

A guy saves a young girl from truck-kun. then he meets an old God who decides to transmigrate him as Harry frickin Potter. Watch as "Harry" messes up canon and takes matters into his own hands. Strong and smart MC. Please do enjoy my book. I'm new here and I'm inexperienced at this. Criticism is allowed but pls don't make me cry. I don't own Harry Potter and I don't own the picture. Bye.

some_writer · Fantasi
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28 Chs

First Week

I got on a boat with Neville , a boy and a girl.

Then Hagrid said:


The boat moved forward and we were moving towards a new adventure. I then looked toward the boy. The boy had black skin. I then immediately recognized as Blaise Zabini. And I looked toward the girl, she had blonde hair and had a cold gaze. She was Daphne Greengrass. The ice queen of Slytherin.

Me:So what you guy's names. My name's Harry.

Bla:My name's Blaise Zabini.

N:Name's Neville Longbottom

Daphne:I don't care.

Blaise: Come on just tell us.

Daphne:Ugh whatever, my name's Daphne Greengrass. Happy now.

Me: We're very happy Daphne.

Neville: Don't you have a last name Harry?*Smirks at me*

I glared at him. I got that look that's saying ' I'm gonna kill you you son of a beach' He immediately looks away.

Me: It's a surprise.

Daphne: I hate surprises Me: You'll know it when the sorting

B: Just tell us man.

Me:Like i said it's a surprise.

N: You'll be very surprised.

We stopped talking when the boat arrived at the pier.

H:Hello McGonagall the firs years.

Mc:Thank you Hagrid. First years follow me.

We then followed Professor McGonagall to a big door. When we walked in i heard a 'DING'

[Your wand has been traced, Would you like to removed it.


I pressed yes

[Trace removed.]

Me thinking: Nice ,now i can practice magic without the ministry bothering me.

I then saw ghosts coming through to the wall. Talking about forgiving Peeves and saying hi to us. Professor McGonagall then Came back with a hat. The hat then sang a song to all of us. Which we clapped.

Me thinking: Need to study enchanting next.

Then Professor Called out name's off people. Susan Bones and Hannah Bott got sorted to Hufflepuff. Draco got sorted to Slytherin with the hat barely touching his head. Blaise and Daphne got sorted to Slytherin. When they did, Neville asked

N:Are you sure we can be friends with them.

Me:If your saying that they're from Slytherin then i don't care. Houses are just houses. No need to worry about stuff like this.

Neville nodded and stepped back. Then McGonagall called him and he got sorted to Hufflepuff.

Me thinking:Well that's a surprise. I guess he wanted to forge his own path that bad huh?

Ron, Hermione, Seamus and Dean got sorted to Gryffindor. Then finally....

Mc:Harry Potter!!!

The people murmured and whispered to each other then Ron shouted

R: Impossible, he not Harry Potter! Harry Potter has a scar!

Mc: Mr Weasley!!!! Keep quiet or detention.

I then sat on the stool and suddenly there was a voice in my head that said.

Hat: Interesting, an reincarnated soul huh. This is the first.

Me:Please don't tell anyone.

Hat:I won't. So what house you wanna go into.

Me: Don't you like, read people and figure out which house is best for them?

Hat: It's simple. You fit in all the houses. Your cunning, smart, hardworking, and brave as well. Which is the motto for all the houses.

Me:Well I'll choose Ravenclaw then.


Me: Slytherin is to bigoted for me. Gryffindor is to brave and arrogant. We're not going to talk about Hufflepuff. I think Ravenclaw will be the perfect house for me since I'm smart.

Hat:Good luck then kid.

Me:What's your name


Me:Thank you Griffin.

Then it shouted "Ravenclaw" too the outside And the Ravenclaw table cheered out loudly.

The Ravenclaw prefect Penelope shook my hand and said

Pen:Welcome to house Ravenclaw Harry.

Me:Thank you miss?

Pen: Penelope.

Me:Thank you miss Penelope.

I then sat on the bench and sat quiet. Then Dumbledore told us to enjoy our meals. Then magically, the food appeared and I ate a lot that day. After eating, Dumbledore introduced us to Professor Quirellmort. He also told us not to go to the third corridor and the forbidden forest.

After that he bid us goodnight and we left with the prefects to the Ravenclaw Tower.

Pen:The Ravenclaw Tower is different to the other towers. To go in you need to answer a riddle given by the owl over here.

Owl: What makes you go up and down?

All the people were thinking about the answer while Penelope was smirking at us. Then i answer



Pen:Good job Harry.

We then went inside as Penelope gave us a tour.

Pen:This is the library, you can go here to do your homework. And there's the dorms. Now the thing about dorms is that each person has his or her own room. And you can get extension by get the top ten during the exams. So study hard okay.

All: Okay.

Pen:Professor Flitwick will introduce himself tomorrow morning and he will give you the timetables as well. Now go to sleep.

We then went to our own dorms, I went to the shower, changes my clothes and went to sleep.

(The next day)

Flit:Good morning my fellow Ravenclaws. My name is Filius Flitwick and I'm your head of house. I teach charms and was a dueling champion. But we'll talk about that another day. People might call you bookworm, but i disagree, you were chosen by this house because you are smart and witty. So I expect you to outshine others and make a name for yourself. Now her are the timetables. After reading them, go to the great hall and get breakfast.

Me thinking:You know i like this guy. I think I chose the right house.

After getting breakfast, i went and explored the school grounds. I found the kitchen, the Slytherin dorm, Snape's classroom, the quidditch arena, forbidden forest, the ROR, the corridor and the Library.

After exploring I went to the charms class. Professor Flitwick introduced himself. When it was time for role calling. He almost fell on the floor when he said my name. When he was teaching, i answered all the questions I could, which earned me house points. And when it was time to do the spell Lumos. I got it to work on the first try. Which in turn earned me more house points. Then the half goblin professor told me to change the color of the light. I also did that on the first try. Which he asked me if I had practiced it. I answered yes and he encouraged me to study harder.

After the class ended, i went to the library and picked up books about enchanting. I was tempted to go to the restricted section when I calmed myself. I then went and ate lunch when I saw Neville

N: Hey Harry , over here.

Me:Hey Neville, so how was class.

N: It's great, i got a lot of points in herbology. I feel even more confident now.

Me: It's great that you gotten out of your shell. But i have to go, i have dada next.

N:Bye Harry.

When I went to DADA, the class was filled with the smell of garlic. And the class was a joke. Apart from Baldi trying to enter my mind and failing. So I read enchanting books without him noticing.

The following week was uneventful. The history class was to boring. When I complained it to Penelope, she said she was finding a way to exorcise him. Which we agreed to find a way how. I might go to the ROR sooner than i thought.

When it came for potions it was kinda okay. When professor Snape appear. He insulted us all and called us dunderheads. When he got to my name, his was got ugly and he asked me fourth year potion questions. All of which i was able to answer. But then he asked.

S:Potter, are you cheating.

Me:No sir I'm not.

S:I don't believe you.

Me:Really sir i studied before I came here.

S:*uses Legillimens*

I felt a graze in my mind and I projected fake memories about me studying potions.

S:Hmph, i believe you Potter.

Then he instructed us to boil a cure to boils potion. He told us to get the ingredients from the cabinet. When I was boiling the potion, i swear i saw a glint of approval in his eyes but it disappeared quickly. I then handed him a perfect boils potion. He nodded.

When all of them left, except me. Professor Snape asked

S:Potter, why are you still here class is over.

Me:Sir, this is an apology letter written by my father before he passed away. He wanted me to hand this to you.

When he heard me say father he tensed up, but when I said apology letter he got shocked. But he didn't show it on his face.

S: Gimme that Potter and get out.

He shooed me away.

When I was eating dinner. Snape came up to me and said

S:Potter, meet me in my office tomorrow.

Me:Okay, Professor Snape.

He then strutted away dramatically.

Random guy: What did he want to talk to you about?

I shrugged

Me thinking: So he read it. Well, let's hope tomorrow goes well.

I went back to my dorm and went to sleep. Hoping tomorrow will not be disastrous.

(AN: Chapter 20. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Signing off for now.BYE)