

Vampires are pretty well established. They have fangs, drink human blood, and can't see themselves in mirrors. They can be warded off with garlic, or killed with a stake through the heart. Some, like Dracula, are aristocrats who live in castles.

The human and vampires were enemies since a human-vampire war started. Dracula was nearly killed but he and the others who saved their selves, got away, and they found a place where they can live a long life without humans who started all of this turmoil.

After a thousand year, Dracula and her beloved wife Mellisa had a child named Vladimit Sun Akira Moretti, was born.

Akira was a mischievous girl who wants to go outside the palace that her father built after the war.

She is smart, beautiful, and a tiny girl.

She loves to have a picnic with her mother, and to see the sun. But she can't see the sun because she was a vampire.

"Mom, why vampires can't go out even sunlight," Akira asked.

"Because we can die if we go out during the sun is up." Her mother answered.

Then she saw her father going out of the forest. "Mommmm," she quivered.

"Why? My dear Akira," her mom asked.

"N-nothing important mom," she said, as she edged closer to the window pane.

"Okay, I'll just go to the kitchen to cook our favorite dishes, my dear." Her mother said, as her mother go downstairs to go to the kitchen.

Akira was confused that her father always go out without them knowing. 'My father can't go out if daylight', she tought.

It's almost sunset, and her father arrived.

"Father, where have you been?" She aked, as she wanted to know what her father doing outside the world of vampires.

"I'm from work, Akira. Why do you ask?" her father said. "Nothing father," she answered.

Her mother finished cooking, "Akira, my darling, call your father, we are going to eat dinner." Her mother said.

"Okay, mommy." She said as she go to her father and said, "Father, let's go to eat dinner," she said. "Okay, just wait me at the kitchen, my dear," father command.

So she go downstairs to the kitchen, and sitted in front of her mother's chair.

Her father go downstairs and to the kitchen, he sitted and they began to eat.

After Akira finish eating she go upstairs and to her room, rushing. "Akira don't run, your tummy is full." Her mother said, as she chase Akira upstairs.

Akira was going to sleep, suddenly her curiousity made her run away to the palace.