
Nobunaga Oda's Isekai Cultivation Experience

A young man with an inordinate obsession is presented with the chance of a lifetime...at least, that's what he thought...

GloriousRightFoot · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
137 Chs


Though there were numerous events in between, such as meeting with his entourage, discussing their future plans, and eating several meals, Nobu's day ended pretty much the way he expected. He had Inami hugging a pillow, face down and with her ass in the air.

Taking advantage of the fact she hadn't said anything when he previously smacked her bottom, Nobu held Inami's thin waist with one hand, rhythmically pistoning her otherwordly pussy while kneading and periodically smacking her ass cheeks. He noticed that her body would tense for a brief moment whenever he did so, and, while it could have just been his imagination, he felt as though her insides would become noticeably warmer whenever he got rough.

Due to the rather drastic difference in their size, it could be said that simply moving was considered 'rough' for someone as diminutive as Inami. Nobu genuinely had no idea how such a petite woman was able to swallow up his entire cock. Just looking at where they were connected inspired feelings of immorality, his penis stretching her labium like someone trying to fit into a glove that was several sizes too small. Despite this, he managed to fit rather snugly inside of her, almost as if her body had completely adapted to his size and shape...

"Seriously...your pussy is ridiculous..."

Giving Inami's bottom another light smack, Nobu didn't notice the subtle glowing in her eyes as she instinctually tensed the muscles of her lower body and remarked, "Waka-danna...is also...rather prodigious..."

Though it was a strange compliment, Nobu couldn't help chuckling as he grabbed Inami's waist with both hands and began to increase his speed. Her body was ridiculously durable, so much so that he could probably stab at her with a katana without breaking the skin. Thus, without worrying about hurting her in the slightest, he raised her body until her knees were no longer touching the ground as he pounded her as hard as he could for a solid twenty or so seconds.

Had someone else tried to handle her in such a manner, Inami probably would have killed them without a thought. When Nobu was doing it, however, she just dug her nails into the tatami mats, tightly closing her eyes as her ears and tail twitched madly each time his fiery hot glans impacted her cervix.

Though Inami had noticed it the previous time they had sex, there was a certain sense of comfort that came from knowing she wouldn't have to kill Nobu the moment they finished having sex. He was effectively the first man she had ever laid with twice, and, though she would never admit to it, she had been looking forward to today quite a bit. Rather, since she knew they could have as much sex as they wanted, Nobu was quickly gaining ground in Inami's heart without her realizing it...

Feeling a familiar warmth spread through her body, a hot sigh escaped Inami's throat as she began to rhythmically undulate her insides to effectively milk Nobu's penis. In total, this was the fifty-third time he had ejaculated inside of her. She wasn't entirely sure why she was bothering to keep count but it was strangely mollifying to know how many times he had unhesitantly released his seed into her body...

"Oh fuck..."

Closing his eyes, tilting his head back, and holding Inami flush against the base of his penis, Nobu couldn't help muttering an expletive as his jaw trembled from the excessive stimulus. It wasn't fair to compare her to Yui and Yuriko but her pussy could only be described as otherworldly. It was like she was trying to suck out his soul, and, thanks to the excess of Yang Elemental Energy in his body, the sensation was similar to getting a vacuum blowjob while simultaneously taking a piss.

Fortunately, just as Nobu felt as though his soul was about to leave his body, the suction produced by Inami's vagina spontaneously eased up. As a result, he ended up slipping out of her, and, despite feeling ridiculous energetic, he couldn't help falling onto his ass before subsequently sprawling out on the ground and gasping for air.

Though her stamina should have been inexhaustible against someone of Nobu's level, Inami took a few moments to affectionately caress her abdomen, eyes staring blankly towards an empty point in space as her breathing quickly stabilized. Then, taking advantage of the fact Nobu was lying on his back, she crawled up his body before surprising both him and the other two people present in the room with a deep and passionate kiss.

Resisting the almost instinctual urge to push her away, Nobu merely tensed for a second or two before guiding his hands to her ass and kneading them apart. This caused a fair amount of semen to spill out onto his lower abdomen, but, knowing there were quite a number of people who would readily clean it up for him, he continued to knead her small yet remarkably pliant butt until she had gotten her fill of kissing.

Separating her lips from Nobu's, Inami's eyes glowed within the low light of the room as she licked a trace of saliva from her pale pink lips. She honestly didn't know what had come over her, but, the moment she saw Nobu lying on his back and gasping for air, she couldn't help herself. She wanted to kiss him, and, based on his quick reciprocation, he had been wanting to kiss her as well.

"What do you want to do now? Want to keep going...?"

Closing her thighs around Nobu's still-erect penis, Inami made it clear she was more than willing to continue. If he were being completely honest with himself, Nobu wouldn't have complained even if she had straddled his hips and took the lead without asking. Instead, he brought his hands from her bottom to just above where her tails connected with her body, gingerly cradling her petite frame as he adopted a wry smile and asked, "You're pretty greedy, aren't you...?"

Clicking her tongue, Inami pretended to be annoyed as she briefly cast a glance towards Yui and Onihime. In truth, she was genuinely annoyed, but, as she was currently trying to endear herself to the young man caressing the small of her back, she lowered herself to behaving cutely in front of him.

Proving the effectiveness of her act, a dry chuckle emanated from Nobu's throat as he gave Inami's bottom another light smack as he said, "Relax. It's not like this is the last time we'll be having sex. If you're going to try to monopolize me, you won't be allowed to stay in the main house..."

Though it felt weird to be talking to the most powerful member of the Yoshitsune Clan as if he had some kind of authority over her, Nobu also felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment seeing the remarkably powerful woman deflate in response to his words. She could casually slaughter him with a simple wave of her hand, yet, as if his words had power over her, Inami's ears drooped as she exhaled a melancholic sigh and replied, "I suppose..." in a somber tone.

Following her words, Inami left Nobu at a loss for words as she brought her face closer to his and nuzzled against him like an affectionate kitten. Then, with a look of extreme reluctance on her face, she looked towards Yui and Onihime, saying, "I owe the two of you an apology. I guess I got a little carried away. I'll let the two of you take things from here..."

With that said, Inami rose to her feet, adding, "I'm going to take a bath..." before disappearing from the room without bothering to reclaim her clothes and undergarments. She, like most members of the Yoshitsune Clan, was far more comfortable in the nude than in formal wear. Thus, now that she was basically living within Nobu's estate, she had no reason to feign decency unless he, personally, complained.


Reacting several seconds after Inami's departure, Nobu exhaled a sigh before sitting up and looking over at the two girls who had been watching him for the better part of three and a half hours. They had originally intended to excuse themselves, but, for reasons Nobu could only guess at, Inami had effectively convinced them to stay by mentioning bullshit about duty and the fact she was the one visiting.

As could be expected, the atmosphere had become extremely awkward the moment Inami left the room. Fortunately, Nobu wasn't exactly lacking in shamelessness, so, after ten to fifteen seconds of awkwardness, he gestured towards his junk and said, "Well...it's not gonna suck itself..." with a wry smile on his face. This was intended as a joke, but, understanding the two would take him literally, it ended up sounding even cringier than he expected.

Though Yui seemed to understand Nobu's intentions, an exasperated sigh escaping her throat as she shook her head and smiled, Onihime became visibly excited by the implication she was free to join in. She was actually perfectly content with watching from the side, but, now that she had the chance to get involved, an eager and resolute look developed across her face as she pumped her fists and said, "Leave it to me...!"

Opening his mouth, Nobu nearly shot down Onihime's proposal out of habit. The only reason he didn't was because she had effectively discarded her clothes in less than a second, an excessively excited look on her face as she looked towards him with visibly glistening thighs. Three and a half hours of watching other people make love had done a number on her, and, due to her Slave Crest, Onihime couldn't touch herself without express permission from Nobu, her Master.

Seeing Yui stay put, Nobu missed the opportunity to dismiss Onihime without making things even more awkward. He had also just been going to town on a girl roughly the same size as her, so, after a brief moment of internal conflict, he just muttered, "Fuck it..." before laying back with his hands behind his head...




In the end, Nobu ended up staying up all night without getting a wink of sleep. Despite this, he was fully awake and filled with energy as he fiddled around with his phone and allowed Yui to wash his back. This would normally be left to Onihime, but, after participating in a seven-hour fuckathon, the half-oni was completely spent and recovering in his bedroom.

Fortunately, this had allowed Nobu to discover something pretty important. The multiplier he had accumulated by having sex with Inami either didn't trigger until he opened the cultivation app or it could be offset by having sex with other girls. Since he had only gotten the normal amount of aura from Midori's, Nariko's, and Sachiko's clicks, he was fairly sure it was the former.

"This thing becomes more and more convenient with each passing day..."

Understanding that Nobu was talking about the stone tablet, Yui's brows perked up slightly as she asked, "Did something good happen?"

Nodding his head in affirmation, Nobu explained, "At my current rate of growth, I should be able to reach the Third Realm in the next two to three weeks if I plan my schedule properly..."

Though she had already discussed the matter of Nobu's exponential growth with her Grandmother, Yui was genuinely surprised to hear him make such a claim. She knew he wasn't lying so that meant he would basically reach a realm that took most people upwards of a decade to reach in only three months. Her talent was considered monstrous among her peers, but, compared to Nobu, she might as well be stuck at the level of Foundation Building...


Hearing Yui's uncharacteristically uncertain tone, Nobu shifted his attention from the stone tablet to her face, asking, "You okay...?" in an audibly concerned tone. He might be an irredeemable asshole who shamelessly sleeps with other women but Yui was still the only person he had ever felt genuine affection for. He couldn't do it right now, but, once they got hitched, he was intending to try and be loyal to her alone. This was likely wishful thinking on his part, but, understanding how disgusted he would be if she slept with other men, he wanted to at least try...

Though she didn't know what he was thinking about, Yui could feel Nobu's concern through his words and actions. She was originally intending to bottle things up and bury them along with the rest of her doubts, but, feeling the care and affection exuding from Nobu's body as he pulled her into his embrace, it was only a matter of seconds before she revealed everything...




(A/N: Nobu is imba...)