
Northern Hour

Elio is struggling to get over his past, he’s scarred and will never be the same. Without warning, a deadly virus breaks out on his home planet, and his world comes crashing down. Elio finds himself thrust into a world of chaos, void of any order. Murder, Theft, and Various Heinous crimes take center stage on a Silver Train. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm still new to writing, so there may be grammatical errors at first. The horror/thriller aspect comes out later on in the story. Also the really juicy parts of the novel take a while to get to but i promise it'll be worth the wait!

FiaVillin · Seram
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17 Chs


Three weeks had slipped away like sand through Elio's fingers since that fateful night at the Linhaven Carnival, the night Elio unexpectedly ran into Tristan. The encounter had left Elio profoundly shaken, a jumble of emotions swirling inside him like a chaotic storm. In truth, he couldn't even recall how that night had ended; it was as if his brain had shut down from the stress and anxiety that had gripped him.

Eleanor had been his savior that night, her instincts as my older sister kicking into overdrive. She saw the turmoil in Elio's eyes and recognized the distress that had taken hold of him. They left the carnival early, her protective arm wrapped around him, guiding him through the maze of the lively crowds. Daisy and Karter, their trusted friends, followed closely behind, their expressions reflecting concern and understanding.

As they walked away from the carnival's vibrant lights and boisterous laughter, a heavy silence enveloped their group. Elio's mind was still racing, replaying that moment when Tristan's voice had pierced through the background noise, calling his name with surprise. The shock of it all had jolted Elio, and the memories of their past interactions resurfaced, unbidden.

Eleanor squeezed Elio's shoulder gently, her touch a comforting anchor in the midst of his turmoil. Elio could feel her gaze on him, filled with sisterly concern and love, but he couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes. He was too lost in his thoughts, too entangled in the web of emotions that Tristan's presence had stirred within him.

His heart ached with a mixture of anger, betrayal, and hurt. Tristan Hughes had been a part of a chapter in his life that Elio had tried his best to forget, a chapter marked by a disturbing incident that had led to a painful falling out with Cassidy, Elio's once-close friend. He had shut that chapter, locked it away in the depths of his memory, and moved forward, or so he thought.

But there he was, out of nowhere, as if fate itself had conspired to reopen that chapter. His voice, once so familiar, now felt like an unwelcome intrusion, a reminder of a past Elio had hoped to leave behind. He couldn't comprehend why he was at the carnival, why he had recognized him, and why he had called out his name with such surprise.

Elio's mind was a whirlwind of questions, doubts, and fears. What did he want? What did he remember? Did he know about the turmoil that had followed our falling out, the pain and heartache it had caused him?

In that moment, as they retreated from the carnival's enchanting but treacherous world, Elio couldn't help but wonder if their paths would cross again, if fate had more surprises in store for him. The unease lingered, a weight on my shoulders that refused to dissipate, and Elio couldn't shake the feeling that his encounter with Tristan was far from over.

Ever since that unsettling encounter with Tristan, Elio had become somewhat of a recluse. The fear of running into him again haunted his thoughts like a persistent shadow. Elio couldn't bear the uncertainty of what might transpire if their paths crossed once more. It was a fear Elio preferred not to confront, and so, Elio chose to retreat into the safety of his own world.

Elio had taken refuge in his aunt's guest room, a sanctuary where he could escape the outside world and its unpredictable twists. The four walls provided him with a sense of security, a shield against the anxieties that plagued his mind. Underneath the cozy bed covers, Elio sighed, his breath muffled by the soft fabric. It was a sigh born of both frustration and resignation, a sigh that expressed the weight of his isolation.

Just as Elio was enveloped in my thoughts, the familiar sound of a knock at the bedroom door pierced through the quiet solitude. Elio hesitated for a moment, his heart quickening as he wondered who could be on the other side. Reluctantly, Elio stuck his head out from under the bed covers and asked in a sullen voice, "Who's there?"

The reply came in the form of a gentle voice, one that Elio instantly recognized as his aunt Michelle. Her presence was unexpected, and Elio couldn't help but wonder what had brought her to the door at this moment.

Elio pushed himself up into a sitting position, his curiosity piqued but still tinged with the lingering unease from the past few weeks. With a sigh, he responded, "Come in, Aunt Michelle."

The soft creak of the guest room door drew his attention away from the introspective thoughts that had consumed him for the past few weeks. Aunt Michelle's kind presence filled the room, and as her gaze met his, there was an unspoken understanding that passed between us. It was time.

She spoke gently, her voice carrying a sense of both responsibility and care. "Elio, it's time to start getting ready. We're almost ready to leave."

Her words struck a chord within Elio, reminding him of the imminent return to normalcy, to a world beyond the protective cocoon he had created for himself in this room. Eastside Academy awaited, and with it, the challenges and uncertainties of a new school year.

Elio sighed softly, acknowledging the truth in her words. The prestigious academy had accepted his transfer application based on his academic achievements, a fact that filled Elio with both pride and apprehension.

With a nod, Elio replied to Aunt Michelle, "You're right, Aunt Michelle. I should start getting ready." Elio's voice held a mixture of determination and resignation. The routine of preparing for a new school year was a familiar one, yet this time, it felt different, marked by the shadows of recent events.

Aunt Michelle's warm smile acknowledged my response. She understood the complexity of emotions he was experiencing and gave Elio the space to navigate them in his own time.

As Elio began the process of packing his belongings and preparing for the journey ahead, he couldn't help but reflect on the significance of this moment. Eastside Academy represented a new chapter in his life, a chance to leave behind the uncertainties that had plagued him and embrace the opportunities that awaited.

With each item Elio carefully placed in his suitcase, he felt a sense of determination growing within him. It was time to face the challenges of the outside world, to step beyond the boundaries of his comfort zone, and to embrace the promise of a fresh start.

As Elio stood there in the guest room, the realization that it was time to leave began to settle in. Michelle's words about his mother coming upstairs to help with the last of the packing served as a reminder that this transition was real, that there was no turning back.

With a quiet "alright" in response to Michelle's information, Elio watched as she closed the door, leaving me to gather my thoughts in solitude.

As the soft click of the door closing resonated through the room, Elio took a deep breath. Determined to face the day ahead, he moved with deliberate steps, his footsteps echoing faintly in the room. Elio's fingers brushed against the cool surface of the towel and the clean change of clothes he had laid out earlier.

Elio entered the bathroom, the warm light casting a comforting glow. The sound of running water filled the space as he adjusted the temperature to his liking. The soothing rush of the shower's cascade provided a momentary escape from the weight of his thoughts.

Stepping under the steady stream, Elio closed his eyes and let the water wash over him, a cleansing ritual that felt both physical and symbolic. The sensation of warmth and cleanliness gradually eased the tension that had settled in his shoulders.

As Elio lathered the soap and let it rinse away, he couldn't help but think about the days ahead. Eastside Academy, with its rigorous academics and high expectations, loomed on the horizon. It was a chance for reinvention, for growth, but it was also a reminder of the need to confront his fears and uncertainties.

With the shower complete, Elio turned off the water and stepped out, wrapping the towel around me. Elio caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, his reflection revealing a mixture of determination and vulnerability. The challenges ahead were real, but so were the opportunities.

The mirror served as a reflective portal to Elio's own uncertainties. At times, it felt like a harsh spotlight, highlighting not just his physical appearance but also the inner turmoil he grappled with. Elio had to admit that facing himself in the mirror had become a daunting task, a reminder of the past that still had its grip on him.

As he stood there, towel wrapped around his waist, Elio couldn't help but think about the events that had shaped him, the moments of hurt and fear that had left their mark.

Yet, deep down, Elio knew that he couldn't let these past horrors define his future. The determination to move forward, to break free from the shackles of fear and anxiety, burned within him like a smoldering ember.

With a resolute breath, Elio raised both hands and gave himself a light but firm slap on both cheeks. It was a small, symbolic act, a way to jolt himself awake from the spiraling thoughts that threatened to consume him. The sting on his skin served as a reminder that Elio was still here, still capable of taking control of his own life.

Elio took another deep breath, this one steadier than the last, and began to put on his change of clothes. As he finished folding his pajamas, and placing them gently into a compact bag, Elio couldn't help but think about the laundry that awaited him at the academy. It was a small inconvenience, but it reminded Elio of the responsibilities that came with independence.

As Elio zipped up the bag and nestled it into his already stuffed suitcase, he knew he had to be practical. Just as Elio stood up, the familiar sound of a knock on the door echoed through the room. 

Elio glanced towards the entrance, and there she was, his mother, Opal. She stood there with a warm smile, ready to lend a helping hand in the process of trudging his luggage downstairs.

But it was what she wore on her hands that caught Elio's attention - disposable gloves. Elio's heart skipped a beat as he realized the thoughtful gesture behind this simple act. She knew him well, perhaps too well, and understood that he had a particular aversion to others touching his belongings, especially at a time when he felt vulnerable and exposed.

Emotions swirled in Elio's chest, a mixture of gratitude and a hint of sadness. His mother's love was evident in every action she took, and these gloves were a symbol of her deep understanding and unwavering support.

Elio felt a lump forming in his throat as he blinked back unexpected tears. Opal, seeing the emotions welling up in him, reached out and gently rubbed Elio's head, a comforting and reassuring touch. Her voice, soft and filled with love, broke through the silence that had settled between them.

"We should start bringing your things downstairs, Elio," she said, her words both a practical suggestion and a reminder that they were in this together. Her presence was a source of strength, and Elio knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, he had a family who cared deeply for me.

With a nod, Elio swallowed the lump in his throat and gave his mother a grateful smile. Together, they began the task of carrying Elio's luggage downstairs.

The task of carrying Elio's luggage downstairs was complete, and the trunk of their hover car, a familiar family vehicle, was slowly filling up with the weight of his belongings. His father, Ian, was handling the logistics, expertly arranging bags and suitcases to maximize space. He was a practical man, always ensuring that everything was in order.

As Elio turned to survey the scene, his attention was drawn to my sister, Eleanor, who approached him with a determined look on her face. She wrapped her arms around Elio in a tight, heartfelt hug. The warmth of her embrace brought a smile to Elio's face, but he couldn't help but wonder about the reason behind this sudden display of affection.

Elio pulled back slightly, his brows furrowing in curiosity, and asked her what prompted such an embrace. It was then that Elio noticed the tears glistening in her eyes as they rolled down her cheeks. Eleanor's emotions, usually so carefully hidden beneath her confident exterior, were on full display.

Her words, delivered with a quiver in her voice, revealed the source of her tears. "It's because we'll be separated for such a long time, Elio," she confessed, her vulnerability shining through. The prospect of him leaving for Eastside Academy had hit her harder than he had expected.

Elio couldn't help but chuckle softly at her sincerity, even though his heart ached at the sight of her tears. He reached out and wiped away a stray tear from her cheek, his voice filled with reassurance. "Eleanor, no matter how many days we spend apart, you know I'll always be able to find you. We're siblings, after all, and our bond goes beyond distance."

Eleanor's eyes brightened, and a small, grateful smile tugged at her lips. Her hug, though tinged with sadness, also carried a sense of trust and love. They may be parting ways for a while, but their connection remains unbreakable.

Ian, who had been quietly observing their exchange, nodded approvingly. He understood the strength of his family ties and how they would continue to anchor them even when they were apart.

With that, everyone resumed the process of loading the car, each of them knowing that this farewell was not a goodbye but a temporary separation.

Ian's voice broke the tender moment between Eleanor and Elio, reminding them of the impending departure. "We should really hurry up if we want to catch your train," he urged, his tone practical and efficient. Time was ticking, and we couldn't afford to linger.

Eleanor, startled by the sudden realization, sprang into action. Without wasting a moment, she began pushing Elio toward the open car door, her determination clear. Her urgency was infectious, and Elio climbed into the vehicle, still feeling the remnants of their emotional exchange.

Opal stood a few steps away, watching the scene with a soft smile. Her laughter filled the air as she waved to her sister, Michelle, who had been a gracious host during their stay. Opal's well-wishes were accompanied by a request for updates about her mother's condition, a reminder of the ongoing concern that had brought them together.

Michelle, standing beside Opal, nodded in understanding. "Of course, Opal. I'll keep you updated. Safe travels."

With that, Michelle signaled that it was time to go. Opal and Michelle exchanged a final farewell, their bond as sisters evident in their affectionate gestures.

Ian took his place in the driver's seat, the engine of his hover car humming to life as he prepared to navigate the journey ahead. The familiar hum was a reminder that, despite the bittersweet farewell, a new adventure awaited Elio at Eastside Academy.

As they pulled away from Michelle's home, the world outside blurred into motion. Elio glanced back at the house one last time, the image of his aunt waving in the rearview mirror, a symbol of the love and support that would accompany him on this new chapter of his life.

Eleanor snuggled up next to Elio in the hover car, her warmth and presence a comforting balm to his mixed emotions. Her words mirrored Elio's own feelings. "I can't believe it's already time for you to leave," she murmured, her voice tinged with both sadness and affection.

Elio turned to her with a soft smile, his heart filled with gratitude for his sister's unwavering support. "I know, Ellie," he replied, his voice equally touched by emotion. "It feels like time flew by."

Just as their conversation was settling into a reflective mood, a tiny, familiar voice piped up. Annora, the family's fluffy calico cat, meowed from her cozy carrier. Her timing was impeccable, and Eleanor and Elio couldn't help but chuckle.

Eleanor laughed and playfully scolded Annora, "Oh, Annora, we almost forgot you were in here!" She reached for a small toy, a feathered teaser, and began to tease their feline friend through the mesh of her carrier.

Annora, always one for playfulness, swatted at the feather with her dainty paws, her whiskers twitching with excitement. It was a lighthearted moment, a brief respite from the weight of our impending separation.

Elio gazed out of the hover car's window, his mind a swirl of thoughts and emotions. The landscape passed by in a blur, but his focus was inward. The events of the past few weeks, especially that unsettling encounter with Tristan, still weighed heavily on his mind.

With a heavy sigh, Elio closed his eyes, seeking a moment of respite from the whirlwind of thoughts. It was then that exhaustion caught up with him, and before he knew it, he had drifted into a light nap.

When Elio woke up, it felt like only a moment had passed, but the change in scenery told a different story. They had arrived at Nembrington Terminal in Linhaven. Elio's heart skipped a beat as the reality of leaving his family and starting a new chapter at Eastside Academy sank in.

Eleanor, always the one to infuse humor into even the most bittersweet moments, greeted him with a playful jest. "Wakey-wakey, sleeping beauty. It's time to grab your luggage."

Elio managed a tired smile, appreciating her attempt to lighten the mood. "You're going to carry Annora until the last possible moment, aren't you?" he teased in return. Annora, their beloved cat, was a source of comfort for all of them, and Eleanor's attachment to her was undeniable.

Eleanor chuckled, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of playfulness and genuine affection. "You know it," she replied, gently poking Annora's carrier. "I won't see her for a long time, after all."

Ian, always the pragmatic one, joined in the banter with a hearty laugh. "Come on, you two. Time to get moving." His words carried a touch of both urgency and tenderness, a reflection of his fatherly concern.

With a sense of finality, Elio unbuckled his seatbelt and reached for his luggage. As he stepped out of the car, the reality of leaving my family behind weighed on him like a heavy cloak.

The train terminal was bustling with activity, a flurry of travelers and families, all with their own stories and destinations. It was a sensory overload for Elio, a stark contrast to the quiet moments he had shared with my family in the car. As he entered the terminal, the weight of the upcoming separation bore down on him once again.

But then, there was his mother, Opal, walking beside him, her hand clasped firmly in Elio's. He stole a glance at her, and her warm smile washed over him like a comforting embrace. It was as if her presence alone could ease the knot of anxiety that had settled in Elio's chest.

Elio's smile, which had been tinged with tension, began to relax. His mother's smile widened in response, her eyes crinkling at the corners with maternal affection. It was a silent exchange of reassurance, a language they had always shared.

Eleanor, ever the playful spirit, couldn't resist chiming in, her teasing tone breaking through the moment's gravity. "Mom's showing favoritism!" she declared with mock indignation.

The entire family erupted into laughter, the sound echoing through the terminal and drawing the curious glances of other travelers. It was a moment of lightness, a reminder that even in the midst of goodbyes, their family bond remained unbreakable.

Ian turned his attention to the overhead monitor displaying the boarding gate locations for each train. He quickly scanned the information and announced, "Elio's train is going to arrive at gate J39. We should head over there."

Opal's interruption came at a crucial moment, and it was a testament to her meticulous nature. She reminded Ian that they needed to check in Elio's luggage at the baggage counter and ensure that Annora's documents were in order for her to board the train. It was a practical necessity that couldn't be overlooked.

Ian, ever the easygoing one in our family, scratched his ear and chuckled slightly. "You're absolutely right, Dear," he conceded with a warm smile. "I was getting ahead of myself there."

Eleanor, always eager to help and show her responsibility, spoke up without hesitation. "Don't worry, Mom and Dad," she said, her confidence shining through. "I'll take Annora over to the pet area and get everything sorted out for her."

Then, with a hint of concern, Elio turned to Eleanor. "Hey, do you have your driver's license with you?" he asked, realizing that she might need to prove to the staff working in the pet area that she's related to him.

Eleanor, ever-prepared, pulled out her driver's license from her purse and winked at Elio before taking Annora and all of Annora's belongings to the pet area. 

After successfully checking in his luggage at the baggage area, Elio, Ian, and Opal made their way to the platform, anticipation mounting with every step. Ian took out his mobile device and sent a quick text to Eleanor, letting her know their location and instructing her on where to find them as they walked toward gate J39.

The atmosphere at the train terminal was buzzing with activity, the hum of conversations, the shuffle of travelers, and the distant announcement of departing trains blending into a harmonious cacophony.

As Elio and his parents arrived at gate J39, the overhead announcement echoed through the terminal, "Attention all passengers," the voice announced, "the train 'Greyhound' is now boarding at gate J39, bound for Wington Cross Terminal in Braqard. Passengers connecting to the onward train at Wington Cross Terminal are advised to board shortly. Please have your tickets and identification ready." 

Elio's heart quickened with excitement and a hint of nervousness, knowing that the moment of departure was drawing nearer.

Just as he began scanning the crowd for Eleanor, a familiar figure caught his eye. There she was, his dear sister, running toward him and their parents with a frantic yet determined look on her face.

Eleanor's arrival brought a wave of relief, and Elio gratefully accepted Annora back into my arms. She panted heavily, clearly having exerted herself to get to them in time.

"Thanks, Eleanor," he said with a smile, genuinely appreciative of her efforts.

Eleanor, ever the witty one, couldn't resist a snarky remark. "Well, I prefer getting paid for sprints, but you're welcome."

Ian, Opal and Elio couldn't help but laugh at her comment. Eleanor had a way of injecting humor into any situation.

Eleanor's attention then shifted to the grandeur of the train. She marveled at the size, commenting on how she didn't realize trains in the country could be so massive.

Elio followed her gaze, craning his neck to take in the sight. The Greyhound, with its four story height and impressive width, dwarfed anything Elio had seen before in terms of trains. To accommodate this behemoth, the train terminal had custom-built a gate to ensure its smooth entry and exit.

"It's pretty impressive," Elio agreed, my own sense of wonder matching hers. The journey ahead was bound to be unlike anything he had experienced before.

Opal's words were a gentle nudge to reality, a reminder that the train wouldn't wait forever. She smiled warmly at Elio and said, "Elio, it's time to get on the train."

Elio nodded, his emotions swirling as he took the final steps toward the train.

As Elio stood on the threshold, he couldn't help but rub my eyes, trying to dispel the tears that threatened to form. Elio turned to face his family, who had gathered to see him off. Their loving presence and support meant the world to him.

With a heavy heart, Elio waved goodbye to them, tears glistening in his eyes. It was a bittersweet moment, knowing that he was leaving behind the comfort of home and the warmth of their company. But this was a journey Elio had to undertake, a step toward his future.

With resolve, Elio stepped onto the train, pulling his luggage and Annora's cat carrier and bags with him. Annora, as if sensing the gravity of the moment, let out a loud meow and raised her left paw in a farewell gesture. It was as if she, too, was saying goodbye to the family she had come to love.

As he stood there, a staff member of the Greyhound approached him. He wore a neatly pressed uniform and had a friendly smile that put Elio somewhat at ease.

"Ticket, please," he requested politely.

Elio fumbled for his ticket, feeling a twinge of nervousness. After handing it over, he examined it with a quick but thorough glance before nodding in approval.

"Thank you. You're in First Class," he informed Elio with a warm tone. "I'll guide you to the First-Class Guide Station, where you'll meet your designated Guide. They'll help you find your roomette on the third story of the fourth car."

His willingness to assist lightened Elio's burden, and he nodded in gratitude, following him as he picked up some of my bags. Elio couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable with someone else touching his luggage, especially considering the current circumstances. But he also understood it was the man's job, and he could disinfect his bags later if needed.

Elio followed the staff member through the bustling platform of the Greyhound. The train was immense, with four stories towering above him. It was a marvel of modern engineering, and even though he had seen pictures and heard stories about it, being here in person left Elio in awe.

The staff member led Elio through the maze of passengers and luggage, expertly weaving through the crowd as if he had done this a thousand times before. Elio couldn't help but notice that he wore gloves, a precaution that made him feel a bit more comfortable about the handling of his belongings.

They arrived at the First-Class Guide Station, a designated area where passengers in First Class were greeted by their assigned Guides. The station was well-organized, with a large digital board displaying room assignments and the names of the Guides who would assist passengers.

The staff member directed Elio to a comfortable waiting area and informed him that his Guide would be with him shortly. Elio thanked him for his help and took a seat, Annora's soft meows reminding Elio of her presence. Elio assured her that they were on a grand adventure together, and she responded with a reassuring purr.

As Elio waited, his mind wandered back to his family. He hoped they were all right, knowing that the separation would be hard for all of them. But He also felt a sense of excitement about the possibilities that awaited him at Eastside Academy, and He knew that this journey was an important step toward his future.

Before long, a friendly face approached Elio, holding a tablet with his room assignment. It was his designated Guide, a cheerful woman who introduced herself as Lisa. She had a warm and welcoming demeanor that put Elio at ease.

"Hello, Elio," she said with a smile. "I'll be your Guide for this journey. Let's get you settled into your roomette. Follow me, and we'll make sure you're comfortable."

With Lisa leading the way, Elio picked up his remaining luggage and followed her through the labyrinthine corridors of the Greyhound. The train was like a city on wheels, with its own unique atmosphere and rhythm. As Elio and Lisa climbed the stairs to the third story, Elio couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

As Lisa and Elio reached his roomette on the third story of the fourth car, she took a moment to show Elio around. The roomette was cozy but well-appointed, with a comfortable bunk, a small desk, and a large window that offered a view of the passing landscape.

"Here's your roomette, Elio," Lisa said with a friendly smile. "You'll find your luggage has been placed here. You have a private restroom and shower just down the hall, and if you need anything during your journey, don't hesitate to ring for assistance."

Elio nodded in appreciation, feeling grateful for the thoughtfulness of the Greyhound's accommodations. Then, Lisa continued, "Now, a few things to keep in mind during your journey. Lunch will be served in the dining car on the second story at 12:30 hours, and dinner will follow at 19:00 hours. You can make a reservation with the dining car staff if you'd like a specific seating time."

She paused, making sure Elio was following along, and then added, "Lights out is at 22:00 hours, but you can adjust the lighting in your roomette to your preference. And of course, there's a lounge area on the fifth story where you can relax, socialize, or enjoy the view."

Elio thanked Lisa for the information, feeling well-informed about the schedule and amenities on the Greyhound. She assured him that she or another Guide would be available should he have any questions or need assistance with anything else.

After Lisa's helpful introduction, Elio decided it was time to let Annora out of her carrier. She had been remarkably patient during the journey so far, and he thought it would be a good idea to let her stretch her legs and explore the roomette.

Elio carefully opened the cat carrier's door, and Annora, with a soft meow, emerged cautiously. Her green eyes darted around the room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Elio smiled as he watched her sniff at every nook and cranny, her curiosity piqued.

"Alright, Annora," Elio said softly, "you can have a little adventure in here, but remember, this is your safe space."

With Annora contentedly exploring, Elio decided it was time for him to do some exploring of his own. Elio wanted to get a feel for the Greyhound and see what amenities it had to offer. Before leaving the roomette, Elio made sure Annora was still inside and closed the door behind him, giving her some space to acclimate.

As he ventured into the corridor, Elio was greeted by the rhythmic hum of the train's engines and the subtle sway of the carriages.

Elio made his way to the fifth story, where the lounge area was located. The lounge was spacious and comfortable. As Elio settled into one of the empty seats in the lounge, he focused on the scenery passing by outside the large windows. 

The Greyhound's interior was inviting, with its plush seating and the gentle hum of the train's engines, but striking up conversations with strangers had never been Elio's strong suit. He preferred the comfort of solitude or the company of familiar faces.

Elio watched as passengers chatted amiably amongst themselves, some engrossed in books or electronic devices, while others shared stories of their journeys. It was a reminder of the diverse group of people that traveled on this massive train.

For Elio, the allure of the Greyhound lay in the journey itself, the soothing rhythm of the tracks and the changing landscapes outside the window. It was a time for introspection, a respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

With that in mind, He decided to spend some time in the lounge, content to immerse himself in the unique world of the Greyhound while Annora, back in the roomette, had her own adventures.

As Elio spent time in the lounge, the day slowly turned into evening, and the gentle sway of the train began to lull him into a sense of tranquility. Content with the solitude, Elio eventually decided to return to his roomette.

Annora had finished her exploration and was curled up comfortably on the small bed, her soft purring filling the room. Elio gently closed the door and settled into the opposite bunk. The soothing rhythm of the train's movement, combined with the knowledge that he was one step closer to my destination, brought a sense of calm.

In the dim light of the roomette, Elio closed my eyes and allowed the gentle rocking of the Greyhound to carry me into a peaceful slumber.

Heya guys! Goung forward i'll be focusing on Elio's perspective. Why? Cause Eleanor won't be appearing for quite a while.

FiaVillincreators' thoughts