as the Sherrif. Both ladies wore the same one-handed strap though Mrs. Eve's was a bright turquoise while the Sheriff's was black. Both gowns swept down to the floor. By his right stood Benjamin who looked sorely happy to be here his eyes roaming more excitedly than his best friend's.

I didn't even know I had been moving till I stopped right in front of him his blue eyes dropping down to meet mine a smile blooming on his face.

"Hey " I started then facepalmed mentally. What was I, eight years old?.

"You look... breathtaking" he spoke his eyes twinkling. A smile stretched across my lips before I nodded once and turned to Mrs. Eve to hide the blush on my cheeks.

"Hi, Mrs. McKnight, Sherrif" the two ladies looked at me Eve smiling while the Sherrif just shook her head.

"This is a party child, just call me Mrs. Alba or lady Alba I always wanted to be called that " she mused laughing.

"Well I guess that the party hasn't begun yet," Benjamin asked as he made a side punch to my arm.

"Hey, Benjamin. And no it hasn't. Let's go in?" I asked turning to the woman who nodded.

"Yes of course. But I don't know for Theodore here, he'd much rather stay at home sulking" Mrs. Eve stated giving Asher the side-eye.

Asher groaned as he stared at his mother exasperated. "I'm right here mother" he murmured then glanced back at me. I walked closer linking my arm to his while he stilled for a minute then relaxed while we walked to Venna.

Greetings erupted all over again and the conversation started as people met and walked away. New guests arrived and the process cycled till the room was a bit full of people. I and Asher stood with Venna to my side a fact that had been so obviously made when Asher blandly strode outta her reach to my right and stood leaning against the wall.

Venna had tagged him a scared cat to which he stated. "Rather be scared than butchered". I had tried not to agree with him.

The clink of glass and the clearing of throat silenced the grand hall as everyone's attention went to the top of the balcony that overlooked the great expanse where the table covered.

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen. And of course little ones" the man said eyeing little Derek and another little girl who stood pushing each other. Their antics halted once they realized eyes were on them and they just stared while everyone else chuckled or laughed at their expense.

"Well, welcome. It's my honor to welcome you all to this great family's home welcoming. Please do retreat inside to celebrate with us at the great gathering here tonight. It also is an honorary toast today to our town's lovely and old founding fathers and their families who are with us together. A toast of respect to the Sherrif and her wonderful department and course to well all of us. Please be seated and be merry.". He smiled down as everyone clapped and cheered before nodding in greeting and walking off sight.

"Founding family?" Asher spoke. I looked at him and shrugged

"The four founding family. well, technically there were more than four. Eight or seven I think but only a few left now, the rest either all died or left town." Venna explained.

"And now there's only three left," I stated to which she nodded.

"Let me guess. Your family is one right?" Asher asked glancing at her. She nodded looking back at him as he sighed shaking his head.

"Figures." He commented watching as everyone got somewhere to a seat.

"What does that mean?" She asked a glint of annoyance in her eyes as she stepped around me quickly.

"Nothing much" he shrugged then realized she was in his path as he looked down narrowing his gaze. Her hand was fast slipping in between the shirt button spacing. My eyes widened as I watched whatever she did make Asher glare and grab her hand before he winced out in the pain.

"It's a founding family that usually hosts this kind of thing so, of course, it figures." He spat air quoting the last word and dropping her hand like it was a snake before storming past her in anger.

"Yup. You did it. " I muttered sighing before following after him leaving a wide-eyed Venna behind.

I found him taking a seat to the far left with lots of empty chairs between him and the other guests in both directions. Social much.

I walked over my gaze never leaving his now nonchalant face when another person took the seat to his right a palm placed on his shoulder. The girl from yesterday who'd given us a nice little lecture.