
Not An Isekai Story [LitRPG]

[LitRPG / Isekai / Adventure / Action / Comedy] Inspired by Mushoku Tensei, God of War, Bloodborne, Elden Ring & Warhammer 40k. Zen Hawthorn is a strange fellow, born with a curse that makes everyone questions his sanity. In a cruel twist of fate, he embarks on a journey to avenge his grandfather; further unlocking the mysteries of the world he lives in. Join him, on an action-adventure-romcom journey filled with Demons, Celestials and Cosmic Beings as he narrates from his humble beginning, to the prevention of the Demon King's resurrection and more. Beware of plentiful memes, Easter Eggs and references found within. This story contains Japanese folklores, Norse & Greek mythology along with Elves, Demons, Reptilians, Vikings and Dragons. Have fun reading! Book 1 - Not An Isekai Story (Completed) Book 2 - Not An Isekai Story Unshipped (In Progress) Book 3 - Simply Not Another Isekai Story (Coming Soon) Book 4 - Simply Not Another Isekai Story Unlimited (Coming Soon)

King91OM · Fantasi
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95 Chs

Book 2 - Chapter 81

Remember Lily Moonshine, these gauntlets had chosen you as the worthy wielder. Do not make the mistake that it will stay by you should you choose to neglect it. Care for it like its your own child, nurture it like how you treat your plants, and most importantly, never doubt its capabilities. Do so, and you shall never regret having these in your life.


Those were the words that Peter warned me when he gifted me these gauntlets. I do not know what these gauntlets had seen in me but I have no reason to doubt it. I need it, if I wish to stand a chance at beating Rose. You will lend me your powers, right? Please do, as you always have.


I placed my gauntlets together forming an X and started charging it up. It started glowing brightly in light blue as it responded to my request. While my gauntlets utilises lightning, it is completely opposite than what Zen uses. His one favours destruction using white lightning, while mine… uses blue lightning. I never knew there were different types of lightning, until now.


I raised my right hand and a huge blue lightning struck the gauntlet, engulfing my whole body with it. But instead of dissipating, the lightning stayed where it struck as though it was frozen in time. A couple of moments later, the frozen lightning started cracking and shattered into pieces, revealing my frozen lightning armour and gauntlets. I was unable to learn Rend, or more accurately, I was not chosen by any spectral armour from the other dimensions. I was extremely disappointed as it took me years to learn it, but to think that no armour would be willing to choose me. What a slap in the face.


But now, all thanks to the frost lightning dragon that lay dormant inside these gauntlets that I am wielding, I can finally be stronger and perhaps be on par with the three of them. Sadly, I had not been able to communicate with it, unlike Zen who could communicate with Kirin or Byakko. But to be chosen by it is more than enough to make me happy. Perhaps in the future it might open up to me.


Rose's eyes were wide opened as she saw me emerged from the shattered frozen lightning with a different look. I am certain that she had never seen such a thing before and is curious to know about what my new powers can do. Its too bad that Zen was knocked out of the arena before he gotten the chance to face me in this form. I was certain that I can beat him. Oh well, no point crying over spilled milk. I've beaten him fair and square. It's his fault for not taking me seriously. Alright, Concentration activated with frozen lightning armour casted, all is set.


Rose placed her rapier in front of her and started chanting. The speed of her chanting along with dual casting is ridiculous that she can even cast both Sacred Wings and Grand Blessings in a matter of seconds. Is she still facing the backlash of using Grand Blessings? Only one way to find out. A prodigy versus a common elf, who is going to come out on top, I wonder?


Semi-transparent golden wings with chest armour, pauldrons, gauntlets and greaves. It's no wonder people started worshipping her when she looked like a literal angel. I swear there are people who is crying or praying to her in the crowds now upon seeing her in this form.


None of us were on the offensive, probably wary of one another when we are using such strong forms. I guess we will be here all day if neither of us starts attacking. Seeing that Rose was on the defensive, I decided to take the first strike. I leaped and delivered a downward kick towards her. She dodged and a crater erupted where she stood as my kick touched the arena floor. Now, where did she go? There!


I charged after her and activated Time Freeze. It does not matter how fast you are. When I activate Time Freeze, everyone stops moving except me. Sadly though it only lasts for about 3 seconds.


"Boo!" I appeared in front of her and she instinctively flew backwards but I was not about to let her escape. Having charged up my gauntlets, I delivered a heavy punch towards her, aiming for the rapier that she is using to block. There is no way I am aiming for any parts of her body as I might accidentally destroy her bones or even worse, her organs.


I sent her flying and hopefully out of the arena zone. I only have the element of surprise once before she figures out what my powers are. But it's a stretch to eliminate Rose that easily when she can literally fly. She regained her balance and landed back on the arena zone while squinting at me.


"Hmm.. that new power of yours. For you to be able to appear so instantaneous in front of me, it is either teleportation or messing with time. I'll figure it out eventually," she smirked.


Scary! For her to be able to guess the possibilities of my power after only seeing it one time. This is why it is hard to beat her. That brain of hers thinks of possibilities beyond what any normal people can comprehend and she uses them to counter you. Fair to say she is called prodigy for a reason. But it is because of that brain of hers that she couldn't use any State of Mind in the first place.


But I have another trick up my sleeves, she probably would had started noticing that her right hand is getting numb after blocking my attack. Any attack from my gauntlets will inflict cold upon them, stronger effect if it makes direct contact. And there is something else that is going to make her feel even colder.


Right about now, she should be feeling the surrounding temperatures dropping. It won't be long until the cold affects her movements drastically. Seeing that she was breathing cold vapours when she exhaled, she immediately casted Mind Fortification on herself. But that is not going to work. This is no illusion, it's real. I am reducing the temperatures within the arena zone to slow down her movements. It wasn't easy to control the size of the affected area and the targets within it. I daresay my daily trainings are to control these powers so it won't affect allies when I fight along their side.


Rose looked up and noticed a dome like shape covering the arena zone. She must had figured out that my powers are related to frost by now and should be thinking of ways to counter it. I readied myself to see what's her next move but… huh? What is she doing? Did she just closed her eyes and starting thinking? She even placed her hand on her chin, mimicking a behaviour commonly associated with Zen. Are you mocking me?


There is a limit to how much you can insult me, even if you're like a sister to me. I will not allow you to just stand there and do nothing. I charged towards her ready to punch. She knows how deadly my punches are so you only have yourself to blame for taking me this lightly. I delivered my punch but it was nullified by both of her wings which she used to block with.


She flung her wings forward which shoved me backwards and immediately leaped into the air. She dived towards me with her rapier, still with a blunt rod as the blade portion. She struck out, aiming for my chest area but I blocked it with my gauntlets. It is going to take more than that, Rose. In quick succession, she twisted her rapier which causes it to extend, pushing me backwards with speed.


The strength of the sudden extension was no joke, it felt like a dragon was pushing against me with force. I pushed her rod aside and only then did I realised that I was almost at the end of the arena zone. I looked ahead and saw that she was flying towards me with a dropkick. Unarmed combat was never Rose's specialty despite Peter's teaching. Surprised she thought of doing this in the first place. Is it a desperate move to kick me out of the arena zone?


I narrowly dodged it out of the way and thought of delivering a shockwave punch to throw her flight off course. Huh? What's going on? I can't move my arms. What is this? My arms were wrapped with a sort of metallic like rope. It would appear that Rose had changed her rapier into what looked like a whip and had successfully wrapped me with it. Damn it, her dropkick was a distraction!


She yanked her whip but I stood firm, resisting her pull to drag me off the arena zone. But I can see that I am losing balance as there is only a couple of centimetres left for me to hang on to before I fall out of the zone. She gripped her rapier two-handed and I knew I was toast. With a strong pull, she yanked me out of the arena zone and I fell to the dirt on my back. I… lost.


Damn it! I fell right into her trap! How foolish of me. Argh!


"Phew! Just in time," said Rose as she landed back on the arena.


Her Sacred Wings dissipated soon after. She knew full well that her only chance at beating me is to use her mobility using Sacred Wings. With my Freezing Aura, her legs would had started slowing down despite her speed buffs but not her wings. She figured it out so quickly and I fell for it. Sigh.


Here I am, down in the dirt. So this is what Zen felt like when I beat him. It's been so long since I've lost. I've been the undefeated champion for 4 years now and here comes the prodigy to pull me down from my winning streaks. How does Zen live with such a powerful woman and not feel inferior to her? Not only did she married the love of my life, I couldn't even best her in a one-on-one combat. What else do I have left to live for?


She leaped down form the arena and extended her hand with a smile. She said "Let's go" despite Oliver still delivering his speech. Does Rose not know that she have a medal to receive? I mustered up a smile when she pulled me up and started dragging me towards the exit.




Rose won. Was there ever any doubt? She had always been extremely powerful but training with Peter had brought her power levels to a whole other level with all those advanced spells. But I am certainly curious about Lily's new found powers. Frost abilities that can temper with time and speed. How would I had fare if I fought against her? I got no fire spells that can thaw her spells and speed is my forte. Would Bloodlust had helped in keeping my body warm enough to fight through the cold?


I headed down to wait for Rose at the entrance along with Daisy. Wait.. is Rose planning to ignore the announcer? Why is she coming towards the exit when she is supposed to be receiving the medal before that? What is going on?


"So.. how are things going?" asked Lily.


"O, same ol same ol. He still likes it when you spit on that thang," replied Rose.


Lily's eyes widen immediately and I rushed to cover Daisy's ears. What the hell? Why is my wife so unhinged now ever since we slept together. Does she have no shame that she just blatantly tells everyone about the things we do?


"Rose! What the hell?! Do you announce to everyone about the things we do together in private?!" I shouted at her.


"Oh, you're here. Onii-chan, do you mind receiving my medal for me? I wanna have some girl talk with Lily. It's been so long," she pleaded.


"Fine. But after this, I want to have a meal together along with Lily. Persuade her on that and we have a deal," I said.


"Sure thing. See you later, onii-chan~" she waved.


Sometimes I really wonder. If I didn't come along, would Rose and Lily ended up together. I do suspect that Rose might be bisexual but her brotherly love for me is stronger. Hang on.. is she.. wanting me to marry Lily part of her plan to have a threesome?! Is she going to abandon me and Daisy in the future for Lily?! I don't want to end up as Ross Geller!


Sigh, I won't know what the future holds but for now, let's collect her medal. The announcer seems to be waving at me to come over to collect as he had no idea what to do if no one comes forward. I carried Daisy and headed into the arena.




"How was your first time receiving a medal in front of a crowd?" I asked Daisy.


"It was fun and exciting! The man was so kind. I wondered how he knew my name though," she placed her hand on her chin.


She really is my daughter, following my exact behaviour whenever I felt that something was wrong. I thought she will follow after Rose instead of me. Who knew my genes were stronger. Heh heh.


I brought Daisy on a sightseeing tour around the colosseum as Rose and Lily were busy chatting away at some restaurant that they found. I wondered what they have to talk about. I mean, it's only been 5 years apart since the last time they met.


Oh well, they will have to find us once they are done chatting. Time to bring Daisy for a walk.


"What do you think about Miss Lily, Daisy? Do you like having her around?" I asked her as she sat on my shoulders.


"Hmm.. she's nice. But I don't really like her so much," she said bluntly.


"Why do you say that? Did she done something to offend you?" I asked her in confusion.


"No, she didn't do anything wrong. I just get the feeling that she likes you, daddy. I don't want you to leave mom," she pouted.


"I won't leave your mom. She will kill me before I even make the thought. You know how scary your mom can be when she's angry," I assured her.


"Why do you ask, daddy? Are you planning to marry aunt Lily?" she asked with a curious look.


"Aunt? What makes you call her that? And what makes you think that I'm going to marry her?" I frowned.


"Mommy said to call her that. She is her sister and I should call her aunt. And also if daddy chooses to marry her, I should not be sad but be happy instead that I'll be having two mothers," she replied.


"W.. what?! Rose told you that?! When? Oh gosh, how do you feel when you heard that? You must had been so distraught when she told you that," I carried her down to hug her.


"It's okay, daddy. You've already gave off the vibes that you will eventually marry aunt Lily in the future. I remembered your story and how she treated you. It's a wonder that you chose Rose over Lily in the first place. I'm intrigued to see how your future goes," she chuckled.


I was stumped. Why did Daisy's tone and choice of words changed this drastically all of a sudden? What is going on?


I pulled Daisy away. Who... who is this? What happened to Daisy?


"Geez, Mister Zen. You really have to stop thinking about me," smirked Moi.




"GAH!" I lifted my head.


W.. when did I fell asleep? I looked around and it would appear that Daisy was trying to wake me up. She looked surprised when I woke up all of a sudden. Gosh, these microsleep happened so quickly that I didn't noticed I fell in one.


As I tried to recall what happened, memories of after the ceremony came flooding back. We sat down for some snacks when Daisy said she was tired from all the walking. How long was I even out? I did not even noticed that I was tired.


"How long was I asleep, Daisy?" I asked her.


"Hm.. just a couple of seconds. I thought of letting you nap but mommy is coming towards us now," she said.


And true enough, I see Rose and Lily walking closer to where we are. Daisy stood up and ran towards her. I followed suit and started rubbing my forehead. Why do I keep dreaming about Moi? This is the second time that I've dreamed about her out of nowhere. And I am certain she is communicating with me through my dreams. But why? I just don't understand it.


"What's wrong? Are you alright?" asked Lily when she saw my face.


"Yea, I'm fine. Didn't even realised I fell asleep while waiting for you two," I made a dry chuckle.


"You two must be exhausted to fall asleep so quickly," Lily made an awkward smile.


"Huh? Us two?" I shot her a confused look.


"Yea. Rose took a short nap when I went to the washroom. I had to shake her up when she started drooling. She said she didn't even realised that she had fallen asleep," she chuckled.


That can't be right. I need to talk with Rose later about this. Is Moi's power affecting us, causing us to sleep randomly? Or is it because of Baku? We never had this problem before meeting Moi and I doubt this is due to illusions or nightmares. I gripped my hands together as I followed after Lily and the others. I can't shake off the feeling that something bad is about to happen.