
Chapter twenty eight

That will be hard to forget

*Thompson Family.*

Eric said "Dad, Mom hasn't come back yet."

Eric's Father said "I don't think she is coming back anytime soon, she sent me a message saying she really wants a divorce."

Eric said "she likes to exaggerate, she is just mad she will come back home, for better or worse and she can't leave us like this. "

Eric's Father said "it's my fault son, I'm truly sorry for all this."

Eric said "you can't change your past, this is about Mother and her crazy ambition or pretty much greed. So, are you going to fight for your marriage or will you just give up? "

Eric's Father said "if your mother wants a divorce I won't fight her, I will sign the papers and I don't have any fight in me. "

Eric thinking about how did it all go wrong for them, will his father just give up or try to fix things with his Mother, his mother didn't make it easier to be around. All his father did was to make her happy and make sacrifices but she didn't not even one, it was all but her no compromises. Relationship are about two people, it was just her and Eric loved his parents enough to say.....

Eric said "dad maybe it's not a bad thing you deserve someone who is going to love you and respect you not try to change you. I think it's time to let go, you have been punishing yourself for years because of your past. Letting my mother treat you badly to make up for what you did."

Eric's Father broke down in tears.

Eric said "it is okay Dad tomorrow will be a new day, this too shall pass."

Exams were finally here.

Laura left her student card in the study room, while coming out there heard Jakes's father speaking on a cell phone with someone.

"I know I miss you too, I will come to visit will arrange another trip, jakes won't approve of this, he doesn't need to know and will talk later" said Jakes's father.

Jakes's father said "I didn't see you there, and how long have you been standing there?"

Laura said "not long enough, did I interrupt your business call, arranging another business trip you just came back."

Jakes's father said "whatever you heard keep it to yourself and you don't want to be the one causing trouble between me and my son."

Laura said "I don't know what you're on about, who was on the phone?"

Jake's father said "I can see you heard everything, I was starting to like you don't change that."

Laura said "not my business what you are doing, if I may ask how is it a bad thing that you moved on?"

Jakes's father said "forget what you heard and I won't need to destroy you if you tell jakes what you heard."

Laura said "destroy me?"

*Jakes enters the room*

Jakes said "babe, did you get your student card will be late. "

Laura said "I did, let's go. "

Jakes said "what is going on here?"

Jakes's father said "was telling her to forget about her father's death and go there kill the exam and that's how you young people talk, "kill and murder "the paper."

Jakes said "okay, see you later dad."

Jakes's father said "Good luck with the exam and don't forget what I said to you Laura."

Laura said "that will be hard."