
Not Expected

Having almost a perfect and calm life,then evil came lurking around and eventually took her only little sister and everything changed ,she has to take her revenge on the hospital that used her sister as a Lab rat. Anna Lorrain is a very smart, talented multilingual nurse, she loves kids alot .....she went undercover as a Doctor in the hospital that used her sister as a mere test product to reveal their secret little did she know that they were way worse than that...they had alot of secret!!!!! Nicholas Brooks talented football player,having a terrible injury ruined his career earlier..now he has to coach his team...Will he be ashamed to do so????.... What happens when they both meet in the hospital,when he discovers her secrets Wait.....How did they meet,under what circumstances,when Stay tuned to unravel the truth

Anieameter · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 3 ;Nicholas POV

...' I had it all, that's what I thought, I was at the peak of my career when it all came crumbling down, being a professional footballer has always been my dream since when I was 6, I saw a lot of guys in my school playing ball and I decided to join one day and I found out my talent in it.

I was cheered for when I scored a Hat-trick on my first day of playing the ball. I was immediately kept on the football junior team, my dad wasn't so impressed with me, I guess he felt that football wasn't a career, and he wanted me to continue with his Real Estate company, not to lie I have big interest in it also, but because my father didn't support me in football, I decided I'll act like I didn't care about his Real Estate Company.

I got better and better in football until I joined an international team when I was eighteen, dad made me wait till then, I could probably have joined when I was sixteen,my mum...she was the best, I lost her to cancer when I was 14.

She made the best food, her smiles were clear and lovely. Everything started changing then, after she died my dad became almost invisible, we never said anything to each other apart from greeting, more like he deleted himself from my life, It was devastating and lonely, I was all alone, no fatherly or motherly love from anyone, I turned all my energy to football.

Our team won competitions, I also won a lot of solo awards, I was very popular, my looks were an advantage also, and I am manly built with muscles and abs, It was all part of the hard work I put in being a footballer anyways.

But everything came crumbling down...



" Nicholas" The coach called me

"Hey coach" I answered jogging toward him

"Congratulations on your wins" the reporter beside us spoke

"Thanks" we answered in unison and smiled.

He whispered some stuff in my ear and I nodded, after we lifted the cups and collected our medals for the FINS' CUP, 10 times in a roll now, we still remain undefeated. After lots and lots of partying. I excused myself to run the errand my coach sent me.

I got out of the basement parking, heading towards AXL'S Training centre, our club's training centre.

It was 10:30 PM and everything was strangely dark on the road, the coach then called him and asked him where he is, and he told him the exact place.

"Where are you now, we are all waiting," the coach asked

"I'm taking the last turn towards the centre, I'll be quick" I answered turning since the green light was on.

It was too late to drift, as I saw a truck running on red, the light flashed in my eyes and I couldn't see a thing.

The last thing I heard was a "BOOOOOOMM", before everything went dark, when I woke up I found myself in the hospital with drips and POP on most parts of my body.

I was having a striking headache like I had a terrible hangover.

I tried to get up when I saw my dad like he was crying and my little sister Lisa was lying beside him. Immediately my dad noticed I was awake he called the doctor. I looked around the hospital and realized I was in the King's hospital.

Then the doctor came in with a nurse, after asking a series of questions about how I felt he looked at me and said "You cannot also play football"

"What do you mean," I said in a cracked voice

"When the truck crashed with your car, your legs took the most impact, your left leg precisely was most affected, if you continue playing you could lose your legs or worse never walk again" the doctor explained.

"Get out" I spoke

When no one answered me I shouted "GET OUT NOW EVERYONE OF YOU"

When they all left I tried to get up, I felt pain in all parts of my body but I struggled, I must, I finally stood up and fell almost immediately.

I cried bitterly, "I want to die, why didn't I just die " I kept shouting.

The nurse came in and injected something into my drip, I felt drowsy and I slept off.

I was discharged after 3 weeks, I had to use crotches, and the therapist came to my house every day to help me walk after 2 months of rehabilitation, I was finally able to walk, though there were sharp pains when I walked faster or ran, it was manageable.

-----------------------------END OF FLASHBACK

According to the investigation, the accident was unusual, and the driver of the truck was nowhere to be found.

I was asked why I left the after-party of the club's celebrations, and I told them, what the reason was.

Later I realized our coach resigned, according to then he was a suspect, which I disagree with, that man can't kill a cockroach, he gave his all to football, and he was one of the best if not even the best footballer during his time, he broke a lot of world records also, he was arrested, but there was no evidence to use against him, he was bailed out immediately.

But things were off since then, I didn't see my coach again, there was no news about him, and he didn't even visit me. I still couldn't doubt him, 'he must have a reason to quit right???' I kept questioning myself.

I had to focus on something, I couldn't stay jobless, I decided to help my dad out in the Real Estate Company, and he said he'll let me do whatever I wanted.

I was about to pitch in an idea when a request letter was sent to me

*We want you to be the coach of Fillen*

My team or rather my ex-team.

I declined the request immediately, then the director came directly to my house and told me that I was the only one he trusted now to keep the team moving.

" I'll think about it Mr. Frank," I said half smiling, the truth is I already have my answer and that's No.

It will be so embarrassing, my teammates, that I played with....no no no I can't even imagine that

I escorted him out and went back to my room.

'Never doing that Mr. Frank' I said to myself and slept off, this was my favourite routine after my accident.