
Not Home (Vanaheim's Princess)

Ivvy, Princess of Vanaheim , goes on a mission to retrieve the gem of the black heart to redeem her land from the wrath of its gods. After spending years with fruitless efforts with the humans, she finally gets a clue on where the gem is kept. Will she find it, or will she be overwhelmed with unforeseen issues? What extent of hell will be let loose on the humans by the Vanir's to get back their princess.

C_Yi · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Action Man

March 14, 1:20pm. 

The weather here is starting to be a bit of a concern to me lately, not like I have any place other than work and the coffee date I promised myself I would take.

So let's see, it's been two days after the boutique incident, and I've been getting series of calls, from both Cassie and Juan. Not that I was expecting one from Valentina anyways, Sia on the other hand has been trying relentlessly to bring up the issue.

It's a shame I feel no remorse wiping her memory every time she speaks of it. I was trying hard to clear up my fucking head, before Cassie's cousin, Jeremy, asked me out on a harmless date.

Of which I responded to with a trip to nowheresville, I honestly hope he's safe though, or Ayer isn't going to hesitate popping up in my dream.

I know what you're thinking, who is Ayer and how is she linked with the dumb guy I sent to another dimension.

Well Ayer is like a fairy guide, her duty is to specially ensure I don't use my powers to hurt any human, while I'm still on earth, not like she's been on track lately or something of that sort , I actually got a human cutie to distract her .

I'm still freaked out that she's taken a human boy form; I seriously won't be surprised if she told me she was bisexual.

'I think I need a break or something of that sort, my head aches really badly, Ivvy could you be a sweetheart and get me some water .', Sia asks placing her right palm on her fore head .

Oh geez, I think I overdid it again.

'It's no biggie , I'll be back with it in a sec.', I reply rubbing my hand through her hair and whispering the healing spell.

With this spell, she'll sleep off and wake up with a happy head. Humph, I think I've managed to do Ayer's work this one time.

But trust me , I'm no hero, I'm not just the type of being to hurt my so called companions .

Itty sweetheart, I really miss you more than ever now, it's a good thing I'm going to visit after Cassie's big day. 

If I can correctly remember, she made it clear than I shouldn't return, and I'm undoubtedly not obliging to her request. I can't wait to see her cheeky whining again.

"I'm sure you won't last a day in that filth stock," Itty once said.

I really wish she were here in Ayer's place, then she would see that this filth stock has more to it, like something called nostalgic scenarios, circulation cutting events and cringe worthy experiences.

I slowly count my steps to the kitchen, not for the water Sia requested, for all I know she should already be 5 minutes into the main field at Glastonbury, I wonder what interests her in that dump.

The second I reach the living room I spot an unfamiliar face, I'm hoping it's a thief; I've been itching to murder lately you know.

It's a g-guy. Although I'm sure there's a 0.001% chance he might even own a criminal record, I still finding myself praying he mistakenly picks up an item.

'Am hey,' the guy standing just beside Sia's unconscious body says.

Is it me or does his face reminds me of a book, "Ruggedly handsome, smooth and tanned skin, chiselled features and eyes the colour of warm treacle; yup I think I've found Evie's Jack.

Don't judge me, I'm no book worm, but 'The Bridesmaids' by Jane Costello is worth my read forever.

'Excuse me?' I ask, searching for something-absolutely anything on him.

A dagger, a Benelli M4; if that is even possible, or maybe just a single stone. I'm bewildered to spot a Valentino Garavani on his feet; they're hella expensive you know.

Yup he's a beautiful thief.

'Am – I didn't know someone was in, I knocked pretty much a couple of times, and there was no response, so I .....' He manages to scoff out.

Hold up a sec. I thought thieves weren't supposed to converse much; he's quite a talkative for a job of this calibre; now to pop the question.

'Are you a t-thief?' I say, still trying to maintain a safe distance.

Oh Ivvy, Jack's lookalike can't be a thief, what am I even saying, I've managed to change Action Man's duplicate flair look into that of Peggy when she makes a doodle.

 'N-No definitely not, I'm actually a friend of Sia's, and I only came in because she gave me a spare key,' He replies, putting out a bunch of keys from his pocket.

        Ouch, I really can't believe I called him a thief, but still; give me a break, trying to tell a criminal from a commoner is really becoming hard lately. Just last week I beat up another of my ex, only because, he tried snatching my purse to check who's been making me like him less, and he dressed quite similar to Action Man's duplicate .

He might still be a thief you know.

'So why are you here? I mean she never told me anyone was coming over, well except her boyfriend Jim,' I say.

I need to understand things here, if he's the real deal in Sia's life ; then I've used half a minute to betray my bestie, and if he's one of her numerous ex's ;well then he better screw outta here, I'm aint interested in smooching .

'Well my name isn't Jim, it's actually Finn, I'm from her workplace, we actually have some work together ,and she told me she might not be home –she had some wedding to plan,' He throws back, not minding my squinted look.

Jim –Finn, I really don't trust Sia, she hides relationships with numerous guys, till she breaks up with them eventually, and laments this way.

"Good heavens, I wonder why there isn't a sensible hot guy for marriage in sight these days."

Then she lays it on us like we're journalists ready to drain information to make the next morning's headlines.

'Oh- I see,' I take my eyes to Sia sleeping soundly on the sofa. 'She really isn't doing too well, I mean, she had a headache and slept off even before I could get the water she asked for,' I say, almost frowning.

I'm hoping he'll say "Okay" and leave , cause I'm heating up for a guy I know nothing about. Suffice to say, his presence doesn't feel so humanly at all, I could even swear on Peggy's doll that I didn't hear any knock on the door, neither did I hear jiggling of keys.