
No strings attached

No Strings Attached Cameron Myles Diaz is the son of the most powerful and Influential business tycoon in the whole of Texas. His father is referred to as a business god; and has companies and empires not just in Texas alone- but all over different countries. Cameroon succeeded him when he came back from his master's programme. Their family was the wealthiest, most popular and Influential in the whole of Texas; with the headquarters of their company standing strong at the center of the city - with a very tall, huge building. It was the tallest and biggest the city anyone has ever seen. Inside this empire was a treasure house. Yeah... a treasure house. They were that rich. The treasure house was filled with diamonds, golds, silver, other treasure and valuable stones and precious stones. As a result of this, the company was in danger and has so many enemies who wanted to by all means get these treasures, because they know it was a fortune it they could posses it and would surely make them billionaires. But there was a problem; no one knows where the key to the treasure house was - absolutely no one. Many had searched for it, and some had gotten knowledge of where it was but still couldn't get it - it was well guarded. She is Anissa; just Anissa - no surname; because she grew up on the streets and doesn't know anything about herself or where she's from- a strong willed, coldhearted and beautiful girl who life forced to become what she was today. Anissa is a member of the strongest Syndicate in Texas - which were known for all sorts of crimes. The FBI's has been trying to get hold of them for a very long time, but it just wasn't possible. Their identities were unknown to the public, and this made it more difficult, as they always work undercover. They were Involve in all sorts of crime like - fraud, drug trafficking, extortion, killings, running thousands of nightclubs and brothels, blackmailing and so many others. They were a thorn in the flesh and people shivered at the mention of the name - REELERS Yeah..that was the name of the syndicate and it was a very known name in the whole of Texas. What happens when the leader of this syndicate got information that Cameroon was now in possession of the key? What happens when their determination to get the treasures for themselves and better their lives, was now more stronger than ever; as they think their chances were now higher? - Cameroon just got back and didn't know about the recent happenings. What happens when Anissa, being the most beautiful girl and the smartest in the gang Syndicate was given a mission to get close to Cameroon so she can get the key from him or at least know where it was? She was warned never to fall in love with him. " No Strings Attached"- she was told. Do you think it will be possible for her not to fall for the cutest, richest and baddest guy in town? Do you think Cameroon would fall for the beautiful, smart, daring Anissa? Do you think she'll succeed in the task given to her? What fate do you think awaits the both of them?

Ukinebo_Glory · perkotaan
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8 Chs

The Announcement

Chapter 5

It was a very bright morning. The members of the Diaz family got up with their usual cheerfulness and enthusiasm.

They all got out of bed, as they got prepared to start the day

" Good morning Dad" each of them greeted as they arrived the dinning

In no time, the dinning was filled and they were all completed.

" Morning mom" they took turns to greet their mothers, and then themselves.

After that, the maids set to work - dishing out each person's food.

Mr Myles was served first, and then the others followed. They - the maids; finished dishing the meals out and shifted backwards, creating a wide gap.

They were quarter way into the meal, when Mr Myles cleared his throat.

" You want to say something?" Agnes asked.

"Yeah. I just think it's the right time" he said picking up his glass of water. He drank a little quantity from it and placed it back on the dinning.

" what's it honey?" Beatrice asked.

Agnes shot her a hard glare, which she returned

" It's about the treasure house" he said making them all to focus their attentions on him.

" Why isn't Cameroon here yet?" he turned to Isabel and asked.

" uhmm..."

" I'm here Dad. Sorry am late. Good morning everyone" Cameroon walked in just in time greeted everyone, and took his seat close to his mom. He turned to give her a peck on the cheek

A maid came forward to serve his meal, and he started eating immediately she was done.

" As I was saying, I have something very important to say" he said again.

They all looked on with eagerness in their eyes.

" Before that, I'll like to say this" he paused and cleared his throat

" Cameroon's homecoming party is just few days away. His mom and I are already making preparations for it. So, it would probably be this Saturday" he said and paused again

The dinning was immediately engulfed with silence when he stopped talking, only the sounds from their cutleries could be heard.

" You were saying something about the treasure house, Dad. What happened to it? Hope it's safe?" Hailey asked impatiently

" Yes dear, I'm getting there" Mr Myles said

A short silence stepped in again.

"The attempt made on the treasure house in the last few days, has been quite alarming" he said softly

" Dad, everyone knows the treasure house isn't safe" Hailey said

" and we all know too, that, it's in danger" Javier added

" Good. The key to this treasure house has been kept hidden in a very safe place for as long as 13 years now" he explained as they nodded, patiently waiting to know where all this was leading to.

" And it has been kept hidden by me; but all that is about to change" he said

" What do you mean, Dad?" Javier asked

" Its now time for me to put the key in someone's else's care - possession; I'm getting old, and this was bound to happen anyways. Cameroon." he called

All eyes turned to him, as they all tried to digest what was going on.

It was all happening so fast.

" Dad" Hailey called belatedly, tears threatening to falloff from her eyes.

" Cameroon" Mr Myles called again

" Yes Dad" Cameroon answered, his voice low

" I'll be handing the key over to him; as well as 60 percent of all I own, and that includes....." he was cut off by a loud bang on the table

He looked up to see who had bang the table, and was stunned to see it was Agnes

" What Insolace.What kind of embarrassment is this, Myles?!" she thundered. Her eyes spitting fire.

Miley got up also.

" This is so unfair Dad. We all have stayed back in the country to help you out with the companies and empires. We've contributes alot and made lots of sacrifices for all this - to carry on your legacy; but it seems, nothing will do and will ever do, will ever be good enough for you"

"Ohh! I know why. Your favorite is back, right? Your son is back and you wouldn't waste time in placing him in power, you wouldn't waste time in showing him off to the world again. Why Dad, why?" she asked, her voice breaking

" You have no right to question me?" Mr Myles said coldly

" and I'll forgive both you and your mother's disruption and lack of respect,but if it happens again..."

" What will you do? w-what??" Agnes lashes out at him, her eyes clouded with tears

" Leave him alone mom. Let's just get out of here" Hailey said and walked to meet her.

She held her by the shoulder and led her out of the dinning, with Miley behind them

" I don't just know why we can't have a simple meal without some people acting like they are the only ones in this family" Beatrice said maliciously as she picked up her fork again

She and her kids seems to be so unaffected by the announcement

" and if there's no more complaints or words to be let out, that'll be all" Mr Myles said and with that, he got up from the dining and walked up to the stairs; probably heading to his room

The rest of them at the dinning continued eating

Cameroon's Pov;

I watched as Hailey left with her mother and sister. I felt touched.

I don't even want any of this.

Why are they making me feel so had? It's like am trying so hard to be good to my family, but I end up hurting them instead?

Why won't Dad just listen to me and do as I wish? Why?

I'm already successful enough without his wealth. I don't need it.

I think I need to find a way around this. I need to talk to him again.

I really need to.

Hailey's Pov;

I am so pained with the way things were going. I don't like the turn of events

Cameroon just got back, a day back, and Dad is already doing all sort of things for him

Is it because am a girl or does he just despise us?

It's been this way ever since we were kids.

We have never gotten a fair share of our fathers love. Cameroon has always been the one getting all the love and attention.

It had bothered me alot, and I was very happy when he left for the states to go do his Master. I took that as an advantage to show dad my abilities and capabilities.

To show him I was just as good as his so called perfect son; but no, no - it didn't work

He's back and he's back for good. He's gonna take everything - everything; including the things have worked hard for

No way! There's no way am letting that happen

Not on my watch!.

" What are you thinking sis?" I heard Miley's voice break into my thoughts

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to see her looking at me.

I looked to the bed to see Mom was laying on it.

" Is she okay?" I asked Miley.

" Yeah. yeah. she's fine" she replied

A short silence stepped in

" Hailey" she called, and I turned to look at her again, blocking out my thoughts

" Don't you think we need to do something soon?" she asked worriedly.

" and you think I haven't thought of that. of course I have Miley, I've been thinking of that. Infact, I've been thinking of it right from when I was a kid. You know, when we couldn't get Dad to look at us, the same way he does to Cameroon;and do you know what the painful part is?" I asked and laughed

" What?" she asked

" is the fact that we are the girls. I mean, Dads always adores their female children. Why then is ours different?" I asked again, I wasn't expecting an answer though

"So you see, I've really been thinking. I've been thinking about it so much that it has been eating me up. I've been thinking of what to do to make Dad accept me and look at me with that proud look. I've done so many things, so many"

" When Cameroon left to the states, I knew my chance had come; but then, that didn't stop me from thinking also, because I knew someday he'll be back again. I always knew he'd return" I said, and the tears have been trying so hard to hold, came rushing down. I couldnt hold them and I did nothing to.

I cleaned some of it and turned to look at mom. She was fast asleep

No wonder I didn't hear her say a word

She must be so exhausted and stressed out by everything.

" It's okay Hailey; crying isn't gonna solve anything" Miley said patting my back

I sniffed and cleaned my eyes with the back of my palm

" Cool" I took in deep breaths

" I'm fine" I said and forced out a smile. Miley smiled too

" Now...we need a plan" I said and she nodded.

We both turned to look at mom, before taking slow steps to her bed.