A former mercenary dies and gets reincarnated in the world of Bleach, vested with tremendous psychic powers. No plot knowledge. No harem.
("This is a hell of a way to start a day...") thought Ohta, observing with half-lidded eyes as Orihime rocked her hips atop him, doing her best to keep her voice down since she was afraid of being overheard.
While he enjoyed the sensation more than a little, Ohta did his best to appear calm as he gave Orihime's left ass cheek a light smack, stating, "I'm about to cum. You're not in spirit form anymore, so don't do anything stupid..."
Though she nodded her head, bit her lip, and responded with a moaning, "Mmhmmmn~," Orihime made no effort to dismount Ohta's cock. Instead, she sat snuggly against him, his glans poking against her deepest area as she rolled her hips from front to back, palms on his stomach and clutching his sides.
"Oi..." muttered Ohta, furrowing his brows and smacking Orihime's ass with increasing intensity until she dismounted him at the last moment, promptly scooting backward before bending forward and devouring his cock in a single go, catching his semen in her throat and swallowing it in several audible gulps.
Placing his hand on Orihime's head, Ohta remarked, "Cutting it awfully close there..."
As her mouth was preoccupied, Orihime responded with a nasally "Nn..." while stimulating his glans with the back of her tongue and pulling away slowly, leaving no traces of semen on or within Ohta's cock. Then, after finally releasing it with the usual 'pop,' she adopted a wry smile and said, "Sorry, Ohta-kun...I was 'really' close to something amazing..."
"Then what are you waiting for?" asked Ohta, gesturing toward his cock as he added, "I've got nowhere to be."
Perking up immediately, Orihime waisted no time in squatting over Ohta, skillfully positioning the tip of his dick at her entrance before lowering her hips with closed eyes, a satisfied "Mmmnnnnnnnnn~" emanating from her throat. Around the same time, Rukia entered the oversized bedroom in a silk gown, holding and eating from a bowl of cereal as she asked, "Is this what we're doing all day...?"
Startling slightly at the sudden question, Orihime looked like she wanted to respond, but Ohta smacked her ass, saying, "First things first. Let's get you topped off."
Smiling embarrassedly, Orihime began moving her hips while Ohta looked over to Rukia, saying, "That's up to you, monkeybun. All I had in mind for today was looking around and heading to our old apartment to grab a few things."
Nodding her head, Rukia meandered over, sitting on the edge of the bed and observing Orihime as she remarked, "That's a good idea. I should be receiving a new Gigai soon, so I'd like to pick up my clothes."
"Speaking of which..." muttered Ohta, a slight frown marring his face as he asked, "Whatever happened to your old Gigai...?"
"I'd rather not say because I honestly don't want to think about it," replied Rukia, adopting a frown of her own. The eccentricities of Squad 12 and the members of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute were known throughout the Seireitei. There had been several instances where the discarded or recycled Gigai of famous or popular female members of the Gotei were 'circulated' among the depraved group of scientists. With her Gigai being specially developed by Kisuke, meaning it was a far higher quality than ordinary, functionally identical to a living human, Rukia didn't want to imagine what uses the notorious group of degenerates had found for it...
Fortunately for the members of Squad 12, Rukia didn't elaborate. If she had, Soul Society would be forced to undergo some 'restructuring' after Ohta obliterated the entire group. He might not care what people do with his old, discarded body, but if someone were to have a near-exact replica of his future wife, treating it as a plaything, he would peel their skin away while they were still alive...
Changing the topic, or at least guiding it in a different direction, Rukia said, "Speaking of which, you should consider acquiring a Gigia yourself. Staying in spirit form all the time has its perks, but I'd like us to be able to go out, watch movies, and walk hand-in-hand without it looking like I'm a crazy person."
"Wouldn't that-" started Ohta, interrupted mid-sentence by Orihime's pussy clamping down on him like a vice, her body trembling as a large volume of love juices expelled from her insides, wetting both his crotch and the bed below.
Staring up in a daze, Orihime had a somewhat silly smile as a peculiar, passion-tinged laugh emanated from her throat. In response, Ohta rose to a seated position, allowing her to embrace him while he returned his gaze to Rukia, asking, "Wouldn't that complicate things if someone from school were to see us? Weren't you planning to return after the break...?"
Though she no longer needed to be near Ichigo, Rukia 'wanted' to return to school. She had made a lot of friends there, so she wanted to continue attending, at least until her duties no longer permitted it.
Adopting a serious expression, Rukia contended, "We can say you're the other Ohta's long-lost twin. The two of you should look at least marginally different from one another, as you have none of his scars. I can tell them we met over Summer Break, and if they ask why you don't attend school, we can tell them you graduated prematurely. Should the need arise, you can-"
Exhaling a disbelieving chuckle, Ohta interrupted Rukia's long-winded diatribe, remarking, "It's clear you've put a lot of thought into this. Since that's the case, I have no reason to refuse."
"That's wonderful...!" exclaimed Orihime, causing Ohta to wince as she had effectively screamed into his ear.
Before Ohta could chastise the bubbly ginger, Orihime began to bounce excitedly, 'inadvertently' stimulating his cock as she asked, "Can I have a Gigai as well? The truth is, I've been thinking about becoming a Shinigami ever since I found out you became one, Ohta-kun. Also, if I could become invisible whenever I wanted, we could have sneaky fun, and I'd be able to use my power without people realizing it...!"
Answering in Ohta's stead, Rukia perked up and remarked, "That's not a terrible idea. Even the Captain of Squad 4, Unohana Retsu, praised your aptitude for healing Kaido. If you refine your abilities, you could become a future Lieutenant or Captain in the same Division."
Though Rukia's suggestion and Orihime's determination implied that he would be stuck with the bubbly ginger much longer than anticipated, Ohta saw no reason to protest, stating, "I already jumped off the deep end, so I can't exactly tell others not to. You're free to choose whatever path you want. Just be sure you're doing it for 'yourself,' not others..."
Adopting a radiant smile, Orihime 'really' wanted to kiss Ohta, but it was one of the things he had prohibited. She could kiss and leave hickeys on his neck, and he would readily reciprocate, but the only person who could claim his lips with their own was Rukia.
"It's what I want..." assured Orihime, gazing into Ohta's eyes with her arms linked around his back and shoulders. Rukia noticed how 'serious' her look was, but instead of chastizing her or telling her to stop, she said, "The issue is that transferring Shinigami powers to a human is still very much forbidden. Yoruichi and I were given pardons due to the extenuating circumstances, but if we were to transfer our power again, we'd invariably be held accountable..."
With Rukia staring directly at him, Ohta raised his brows, asking, "Are you suggesting that I be the one to do it...?"
Though she was secretly a little trepidatious about becoming a Shinigami, Orihime's excitement far outweighed her concerns when she heard Ohta's words, her eyes practically lighting up as she replied, "Yes, please...!"
Providing an argument she 'knew' would convince Ohta, Rukia promptly pointed out, "It would be a good way to repay the life debt you owe her. Then, if you ever become a Captain, she can become your Lieutenant and heal you if you're ever injured."
Realizing why Rukia was so dead set on intertwining Orihime into their relationship, a self-deprecating smile developed across Ohta's face as he exhaled a faintly exasperated sigh through his nose. She was clearly worried that he would do something reckless and sustain a fatal injury, one conventional healing methods wouldn't be able to treat. With Orihime nearby, so long as he had even a single breath left within him, her cheat-like ability should be able to heal him...
Nodding her head without needing to ask why Ohta had sighed, Rukia asserted, "During my time in the Senzaikyū, I came to understand true regret. As the future grows more uncertain with each passing day, we should make every effort to improve ourselves and enjoy life. That way, even if our path should come to an abrupt end, we'll not regret the time we spent together, only that we didn't have more..."
Emphasizing her point, Rukia discarded her half-finished bowl of cereal, allowing its contents to crash and spill onto the ground as she pulled the silk fastener around her lithe and athletic frame. She didn't mind sharing if she believed the women Ohta slept with benefitted him somehow, but he was still her man. Thus, while she felt sorry for Orihime, she said, "It's my turn..." in a firm tone that left no room for discussion...
After spending a few hours familiarizing himself with his new home, Ohta instructed Rukia and Orihime to get some rest while he made his way over to his old apartment. Before stepping inside, however, his brows furrowed as he sensed a familiar presence inside.
Phasing through his front door, Ohta was unsurprised to find Karin lying on his old bed, nibbling on pocky as her eyes scanned the pages of one of Rukia's romance novels.
Startling the distracted tomboy considerably, compelling her to leap up and stand atop his bed in a combat posture, Ohta asked, "What are you doing here...?" in a neutral tone.
Realizing who the voice belonged to, Karin dropped her fists, exhaling a sigh of relief before adopting an annoyed expression as she said, "I know this is your place, but you should have knocked. You just about gave me a heart attack..."
"That...doesn't answer my question...?" remarked Ohta, his statement changing to a question as he noticed the condition of his room. Rather than looking like a place that had been abandoned for well over a week, going on two, it gave the impression that it had never ceased being used. The 'atmosphere' had changed, and Ohta noticed the laundry hamper was half-filled with female clothing...
Staring at the nervous-looking tomboy with a half-lidded deadpan, Ohta asked, "Have you been living here?" before frowning deeply as he added, "Don't tell me you ran away..."
Turning to meet Ohta's gaze, Karin's nervousness gave way to confusion as she asked, "Huh? The whole reason I decided to become stronger was to protect my family. Why would I run away...?"
"Then answer my question," countered Ohta, not allowing Karin to change the subject.
Rubbing the right side of her head, Karin appeared reluctant, furrowing her brows and avoiding Ohta's gaze, but she eventually replied, "It's just more comfortable, okay? Yuzu has been super depressed since Ichi-nii went on his 'vacation,' and even dad has been acting strangely. Since you weren't using it, I figured I could come here to decompress..."
Though he was tempted to ask why she didn't use the apartment he had lent her, Ohta ultimately just shook his head. He didn't appreciate it when people used his shit without permission, but there was no use crying over spilled milk. He could also understand why Karin felt more comfortable in his room than her own, as, despite enduring quite a bit of 'suffering' within the confined space, it was always invariably followed by a feeling of relief and accomplishment. In other words, the tiny apartment had become her 'happy place.'
Staring at Ohta from the corner of her eye, Karin asked, "You're not mad?" in a standoffish but hopeful tone.
Shaking his head a second time, Ohta replied, "It is what it is. Besides, it's not like I can undo the fact you've been treating this place like your own. I can even give it to you if you want. It's paid out until April 1st of next year, so you can do whatever you want with it after I move into my new place."
Though she initially expressed relief when she realized Ohta wasn't angry with her, Karin's frown returned with a vengeance when she heard he was moving, asking, "Where are you moving? Is it the Soul Society...?"
"It's a little place called Nunya," replied Ohta. However, as Karin could make an excellent addition to his organization, he added, "Ask me again once you're a high school student. I might be able to hook you up with a part-time job."
"Come oooon..." said Karin, adopting an uncharacteristically spoiled tone. Then, with the same resolve she showed during her training, she argued, "If it's within the city or somewhere close, I can come over and continue our training. You couldn't have taught me all the 'basics' you promised in just three weeks..."
"You heard me the first time," replied Ohta, adopting a serious expression of his own as he said, "Keep testing the waters carelessly, and you could drown in them..."
Crossing her arms, Karin exhaled a huffy snort but didn't attempt to press further. She suspected Ohta didn't want her over because he was sharing a place with his girlfriend. Karin was interested in meeting her, as Rukia's height and physique weren't much different from her own, but, at least for the time being, she would mind her own business...
(A/N: Ohta is a magnet for willful women/girls O_O. Also, daily reminder that this is NOT a harem novel...)