

Terrence was busy preparing himself to go. He was staring at his reflection in front of the mirror. He dressed extra special for today.

"Why am I nervous?" Terrence sighed. He couldn't point out why he was feeling nervous.

Terrence walked back towards the room that he was staying in. It was of decent size. A mini kitchen and a small dining table were set right just after the door. On its far right was a bathroom.

You would see a 2-seat sofa and a coffee table as you walked in further. There was also a king's bed in the middle of the room and a cabinet right beside it.

Terrence got the room at an affordable price of $270 for a night, which includes a breakfast buffet. He booked this for two days since he planned to stay here until tomorrow.

Terrence took a paper bag from his bed. He made sure that it was properly sealed before returning it to its original pace. It contained the stuffed toy that he had been meaning to give to Natalie.