
Not Home (Vanaheim's Princess)

Ivvy, Princess of Vanaheim , goes on a mission to retrieve the gem of the black heart to redeem her land from the wrath of its gods. After spending years with fruitless efforts with the humans, she finally gets a clue on where the gem is kept. Will she find it, or will she be overwhelmed with unforeseen issues? What extent of hell will be let loose on the humans by the Vanir's to get back their princess.

C_Yi · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Marriage to the prince

Chapter 7

That same day, 8:30pm.

I'm surprised I still have enough cash to secure a hotel lodge for the night, and even more surprised I was allowed to go home.

I rethink Jim's idea, but that's way too risky, im stuck between being acquitted of all charges and putting another in my shoes.

I slowly but steadily walk by the side of weird shade of blue looking pool, I can hardly remember how clouds gather up and cry , but I wish it could happen right now.

I swiftly turn back; well being I'm certain someone has been on my trail for about half an hour, that's the more reason im outside, so no one hears as I incapacitate them.

'Who's there?'I shout out .

I just need to feel their breath from behind and then I'll take them out, I hope it's a she, Jeremy sure needs company .

A shadow passes me from behind.

I kinda wish the lights here weren't so dim, well that's what I get for patronizing a 3- star rated hotel.

I quickly turn on my phone light and take a quick spin .

"Whoosh" I slip into the pool, due to a slight push from behind and I remember something crucial; Miss Ivvy , you never learnt to swim.

'Help! Is anyone there ? I can't swim, a little assistance wouldn't hurt here!' I shout out again.

Someone's coming towards me , but the light reflection is foiling my squinting effort. I try flapping my hands in the water , but the water current seems to be pulling my legs in deeper.

I hear a hearty laugh , and realise that I've made a fool out of myself , with the last anger in me , I take on a high jump and land a foot away from the edge of the pool.

'Trust me when I say , that was the worst cry for help I've ever heard, Mist, you sound like a pathetic human, poor thing, look what these monsters have done to you,' Ayer says.

Don't ask me how I know its her, no one sounds as criticizing as she does, I know I've been looking for a way to get through to her , but still she deserves an earful.

And most importantly, her mentioning Mist, is the best of all reminders that I'm named after something on this miserable planet.

'Why are you here?'

'Oh good lords of Vaneheim, this being of yours has lost it, but I assure you there's no use for this height of stupidity of yours in jail dear,' Ayer says with a smirk on the side of her lips.

Did she really come to save me ? Oh my sweet Ayer, I always knew she cared about me; well not until a few seconds ago.

'So you know about my predicament?' I ask almost infuriated.

'Oh chill off princess, so what if I know, you had a perfect opportunity to pouf out of this situation, but you still took your chances, so how is it a problem if I didn't come to help,' Ayer replies with a cheerful jeer.

Is it me or has Ayer come to rub salt in my wounds; not like I'm listening to her or anything, but I wonder sometimes if she has brains sometimes, and if it depreciated over the few years we've spent here.

'Then tell me , why are you here,' I say looking at the pool.

'Well I have a message from home for you, Itty wants us to abort the mission,' Ayer says , handing over a folded letter to me.

The same Itty that wanted me to remain here forever , I doubt it, even if the entire universe would change, Itty wouldn't.

I immediately loosen the seal , and read the message . I break hold of the letter; my marriage has been fixed with someone .

I look at Ayer and see not even a trace of a smile; if I saw one, then this probably would be a silly prank.

'So is getting married to some prince more important than retrieving the gem of the black heart, and saving Vanaheim?' I ask, trying to clear out the clog of tears down my throat.

'Its an order Mist, you and I are in no position to question it, I propose we leave tomorrow, it'll also save you from your earthly issues,'Ayer says , trying to untangle her hair strands.

 'And runaway like a chicken? Sia needs me, and so does the rest of my friends, moreover, I'm this close to getting the gem,'I say, compressing my index and thumb .

I definitely can't leave, everyone might think I am the perpetrator , and what about Peggy and my earth mom, I have some responsibilities towards them; not like I've been fulfilling them these past days.

I've gotten to know that the gem resides somewhere in Sia's company, so I really have to stay, even if Ayer decides to stop being my guide , then fine; she's never really been of help to me for years now.

'Sweetie, I get it, even I have to leave Simone eventually, I'm but a guide, we failed in our mission, but if you can get married to the prince then everything will be alright, that I promise you,'

I look at her with spite in my eyes, I'm no expert in love issues , but that sounds like betrayal, if I know Ayer even a bit then she's a rule-breaker; I suspect there's something more to this message.

' Ahaa, so I was right, you are bisexual,' I say, snapping my fingers at her face.

I see her stare at me in a less benevolent way; its not my fault I find time to pin her bad habits.

'So you won't come back to Vanaheim then, good riddance to bad rubbish darling, you'll regret this decision, they'll come get you in the worst of ways ,and they'll be no one to save the people you cherish too much to go back to your land.'Ayer says and turns her back on me.

I'm glad she gets my weird ways of answering to annoying commands.

I know they'll come back for me, but still, if Sia dies , then Vanaheim is in jeopardy; either ways the ones I care about will end up suffering, I'll take my chances.

'I honestly have no intentions to disobey , Ayer, I just need little time to set things straight, I mean Sia is still in the hospital, the moment she gets well then we can go , could you at least me -?' 

'We'll meet in Vanaheim, have a nice life Mist,' Ayer interrupts me, and begins walking forward.

Letting her leave this way , will incur a way severe punishment from both Itty and the royal counsel; the solution is simple Ayer musn't leave for Vanaheim tomorrow.

As easy as it sounds , Ayer never goes back on her words ; but I think I know just what will take the bunny out of the hat.