
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

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Chapter 6

I was anxious to make the call but Ancient One stopped me.

"Before you make the call, we must discuss a few things first." Ancient One said that there were some things to be discussed before I could call them.

"As you know, what has happened to you may seem nonsensical to any ordinary person. Moreover, too much information can be quite dangerous for your Uncle and Aunt to know. Therefore, we must fabricate a story. Knowing the true story is not necessary for your uncle and aunt and can even cause danger to them." Ancient One told me that I could not tell Uncle Ben and Aunt May what had actually happened.

I was hesitant as they were my only family. I did not want to lie to them. However, after some thinking, I agreed as knowing too much could indeed be dangerous for them.

"I did not tell you before but you have an X-gene. At this moment, it is dormant and we do not know when will it awaken." Ancient One dropped the bomb that was the fact that I had an X-gene.

To think that I actually had an X-gene. But if I had an X-gene then does that mean that my efforts to obtain powers through the lizard serum were for nothing. I could have easily obtained them when my X-gene awakened.

"Peter, you with me." I came out of my thoughts when Ancient One called me.

"Yes." I decided to put my thoughts in the back of my mind. There was no need to dwell on my past, I only needed to look forward to the future.

"So we will treat your power from the procedure as if they are your mutant powers. By the way, have you heard about the mutants who recently appeared in the news." Ancient one asked me if I knew about those mutants.

"Yes, I know." It was after all one of the biggest news nowadays. As such, these mutants were quite famous. For example, there was this woman who could shoot lightning and cause blizzards who was caught on camera a few months ago fighting with another mutant.

"But how do you know about them? You said that Kamar Taj was a closed society." I asked curiously.

"We are indeed a closed society. But we always keep a close eye on the mutants in chance they have a magic related or dimension related mutant ability." Ancient One replied.

"So, you will say to your uncle and aunt that you are currently in the care of these mutants and you can't return now because your powers are currently unstable." Ancient One explained the fabricated story I had to tell Aunt May and Uncle Ben.

"Now, you can have a talk with your family." Ancient One then stood up from her seat and took me to another building.

"Kamar Taj does not allow network connection to the outside world. We generally use communication spells to communicate with each other. Thus, the only way to connect to the global network is inside here."

Inside the building was a telephone similar to the ones seen in a telephone booth. Ancient One floated the telephone to me and dialled the number as I told her because I could not control my strength.

My heart pounded as the phone rang, the reality of the situation sinking in.

"Hello?" The phone was picked up and Aunt May's voice came from the other end. She must have been worried for me.

"Aunt May, it's me, Peter!" I said, my voice a little shaky.

"Peter, where have you been? We were so worried about you." Aunt May replied, relief evident in her tone.

"I…..I need to talk to Uncle Ben as well. I don't think I would be able to call again. Is he there?"

"Just a moment, Peter." Aunt May said and I could hear her calling for Uncle Ben in the background.

Once Uncle Ben joined the call, I took a deep breath and began to tell them the fabricated story.

"Uncle Ben, Aunt May, I need to tell you something. I have…..I have become a mutant."

There was a pause on the other end of the line and I feared the worst. There were many people who were ostracised once it was found that they were a mutant.

"Are you alright? Do you feel any problems? Where are you now?" Aunt May started a barrage of questions, worried about me.

Fortunately, it seemed that it did not matter to my family whether I was mutant or not.

I told them the fabricated story that my mutant powers attracted the attention of other mutants and that I was currently with them, learning how to control my powers.

"Are you okay there? You are not having any problems right?" Aunt May and Uncle Ben were surprised that I was with a secret mutant society but in the end, they were more worried about me.

"I am okay. I am learning a lot here and everyone is very supportive." I assured them.

"But when will we see you, Peter?" Aunt May asked, her voice tinged with worry.

I did not know how to answer this question. It would obviously take a lot of time before I would have complete control and a great knowledge regarding mystic arts.

"Hello, Ben, May. This is Ancient One. I am the leader here." Ancient One introduced herself.

"Don't worry about Peter. He is learning how to control his powers here. Once he does, he will be able to visit you sometimes. I promise I will personally bring him to meet you once he is ready."

I looked at Ancient One in surprise. I had not expected her to make such a promise but I was grateful. Even if I could not tell my family the truth, at least they knew that I was safe and they could see me again soon.


And so Ancient One asks Peter to tell his family half truths when she doesn't know the whole truth herself.

Also, the mutants and X-Men will be a major part of this story. Although they will not appear before this whole training and magic arc is finished.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye