
I don't want to see you

I cried and took a shower for 1 hour because of that shower I caught cold. So I stayed in a hotel. All my friends went to sightseeing but David deny to go with them. After 20 minutes he entered my room. And I was acting like I was in deep sleep. He said, "Wake up. I know you are not sleeping. there's no need to act more." Then I pulled my blanket and hid my face because I didn't want to see him. After some time, he was like, "Make a space for me in bed. I will take a shower and come back to you." I was like, what to do, what not to do. Then I got down my bed and slept on the floor without a blanket. In a rush, he was like Sammy Sammy(Sammy is nickname of Samikshya). Where are you. I pretended that I had fallen to sleep. He grabbed me and kept me in the bed, covering my body with a blanket. Due time later, I tried to escape from his arm, but he grabbed me and said, "Don't leave me please. I don't want to be alone anymore. I don't know what happened to me. I hugged him, facing his face in my breast. The warmth breathe of his mouth was on my breast. I felt so good, and I was wondering why I love that. Did I fall in love with him? But he won't love me back. He is just a rich person. We are from a different world. He is a playboy who loves the female body. After completing this tour, will he even see me. Will he remember the time we spent. These were some words that came to my mind in that situation. Will he love me? What's your view after reading it? Will we be able to love each other or not?