
Not Home (Vanaheim's Princess)

Ivvy, Princess of Vanaheim , goes on a mission to retrieve the gem of the black heart to redeem her land from the wrath of its gods. After spending years with fruitless efforts with the humans, she finally gets a clue on where the gem is kept. Will she find it, or will she be overwhelmed with unforeseen issues? What extent of hell will be let loose on the humans by the Vanir's to get back their princess.

C_Yi · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Alfhiem treat

Come to think of it, I've seen creatures with his set of eyes, yes from Midgard; but there's absolutely no way I'm asking questions about that.

I've stooped so low in the eyes of my quartet , to stoop even lower in the eyes of some powerless wimp; I only insult people I feel no reason to fancy and also guys I end up...never mind.

It's been over an hour, we're no longer home; I mean Sia's home.

Yes you heard me right, "we're"; for totally plutonic reason though.

Who am I kidding, I feel I'm hitting on a god right now, whatever made him ask me out on a coffee date must have been in my favour, well even though I wanted some alone time.            

'So are you and Sia like besties or something?'Finn asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

I feel like I've met him or like I've been with his kind sometime back, his coffee order raised my curiosity level even higher; now I'm fighting with the sting to ask him why he ordered for; Alfheim treat huh?

I really hope I'm just but a slightly more inquisitive thinker bell, and nothing more.

'Yup, sure, we've been besties for a couple of years now, no biggie,'I say trying to fend off his glares with a cheeky smile.

I try not to smile with my teeth wide open, who knows if a veggie leaf from the salad I ate earlier on is hanging in there.

'Wow, I can't remember a friend lasting way more than a month or two, before moving to a new place, it's been quite some predicament for me though, so tell me do you guys take any potions to be together or something,' He says , trying to get a hint of my smile.

I chuckle almost instantly.

Hmph I have to say , he's got the case of Friends Leavisities, that's my diagnosis, I'm afraid he'll call the place I work to take away my medical permit if I tell him this .

'Trust me, it really isn't as easy as you assume it to be, especially when you're also among a quintet group, with all except one being your bestie,'I say, quickly taking a dip sip in my tea. 'Sometimes I try to take time alone with myself, you know?'

I really feel I've said too much already, do I stop, or try asking questions about his ailment; having no friends is a huge disease.

'Well I think I concur, asides having time to chill out with your pals, taking a time out from chitchats can really be satisfying,' He says letting out a side grin.

'Just like what I planned to do after work today, till you-,'I pause and wait to see his facial expression.

Is it me or are we both waiting for what next I'll say.

'Pardon me for foiling your perfect self coffee time, I actually planned on going with Sia initially, but as it stands I think she needs to take health leave, having to joggle two jobs isn't easy one bit,' He says.

'You're right on that one, that reminds me , do you also work in the designing section as Sia or you work at some other section in the company you both work in,' I ask ,conspicuously checking if my manicure was done properly.

I'm scared I might end up getting lost in the eyes of an elf or whoever he is.

'I work in her section as well , I know it sounds weird that a guy has passion for sketching out designs for accessories , but between you and I , I just do it for the companionship and to feel the team work spirit I never felt growing up,' He says and I spot a hint of regret in his tone.

Poor thing, although I'm as commitment what Pamela Anderson is to AA bras, I still feel he's got it worse than I do, I would perfectly fathom if he needed a hug from me once in a while in the future.

That's even if we'll see again after this date, and there's no way I'll just engulf him in a hug; even if that might entirely reveal his true personality to me.

'Its fine, If your job gives you as much joy as you make it sound, then I feel no need to criticize your means of happiness, and besides your job brings smiles and satisfaction to tons of people every day , so come on, cheer up champ,' I say brightly and place my hand on his' .

I can clearly see a warm smile crawling up to his cheeks, I wonder if my words are that powerful. And now he's staring at my wrist so intently, that I could swear that he's got his eyes on my bracelet; I hope it's not the same one he gave his girlfriend.

That's even if he's not single.

I fear he'll assume I stole them; my only crime so far is to feel the skin of a guy I've come to pity within the past 22 minutes; yup I'm timing myself here.

'I could swear I designed a pair of these a month ago,' He says, with a burst of energy.

I'm glad he's starting to feel the moment, but I see no reason why he has to lie about designing my bracelet just to change the topic; that's kinda low.

'Shut- up! I actually got it from Sia's boutique just last week you know,'I say, making use of a teenager's sign-language.

It's been an attitude I've imbibed over the years, there's nothing like exaggerating a lie, in teenful spirit. Like taking things off the harps; for all I know, I'm just trying to save him the embarrassment. 

'You know, if you check its lock end, you'll see my name embedded in it,' Finn says.

I can't believe he's this confident about a lie; unless I'm wrong about his personality, yes for the second time.

I slowly free his hand and check the lock of my bracelet, is it me or has my brain finally duplicated Finn's name on my wrist; I owe him two apologies so far, even though he has no clue.

'Geez, I never noticed, I can't believe you designed this yourself, it was so beautiful that I fell for it the moment I saw it,' I say, gazing deeply at my wrist.

This bracelet often makes me remember the moment I spent with Erith in my childhood at Vanaheim; Erith was my betrothed, I truly did love him, so much that I almost made my first big kill when Midgard attackers came after him.

Till date I miss him, I wonder if I'll ever see him again. Those eyes of his, just like Finn's; what if they're the same person, and what if he's also on earth for a mission as I am as well.

And what if it's the complete opposite; and Finn is just Finn, what if my suspicions are still the traces of deranged me, and because I write to Erith and send it through my window in the shape of a paper aeroplane every night.

Yes I haven't gotten over him , but my mission here has to be completed before I return home; to this I slowly kiss my dreams of ever seeing Erith , a resounding ,goodbye.

'I designed it for a special someone, and I'm glad it got to her in time,' He says staring at his table to spot dust.

That's what I feel, why else would he leave his date's eyes for a flimsy table; come on Ivvy, he just has a weird way of flirting, give him a break, at least he's taking me along.

'I feel it's the hands that have made them that are special, it's a shame you both bear the same name, I would have given him a special gift as well,' I say, trying to curtail the length of my giggles.

I could clearly see the delight in his eyes when I ended my words, following a breakdown into laughter.

Yes this definitely is my Erith's smile; it's because his laugh is contagious, and the way I'm responding to it could make him think I've lost it.

'So what would you give him Ivvy, a bracelet, another nice coffee date or something much better?'


Or a tight slap for asking your date for a gift like a jerk would on a first outing; even though I know he's trying to be sweet.

'Well I'll decide that later but how does that even bother you, I could bet your ass that you didn't design this, your hands are way too delicate to produce the perfect detailing I see here Mr Finn,' I say, rolling my eyes.

I don't even know why I said that; dumb me, why drag this any further. I'm hoping he overlooks my stupidity, being with humans has made my reasoning degrade to their level.

'You're right, my hands are quite frail, and maybe a bit delicate, my lady, and yours are-' He says , placing his palm right beneath mine.

'Your hands are just the way they should be , soft, beautiful and gracefully just like you are,' He continues , 'I've never seen any pair match up to yours.'

He sounds like we're in the mid-eighties, and I'm a milkmaid or something; or let's say something like Romeo, it's romantic, yet a bit overboard.

The way his thumb keeps caressing my skin, gives me the tingles, and now that his eyes are glued at mine, I feel hesitation to look away; what the heck is going on here?

Ivvy wake up already.

It's been up to three minutes and we both aren't looking away yet, I'm afraid we could keep this up till the waiter brings our bill, and for a split second I can see his- eyes- watering, but then the worst happens.

My –my-my happiness killer calls, I kinda feel guilty for leaving with her co-worker without dropping a message.

Her call immediately zaps Finn and I back to reality, as I free my hand from his to quickly take the call.

 'Could you excuse me for a sec? It's Sia.'I say and quickly leave for the back of the shop.

"Ivvy, I want you to leave wherever you might be and head for Milestone's general hospital,' a voice I feel resembles that of Cassie tells me.

Now I'm unable to shake the feeling that Sia's in some kind of trouble , I hope, I really hope that my vision hasn't manifested yet; no it shouldn't , I have to get to her now.

I immediately cut the call and head back to Finn.

'Something horrible just happened and I have to be in the hospital right now.' I say and quickly hurry out of the door.

I run as fast as I can to wave down a moving cab. I honestly wonder if he'll be upset that I left without a proper explanation, or because I intentionally deafen my ears to a guy that keeps calling out to me from behind ; I know its Finn, poor thing.