
Not Chosen By Death

I was given a second life. Nice, right? Absolutely not! I jumped off the bridge, not wanting to open my eyes in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar body! Ridiculous. I was chosen by God to live again, but this is not what I wanted. I even need to protect everyone from who knows what. Sigh, please just let me die. Death, please choose me next time. Before my next attempt, I need to do something. I can't die a ridiculous death; I will choose an honourable death in this life! Ha! What could go wrong? Living again, starting in a child's body, is easy! Right? Right? ××××× A/N: slow-pacing story with the introduction of characters and relationship building for the beginning of the story, slow action scenes and many time skips. TW: mentioned suicide, blood, death, drowning and more will be added.

Asya_1750 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
73 Chs

Chapter 56 : Not A Friendly Discussion (1)

A shadow emerged from the railing of the balcony. A stealthily placed footstep approached the balcony to open the sliding door from inside the room. He closed the door after he went outside to meet the shadow.


"Good night, master."




The man, who was clad in black, got down on one knee before he addressed his superior.


"I've got some news to tell you."




"We found a faint trail in the jungle near the place where the incident happened."


"Hm, that small jungle that the merchant always used as a shortcut."


"Yes, that's the jungle. We found something near the wall that surrounded the jungle."


The wall was built as a fortress during a war 400 years ago. That jungle was once the place where the military held their training, so the wall surrounding the jungle was to prevent the enemy from spying on their military training at that time.


The military training was then moved to another place after the war because it had already been exposed to many people. It was also not safe anymore because of the increasing number of civilians in that area, so they turned the jungle into a trail that was used to go to the east side faster.


The east side was where the merchants always went because they could arrive faster at the border with another kingdom by using the trail in the forest. It was well-known and open for everyone to use. Nobody would lose their way because there are signs scattered around for anyone who has used the jungle for the first time.


But no one ever went near the wall. It's not because it's prohibited to do so; it's just that no one ever wants to waste their time going there. Most of those who went there expressed their displeasure when they looked at the wall.


The wall was once used to hang their enemies' bodies, so the stain of blood is still there. The smell had gone, but the colour red was proof that someone had died there.


"Which direction?"


"9 o'clock from the entrance gate."


He crossed his arms over his chest. This is where the most red color of blood is visible.


"It was a faint one, but we found out someone died in that area."


"Do you know the identity?"


"No, master. The body was nowhere anymore; it was more like the body had decayed based on the years since the death, presumably three and a half years."


That's how long it has passed since the incident.


"There's no skeleton, which was something strange. So we dug into the soil, and we found broken and small pieces of bones that looked like they had been eaten. Jade has said the body was not dead by normal decay."


He raised his eyebrow.


"He inspected the area and found out the state of the soil is different than when a body is decaying in it. That means the body was not decayed naturally; he also could sense blood in the soil except from the bone pieces we have found."


"The body was killed and handled with some unknown method."


"Yes, that's what we have suspected. We're still investigating that area to find the cause of the death."


"Tell Jade to release the restriction and investigate the bone."


The man in black quickly looked up.


"After he has done so, give him the potion to heal himself. Tell him I'm sorry for asking him to use this method."


"No, master. I'm sure Jade wouldn't mind."


"I'll be visiting soon to hear the full report."




He went back inside the room. The man in black quickly faded away without anyone noticing. He looked at the other bed in the room to see that his roommate was sound asleep. He went back to his bed to let himself sleep before he continued his training.








"So you are telling me you are not a hunter?"


"No! Did you hear what I said for those 30 minutes?


Michael frowned. What? That is what he understands.


"You said that you came here to look for something but ended up staying here to do some research."


"Ha! You understand. What's so hard about it?"


"But that didn't mean you were truly a hunter nonetheless."




Sora ruffled his hair frustratingly.


"You brat! What—"


"I'm older than you."


"Not in this body! You look like a crispy baby now!"


"What kind of insult is that?"


Crispy? That's too low for Sora to say when he is in this condition. So harsh!


Both of them huffed and looked away from each other.


It had just been two days since he woke up and cleared up his situation. Also, Sora has agreed to let him stay, but with some conditions that were easy to deal with. He just needed to help with Sora's research, whatever that is; he didn't get the full explanation yet.


It started from there. He just asked about what research Sora was doing, of course, based on the equipment laid on the table, like some sort of scientific lab, but then Sora rambled about some liquid and how he needed to be here because the research was not supposed to be known.


Michael asked if what he was going to make was something dangerous, but Sora just said it was a normal chemistry thing and that most of the materials could be found in this forest.


Sora just needed a test subject, which he undoubtedly chose: Michael. He refused at first, then Sora said it was understandable, but then he upgraded their unofficial deal to tell him about this world.


Sora told him about hunters, beast people, and more, which lacked some context. The next moment, he asked if this research was actually related to his hunter's job. The reply was negative, which is a no before he asked if Sora was truly a hunter.


The dual-haired man said he was, but Michael was sceptical because Sora didn't elaborate further as to why he suddenly wanted to do this research. He voiced his doubt, and Sora explained, but he still didn't get if Sora was a hunter or just disguised as one.


That's what comes into the argument.


Michael was sceptical, while Sora was frustrated.


"Nevermind. Whatever makes you sleep at night."


"But are you really a hunter?"


"I said—"


"Show me the license then; you said a hunter was given a license. You must have one."


"I don't have it with me now."


"So go take it and show me."


"Why are you so persistent? It's not even your business to know if I'm truly a hunter or not."




"Get out. Get out now. I don't need an ungrateful brat to live with me. Go away from me and die somewhere I don't know."


Sora began to stand and walk out of the door. Michael widened his eyes and was about to catch his hand, but he fell after he tripped on his own foot.




His chin collided with the floor, and he accidentally bit his tongue. His eyes started to water a bit.


"Oi, be careful; your wound will open!"


Sora stopped in his tracks and widened his eyes when he looked at the younger boy, whose face was first on the floor. He helped Michael sit back on the bed.


"Are you going to chase me away then?"


Sora scrunched his face.




Michael frowned.


"I'm not a cruel person to leave a defenceless kid in the middle of the forest alone."


"I said I'm not a kid."


"Who cares? Now, if you want to stay, you need to follow my rule. Got it?"




'So secretive. He told half-truths and half-lies, but I don't know which one is the truth.'


Michael internally clicked his tongue. He couldn't get his answer now, but later. He will make sure Sora spills everything for him later. He has time to heal; he didn't know how long he had been in this condition. He is sure he will heal, but it will take a long time. But his body was too stiff; it felt like his muscles had not been used for long.


But if his body is still looking like this, surely the time since the event happened to this body's owner has not been that long. If not, this body would have healed a long time ago. There must be some healing in this fantasy world, right?


"Frankly speaking, how old are you? You make a big fuss like some old man."


"I'm thirty—"


"You are old!"


"Shut your trap, you brat!"








His night here was normal. This room was given to him until he healed from these wounds. Sora also said it is better for him to stay here than move around too much. Sora has another room upstairs, and he said to just shout if anything happens.


Living here was kind of weird with the equipment; it was like he was living in a lab but had a bed in it.


Michael let out a sigh while looking at the ceiling. He needed to know what he wanted to do now. Is it worth it to know what happened to him? It feels like a waste of time and something utterly useless when he thinks about that again.


'Why would I want to know the truth anyway?'


Maybe it's better to not know. Sometimes, knowing something would bring more harm than fortune. Speaking from experience.


"Let's just heal and die somewhere without Sora knowing later."


It was a sh*t move of his if he died when Sora saved and treated him until now. It would take some time before he died again. Yup, let's do that!




"What the—"




A snake's face suddenly appeared in front of him. Michael opened his mouth to shout, but his mouth was covered. The snake suddenly turned into the figure of a man with golden eyes.


"Do you know how long I have been looking for you, kiddo?"


His eyes widened.


"Too long, and I'm starving."