

Soulmates aren't rare, they aren't, you'll meet a thousand soulmates, just as you'll live a thousand lives. North Stars though, they are. By chance you'll meet someone who encompass the way home. Someone who is home. And knowing them is like being found with never knowing you were lost. And you will love them. God, you will love them as they are because they are yours. They exist beneath your skin, in your veins, to your bones. They were written in some far off past life. There is no force that is more than they are. You are born half in love with them, and to have them, to be theirs, is like nothin else. Nothing would dare to be. When devil fall in love they will go to depth of hell But when angel does, she will fall from heaven for him

Cosmos3915 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 5

I have late night conversations with the  moon , He tell me about the sun and I tell him about you


The first class after morning  today was physical education.

The current experimental school was far more advanced and wealthier than the high school Disha previously attended. Not only were there only four students per dormitory, but the school also had its own swimming pool. In addition to students specializing in swimming, ordinary students were also allowed to use it.

There were also swimming classes, and although men and women were in separate lanes, the two classes were taught together.

Disha didn't know how to swim, so she had looked forward to learning. Last night, she meticulously prepared her swimming gear.

However, when she arrived at the swimming pool, she immediately noticed that something was wrong.

Feeling the heat emanating from her abdomen, along with pain, and knew that her period had arrived. She reluctantly went to the teacher to ask for leave.

The teacher had taught for many years, so she instantly understood when she saw Disha's pale face. She allowed Disha to return to the classroom to rest.

Walking slowly towards the locker room as she clutched her stomach, Disha felt pain one moment and grogginess the next. Her mind had already given up on thinking.

When she arrived at the locker room, she found the locker where she stored her clothes according to her memory.

But when she opened the locker, she realized that something was wrong.

Instead of her clothes, there were a pair of black swimming trunks and goggles in the locker.

Her action of opening the locker paused, and a question suddenly emerged in her mind — when she passed the entrance of the pool, did she walk left or right?

Because she hadn't been to the pool for a long time, she might've...

Swallowing slowly, she realized she may have entered the men's locker room.

Uh oh.

Disha was shocked and turned around without thinking, intending to leave.

At this moment, there were voices outside of the locker room.

"I think the girls have already changed their swimsuits and entered the pool. Why does our teacher always have to talk so much before class every time?"

"Who knows, hurry up, I can't wait any longer. Brothers, your little diving prince is here!"

"Why did you take off your clothes before entering the locker room?"

"We're all men, why are you so shy? I directly wore my swimming trunks today."

"Hey, do you know that Haruto from Class 11 is quite amazing. He skipped class so that he can come here to hang out with Arata."

"I really admire him. I bet that Arata already has our class schedule memorized."

Disha's heart screamed a loud "Holy cosmos" as she quickly looked around. She searched for a long time but still couldn't find a place to hide.

Then, she stared at the locker in front of her, number 108. It seemed like Yano's locker, but she wasn't sure. What if it's not his? Wouldn't I get caught? But if I didn't enter it, wouldn't I get caught even then?

She hesitated for a moment before she took a deep breath and went straight in. She hurriedly pulled it shut from the inside.

The locker had a very good scent,  It was a cool and minty fragrance, reminiscent of the color blue, just like him .but it felt like being enveloped in a comforting aura of familiarity. confirming her guess that this was indeed Yano's locker

Then she heard the bustling noises from outside; there seemed to be a lot of people coming in.

Afterward, some strange conversations drifted around.

"That's not okay, you are too small."

"F*ck, where are you staring at?!"

"I'm small?? I'm small?? I'm XXL, okay!!"

"Did you lie to me about having abs? Where are the abs? Where are they???"

"Are you stupid? There were a bunch of girls next to me when I was talking to you that day, how can I say I don't have any?? How can a man say he doesn't have abs??"

Disha huddled in the locker and held her breath, but in the next moment, heard unhurried footsteps walking towards her.

Holy Cosmos

It's over! It's over, it's over!

It's over!!

She'll be discovered.

Will they think she's a female pervert??

She could already see tomorrow's headline — Shock! Modern female high school student hides in the boys' locker room due to excessive study pressure with unclear intentions. Boys should also pay attention to protect themselves these days.

Covering her mouth and resisting the urge to break the locker and escape, she tried to shrink herself into a ball.

At this moment, she only hated that she didn't learn the bone-shrinking technique  from the novel. She simply wanted to merge into the locker and become one with it.

Yano walked to his locker wordlessly amidst the laughter and conversations. He lowered his head and pulled the door open, but it only opened for a moment before it quickly closed as if there was a hand on the inside.

Yano frowned slightly and didn't think too deeply about it. He just assumed that the locker was old.

He turned his wrist slightly and exerted a little bit more force.

The door of the locker opened with a creaking sound.

Disha, who shrunk herself in the locker, saw the locker opened from the outside as a glimmer of light entered.

She screamed in her heart, and her expression was as if she already had nothing left to live for.

Then she noticed that Yano didn't seem to have looked inside. She breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped back further and shrank into a corner.

Sure, maybe Yano is her friend, but it's better if he didn't realize it.

Just imagine, what would you feel when you found out your friend is actually a hidden pervert? Maybe they'd give you a disgusted look and never look at you the same way again. 

that really doesn't give her a good feeling.

Disha's heart sank as she thought about the possibility of Yano seeing her as some kind of intruder or pervert. She didn't want him to look at her with disdain or disgust.

He was the first person she had met who seemed to match her vibe so well, and the thought of losing that connection might make her sad

She couldn't help but worry about what Yano might  think If he  found her hiding in his locker. The uncertainty gnawed at her, adding to the weight of anxiety already pressing down on her chest.

Yano didn't lower his head as he pulled down the zipper and casually took off his jacket.

He threw it inside as he turned his hand to pick up a different garment.

A jacket was thrown from the outside and landed on her, covering her completely. It had a very familiar fragrance.

She froze for a moment and then slowly lifted the jacket that covered her body, revealing a pair of eyes.

When she raised her head, she caught a glimpse of the figure in front of the locker.

She swallowed a little.

From this angle, she could only see around his waist.

His slender finger grabbed the corner of his shirt as he slowly lifted it and revealed a thin waistline.

Then came the sleek and beautiful abdominal muscles, along with two clear mermaid lines that disappeared into the waist of the pants.

This extremely shocking scene was so sexy that it made people unconsciously swallow.

The scene before her was undeniably captivating, almost too alluring to look away from. For a brief moment, Disha found herself entranced by the sight, her gaze lingering on Yano's physique. It was a moment of raw, unfiltered attraction, a feeling she couldn't quite comprehend.

Yet, as the intensity of the moment registered, she quickly averted her eyes, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up her cheeks.

 looking at the man's waist and stared blankly for a while before she closed her eyes. She hastily retreated a step back as she whispered silently, "See no evil."

However, when she moved, she bumped into the back of the locker and created a sound.

This caused Yano to pause. He let down the corner of his shirt, put his hand on top of the locker, and stared thoughtfully at it.

Then, he leaned over to look inside.

And then, he made eye contact with Disha, who was wrapped in his jacket.

The girl resembled a small animal with her head poking out of his jacket. She looked at him cautiously with wet eyes before she tentatively extended her hand to wave hello at him.

She whispered softly, "Hi."

She seemed as calm as an old dog on the surface, but she was already panicking inside.


The vicious female classmate entered the male's locker with evil intentions.

This misunderstanding will probably be impossible to clear up.

Yano silently stared at her for a while before he slowly got up and abruptly closed the locker door.

Currently, the youths in the locker room were talking and laughing as they changed their clothes. If the locker door was opened slightly wider, Disha would've seen a scenery resembling white flowers in a garden due to the number of undressed youths.

No one seemed to notice Yano's unusual behavior.

After a moment, the locker door creaked open a small crack from within.

Yano glanced down at Disha, his eyebrows raised in clear shock at her presence.

Disha quickly raised her index finger to her lips and whispered, "Shh——"

But before she could say more, Haru's voice, Yano's seatmate, interrupted, "Yano, what are you doing? Why haven't you changed your clothes yet?"

Yano stared at Disha for a moment before he closed the locker door again. This time, Disha didn't dare to push it open.

As Haru approached, he saw Yano leaning on his locker, looking puzzled. "Brother, why are you leaning like that instead of changing your clothes?"

Yano calmly replied, "I couldn't find my goggles, you can go out first."

Though Haru was confused, he trusted Yano. He reached out to open Yano's locker, saying, "How is that possible? I remember you putting your swimming trunks and goggles in the same place. I'll help you look for it."

Yano swiftly grabbed Haru's wrist, leaning closer and speaking in a threatening tone, "Don't touch my stuff."

Haru winced in pain. "Can't you be more gentle? You're going to break my hand."

Rubbing his wrist, Haru realized something was amiss. Yano had never cared about his locker being touched before.

Half-jokingly, Haru remarked, "What's wrong? It's not like you're hiding a beauty in your locker, there's no need to be so secretive."

The other youths in the locker room began to pay attention to their exchange.

Yano whispered to him without changing his expression, "Do you know what the consequences will be if you keep talking? Hm?"

Suddenly, Haru recalled a joke he had made during a previous swimming class.

As a result, he was directly kicked into the swimming pool by Yano when no one was paying attention.

Haru choked , the memory of Yano looking down at him from ashore etched into his mind. "Since there's water in your brain, you might as well go into the pool to drain it out. Isn't that nice?"

haru knew that this person was serious. He immediately stopped and sensibly said, "Okay okay, I'll go first. You be careful not to be late."

Seriously, don't know how I provoked him for him to suddenly become so hostile.

She was surprised by Yano's tone; it was the first time she'd heard him like that. Was it usual for boys to be kind to girls but tough on other boys?

But despite her shock, she found it fascinating. She knew Yano was hiding something, maybe something big. But without him opening up, there was little she could do. Still, she trusted he could handle it on his own.

If he couldn't, she was ready to step in. After all, isn't that what friends are for?

A small smile crept onto her face as she thought, "Yes, we're friends, not just classmates." But amid her confidence in their bond, worries lingered. Would this incident change things between them?

As the noise in the locker room gradually quieted, returning to its former silence, Disha let out a relieved breath.

 she slowly opened the locker door and crawled out.

As she rose to her feet, she suddenly noticed someone leaning against the locker. He gazed down at her, his eyes carrying a profound intensity 


"He seems angry," I thought, casting my eyes downward. "But then again, who wouldn't be?" 

As Yano's eyes bore into Disha's, she could sense an underlying tension, a mixture of anger and something else she couldn't quite place. "So Disha, care to explain?" His voice sliced through the air, sharp and tinged with tension.

Disha's heart raced as she met his gaze, feeling the weight of his scrutiny bearing down on her. she stammered, her voice barely audible above the rush of blood in her ears. "I was going to return to the classroom, but I ended up in the wrong locker room... and I had to hide."

A muscle twitched in Yano's jaw, his features tightening with a mixture of frustration and worry. "And what if it wasn't my locker?" His words were laced with a restrained edge, a tinge of jealousy creeping into his tone without him realizing at the thought of her being in another boy's locker

Disha's breath caught in her throat as she struggled to find an answer. "I... I don't know," she admitted, her voice faltering. "I was lost in thought ... I didn't pay attention to the locker numbers." She lied

NO! I was in pain that's why i didn't notice

A flicker of insecurity flashed across Yano's expression, his eyes darkening with suppressed emotions. "You didn't pay attention?" His voice held a hint of accusation, his heart clenching at the thought of her seeing another boy's body.

Disha swallowed hard, her palms growing clammy with nerves. "I-I'm sorry, Yano," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Yano's features softened slightly at her apology, the tension between them easing ever so slightly. "Just... be more careful next time, okay?" His tone softened, a note of concern seeping through his earlier frustration.

Disha nodded, a knot forming in her stomach as she realized the gravity of her mistake. "I will, I promise."

As they stood in silence, the air thick with unspoken tension, Disha couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. She knew she had to make things right with Yano, but the fear of what might have happened if she had entered someone else's locker lingered in the back of her mind.

Summoning her resolve, she met Yano's gaze with determination. "I... I remember your locker number, Yano," she confessed quietly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I wouldn't have entered anyone else's."

Yano's eyes softened at her words,

 Yano couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and appreciation towards her. It was the first time someone had noticed such a small detail about him,+

No, She always notice small detail about him

and it made him feel valued and appreciate, 

he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Just... please be more careful next time."

With a nod of understanding, Disha felt a weight lift off her shoulders, knowing that Yano trusted her despite her mistake. As they shared a silent understanding, she vowed to herself to never let her carelessness jeopardize their friendship again.

"Disha, are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with genuine concern. it wasn't like Disha to make such a mistake. He knew her to be careful and attentive ,

 Yeah! she can be airhead sometimes, But her Intuition is amazing so she never get in trouble so her presence in the wrong locker room raised alarm bells in his mind.

In that moment, Yano's anger and jealousy about the situation melted away, overshadowed by his immediate concern for Disha's well-being. He forgot about the earlier tension, his sole focus now on ensuring she was safe and cared for

Feeling his concern washing over her like a soothing balm, Disha's heart softened. "Yes, I am okay," she replied with a smile, grateful for his genuine care and reassurance.