
Chapter 46: I'm Sorry Too

“This photo,” Marcia said, holding up a black and white photograph. She stood and walked it over to me. The photograph was indeed beautiful. It was a portrait of a young woman. She sat naked with her back facing the camera. Her body was loosely wrapped in sheets and she glanced down at one shoulder. Her hair was loosely tied atop her head, and at the nape of her neck was a heart-shaped tattoo.

Where had I seen that tattoo before?

“That tattoo. I’ve seen it before…” I thought aloud.

I flipped the photo over. On the back was written: “My heart.” In my mother’s hand.

“Oh, my God!! Jill!! My mother was in love with Jill!?” I exclaimed.

“But wait. My mother knew Jill in college? She told me that they had met when she hired her as a lawyer several years later?”

“Perhaps she was hiding something?” uttered Marcia.