
No Magic? No Problem! [Asta X OC]

This is a 2nd person POV Asta X OC Black Clover fan fiction. Your name was Lily Grinberryall, the youngest daughter of the Grinberryall Household: the second most powerful royal family of the Spade Kingdom. People born to royal families were very gifted with exceptional magic prowess. However, you were born with no magic power whatsoever. Because of this, you were neglected and abused by your family. When you were ten years old, you decided you were sick of it and fled your home and wandered for miles. After weeks of traveling, you met a boy your age named Asta. You two quickly became friends and he brings you to the Hage Village Church where he and his foster family live. There, you find your long-lost twin brother: Yuno. Five years later, you, Asta and Yuno are fifteen years old and can receive your grimoires. Six months later, you and Asta join the same squad, separating from Yuno again. Your journey with Asta is an adventurous and romantic one, full of both good times and challenges.

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16 Chs

When Will He Realize?

You, Asta, Yuno and Nash just finished testing out a theory that Asta developed regarding your grimoire and how it worked. The four of you proved Asta's theory to be correct and headed into the church for lunch right after. You told the rest of your church foster family about the experiment. The conversation shifted over to the Magic Knight's Entrance Exam.

"Oh! The Magic Knight's Entrance Exam is coming up in six months. How do you feel about that Lily?" Sister Lily asked you.

"I feel pretty good about it actually. I've been training hard with Asta for years and I'm going to keep at it so I can further guarantee being accepted into a magic knight squad. I'll make sure to get into one!" You said after swallowing a bite of a mouth-drying pot potato. Sister Lily smiled at your confidence and determination as you took large sips of your water.

"Well I think you'll do great, Lily! With your ability to use your opponent's magic, there's no doubt you'll get in! Yuno too, he's amazing. And Asta... well if he doesn't make it, then we'll welcome him back home with open arms." Father said as an annoyed look appeared on Asta's face.

"Hey! I'll get into a magic knight squad too! Just watch me!" Asta yelled with his mouth partially full. Everyone chuckled at his reaction to Father's comment.

"I wish the three of you good luck on the exam. I'm sure you'll all do well." Sister Lily said with that kind smile of hers.

"Sister Lily! You're so kind!" Asta said with admiration and stars in his eyes.

"Thank you Sister." You and Yuno said in unison. You both paused looked at each other and everyone laughed at the coincidence.

"You two really are twins! Even though you guys don't act or look much alike." Father said, chuckling as he smiled.

"Well we grew up separately from each other for a decade before reuniting five years ago. You can't expect for us to be identical personality-wise. Plus, we're fraternal twins, not maternal/identical twins." You said as you put your arm around Yuno. Asta, who was seated next to you on your other side, made a jealous pout. You noticed Asta's envious stare and giggled, concluding that he didn't even realize it himself: he was jealous of his rival. Which was ridiculous because Yuno was literally your brother. Even though you really liked Yuno as a person and thought he was very handsome, the very thought of incest disgusted you. The love you had for Yuno was only that of one dear family member to another, nothing more.

~Time Skip: 6 Months~

It was now time to leave for the Royal Capital of the Clover Kingdom. All the orphan kids were sad to see you guys go and asked if the three of you would write letters to them and visit from time to time. Nash was still doubtful that Asta would make it into a magic knights squad, but he did seem to have a little glint of hope in his eyes.

"Asta will be back soon enough, don't you worry." Nash said to Arlu and Horo with his hands held leisurely behind his head.

"Aww come on Nash." Asta said. Nash approached him with a determined smile on his face.

"But listen, if by some chance, some very small one, you actually manage to join the magic knights..." Nash began to say.

"Yeah, what?" Asta asked Nash.

"Then I'll start believing dreams really can come true. That I can be anything I want! And maybe I'll become a magic knight too! Or... you know... whatever." Nash said as he turned away from Asta.

"I'll be waiting." Asta said with a smile, giving Nash a thumbs up.

"Sure." Nash said sarcastically.

"Well geez Nash, have a little more faith in Asta! Not having much faith in him means you have little faith in me too. I'm magic-less too, you know." You laughed jokingly. Nash tensed and frantically turned to face you.

"Th-that's not what I meant! I have plenty of faith in you Lily. I mean, you can actually use magic when fighting someone." Nash said frantically then averting his gaze sideways at the ground while pursing his lips into a pout. A very faint blush dusted his cheeks, embarrassed that you called him out. You laughed in response to Nash's reaction to your comment.

"Alright Asta, Lily let's get going." Yuno said as he started walking away, taking long strides.

"Hey, wait up Yuno!" Asta said as you both turned around and jogged to catch up with Yuno. After you both caught up to him, Asta asked why he was being such a jerk to him even though they were rivals. Then he turned around to face the church foster family and waved goodbye.

"Have a safe trip! Good luck!" Father, Sister Lily, and the children all said together as they waved goodbye to the three of you.

"Goodbye everybody! The past five years of living here were the best years of my life. I'll always consider you guys my real family. I'll write to you and come visit sometime once I get into a magic knight squad, I promise. Thanks for everything!" You said as you turned around, waving to everyone as well.

"Your welcome Lily! It's been a pleasure getting to know you over the years!" Sister Lily responded with a warm smile on her face. And thus, you, Asta, and your twin brother, Yuno, were on your way to the Royal Capital! The journey was going to be a long one so you suggested having sprint races and sparring matches with one another to train along the way. Obviously, Asta was totally on board with the idea of races and training duels as you traveled. And Yuno also agreed... to an extent. He agreed to racing both you and Asta and to sparring with you without hesitation. But when it came to dueling with Asta, he refused much to his rival's disappointment and frustration.

"Oh come on Yuno! Why the hell not?!" Asta asked, raising his voice at your twin brother.

"You're my rival, Asta. Helping you train would defeat the purpose of our rivalry. You should get stronger on your own. On top of that, asking me for help is basically proclaiming that I'm above you in skill level and that you need help to catch up to me." Yuno said in a calm demeanor as always. This ticked off Asta a bit.

"Hey! Just because want to train with you doesn't mean I'm asking for your help or admitting to being weaker than you! And what about Lil? Why did you agree to spar with her?! She has no magic just like me!" Asta said, trying to refute Yuno's argument.

"Lily may not be able to use magic on her own like you, but you're forgetting that she can use magic in battle as long as her opponent can. And besides, Lily's different. She's my sister, not my rival." Yuno pointed out to the shorter male who just clenched his fists and let out a frustrated groan, having no words to counter his argument. You giggled at the back and forth conversation between Asta and Yuno. It was quite amusing, but you figured out a way to make the situation even more interesting.

"Oh? Is that so, Yuno? In that case, I too will strive to become the Wizard King! Or would it be the Wizard Queen in my case? Anyways, in addition to being your twin sister, I am also now your rival! Consider this a friendly sibling rivalry." You declared, pointing at your brother Yuno. He just stood there and blinked a few times in utter shock at your words. He thought you were joking at first. But as Yuno stared back at you, he saw the unwavering determination in your eyes. It was just like Asta's when he put his foot down and decided to become the Wizard King. It was at that moment he realized you were serious. Ever since Asta told you about the dream he and Yuno shared of becoming the Wizard King, you were in awe at the reason behind his drive and admirable determination. It inspired you make your decision on also becoming the Wizard King... or rather Wizard Queen. You remembered the moment crystal clear like it happened only seconds ago.

~Flashback: Nearly 5 Years Ago~

It had been one month since you started living with Asta and his foster family at the church in Hage Village. You and Asta were a ways away from the church sprawled out on the grass, relaxing and chatting away about your lives up until you met each other. Then Asta asked you something that made you reflect on your life's purpose.

"So Lil, what do you want to do when you get older?" Asta asked as you paused for a moment before giving him your honest answer.

"I'm not sure. I've never really thought about it before. Before I ran away from home, I was living in fear of what my family members were going to do or say to me next. I was so stuck in the present, I never bothered to even think about my future. And though I left over a month ago, I've been too busy trying to shove my past behind me and heal my emotional wounds." You answered truthfully with a sullen expression.

"Geez, that really sucks Lil. I'm sorry you had to go through all that." Asta said with sympathy.

"You don't have to apologize, Asta. It's already been said and done. But the good news is that it's all in the past now." You said with a faint smile.

"Well that's good. Now you can start thinking about your future! I know what I want to do with my life: I'm gonna become the Wizard King!" Asta said, pumping both fists in the air.

"I've heard about him but I don't really know much of what he does." You admitted to Asta. You knew the Wizard King was second in command over the Clover Kingdom, but beyond that you didn't really know anything.

"The Wizard King of the Clover Kingdom is a really important person. He is second only to our nation's king so he's strong and has authority. He's the one in charge of the nine magic knight squads. Not only that, the people admire him and look up to him. They put their trust in him to keep the kingdom safe. He is respected by everyone in the Clover Kingdom. That's why I'm striving to be just like him someday. When I become the Wizard King, no one will have to worry about food or money ever again!" Asta exclaimed, suddenly sitting up. You followed his lead and sat up as well.

"But... most importantly... I will protect everyone I love." Asta said, his tone becoming serious as he turned to face you.

"And that includes you, Lil. No one should ever have to live in fear because of anyone, especially their own family members. That's why I must become the Wizard King: to protect everyone here, and to protect you. When I'm the Wizard King, I will keep you safe. You deserve at least that much. Even though you're magic-less like me, you're an amazing person, Lil. After hearing your story and what you've been through, I made a promise to myself: I want to be the one to make sure that no one ever harms you again!" Asta said as he stared into your storm blue eyes with his lime green ones, brushing a lock of hair out of your face. His words inspired you and made you smile as well as blush.

"I guess it's settled then. I'll also strive to become the Wizard King... err Wizard Queen. I also want to be able to protect and ensure a comfortable life for you and everybody else at the church. If I'm the Wizard Queen, you will be able to dwell in luxury and live a responsibility-free life under my protection." You announced proudly. Your words moved Asta to tears as stars filled his eyes.

"Uwah! Lil, you're so cool! Then it's decided! Let's both do our best to become the Wizard King/Queen! Even though you're my rival now, I'll support you with everything I've got!" Asta said enthusiastically with unbreakable determination.

"Same! Let's work hard together towards our dream!" You said with enthusiasm equally matched with Asta's. You held out your fist to Asta who smiled and connected his fist to yours as a symbol of your promise to each other.

~End of Flashback~

Until now, Yuno had no idea about this. You never told him and asked Asta to keep it a secret from him because you saw how he was around Asta. You didn't want the only family member you held near and dear to your heart to brush you off like he did with your best friend. But your fear was put to rest when a gentle yet determined smile spread across Yuno's lips.

"I see. So that's how it is. Very well then. I expect you to come at me with everything you've got Lily. Don't hold back just because we're siblings." Yuno said with a serious smile.

"Heh, I should be the one saying that to you brother!" You laughed, placing one hand on your hip.

"Now that you finally know Lil's your rival too, you have to participate in sparring matches with me!" Asta shouted as Yuno's attitude did a 180. His facial expression shifted to a deadpan.

"No." Yuno gave Asta a blunt answer.

"Huh?! What the hell! Lil's your rival too now and yet you're still willing to spar with her but not me?! What's your deal, Yuno?!" Asta shouted even louder.

"Lily can actually use magic but only if her opponent can. Since I'm the only one of us that naturally has magic power, I have to spar with her so she can fully develop her skills in combat." Yuno stated the cold hard truth to which Asta had no words to refute his argument. And thus, Asta was forced to accept that Yuno wasn't going to participate in a duel against him. You guys trained on your way to the Royal Capital by either racing or sparring in pairs: you vs Asta or you vs Yuno. A couple days had passed since the three of you embarked on your journey together. Currently, you and Asta were sparring with each other while Yuno went off hunting for something to eat. When you were finished training, both of you were covered in dirt and sweat.

"That was fun! I have to admit Asta, training with you is much better than training with Yuno. Even though I told him to use all of his strength, I still feel like he holds back because I'm his twin sister. When I train with you, I can tell you give it your all." You said as you wiped the sweat off your brow.

"Of course I give it everything I've got! If I want to become the Wizard King someday, I can't slack off. Even if I'm sparring against you, Lil." Asta said as you smiled at how hard working he was.

"And that's exactly how it should be. Anyways I'm going to go wash off in that watering hole over there. I'm all filthy from our match." You said as you pointed in the direction of the forest where there was a small body of water nearby.

"Okay Lil! I'll bathe too after you're done." Asta said as he took off his shirt to cool down after your intense training session. You made your way towards the little body of water in the forest. Using the cover of some bushes, you undressed completely and hopped into the water. It felt so refreshing, you ended up swimming around a bit after washing off all the sweat and dirt. It had been a while since you left to go clean yourself up so Asta figured you were done and headed over there himself to bathe. He took off his clothes behind a tree and walked over to the watering hole only to find you swimming around completely naked. The water was crystal clear so he could see everything. He stared at your curves as you swam and submerged your head into the water. You surfaced and flung your hair back, sending an arch of water into the air. As the water rained back down, rays of sunlight slipping through the tree branches reflected off your wet skin and made it glisten. The scene aroused Asta quite a bit and he became noticeably erect since he was completely naked. This erection felt different and was larger than his normal ones. It was just like the one he had the first and only time he had sex with you.

'I really should leave to give Lil some privacy until she's done. But she's so stunningly beautiful, I can't help but keep staring. Damn, I'm getting this type of erection again. I guess when it comes to Lil, I just can't help it. She's gorgeous.' Asta said to himself mentally as he stared at you like he was in a trance. A very obvious blush had appeared on his face. Meanwhile, you just noticed Asta standing there watching you, his face flushed as he stared at you in awe. You blushed and covered yourself as he continued to stare.

"Wh-what are you doing here Asta?! Also... you're uh..." You failed to finish the last sentence, blushing as you pointed at Asta's erection. Asta looked down to where you were pointing and blushed even more. He immediately jumped into the water and swam right up to you. He placed his hands on your shoulders and you flinched out of reflex.

"Sorry Lil. I thought you were done washing up since you had left a while ago, honest! But I wasn't expecting you to..." Asta trailed off as he pulled you closer into a hug, pressing his body up against you. You got incredibly flustered at the contact of his bare skin to yours. His mouth was close to your ear, so close you could hear and feel his hot husky breaths.

"To... still be here?" You said in a perplexed tone, attempting to finish his sentence while trying to keep your cool. But what Asta said next completely caught you off guard. He shook his head, his hair tickling the side of your face. He pulled away and looked you in the eyes.

"To be as beautiful as Sister Lily. When I saw that you were still here swimming, I knew I should've just walked away and let you be. But I couldn't take my eyes off you. The way the water on your body glistened in the sunlight and trickled down your curves... It's like your beauty put me under a spell. Lily... I can't resist this sweet temptation." Asta said in a husky tone, using your full preferred name again like he only does with serious or romantic moments. He leaned in, slowly closing the distance until his lips met with yours in a passionate kiss. The combination of the sensual kiss and the feeling of Asta's erection against your body filled you with the burning yet pleasurable heat of arousal. You could feel him throbbing against your lower stomach as you melted into the kiss. The lack of air eventually became suffocating so you pulled away from Asta, heavily panting as you both caught your breaths.

"Asta... Do you really mean it? Am I really as pretty as Sister Lily?" You asked Asta. You still had some insecurity issues because of how your family treated you when you lived with them. They tore you down and diminished your self-esteem to almost nothing. But ever since you started living with Asta, Yuno, and the rest of their church foster family, your self-esteem had increased quite a bit. But even so, you were still a bit insecure about yourself.

"Yeah, I do. You're as beautiful as Sister Lily, maybe even more so." Asta said, giving you a gentle smile as he caressed your cheek lovingly. He kissed you again. His hands roamed up and down your body and stopped on your breasts. He proceeded to massage them in a slow sensual manner as he kissed you passionately. After a while, he pulled away from you, a string of saliva connecting your tongues.

"I'm sorry Lily... I can't wait any longer." Asta said huskily as he removed his hands from your breasts which made you whimper from the loss of skin-to-skin contact. He grabbed you by your legs and hoisted you up, causing you to fall forward, quickly grabbing onto his shoulders. You held onto him and wrapped your legs around his waist as he slowly lowered you onto his penis which throbbed with desire. It didn't hurt like you were expecting it to, unlike the first time you and Asta had sex. He began to thrust his hips at a decent pace, making the water ripple away from your bodies in small waves.

"L-Lily... feels so good inside you!" Asta moaned as he thrust his hips harder at a faster pace. With this change in pace he reached deeper into your core, hitting that special spot inside you nearly every time. You moaned louder each time he rammed into your g-spot. The mewls of pleasure he elicited from you he found very erotic. Asta loved hearing your cries of pleasure and made it his mission to hit that special spot inside you just right with every thrust. The fact that he was the only one who could make you lose your mind like this made him proud and made him feel more possessive over you.

"Never show yourself like this to anyone else. I'm the only one allowed to see you like this. You're mine, Lily." Asta said in a dominating tone as he increased the force he put into his thrusts. He let go of one of your legs and wrapped his arm around your back, placing his hand on your shoulder. He pressed down on your shoulder, pulling you down onto his dick every time he thrust up inside you. Then he released the pressure when he withdrew his hips and repeated the routine. He cradled you as he made love to you in a possessive manner. You found this new side of Asta very erotic. The way he verbally claimed you while using your full preferred name made all the pleasure you were feeling that much better.

"Yes Asta~! Feels so good~! Ah~!" You moaned as you removed your hand from one of his shoulders and wrapped your arm around the back of his neck. His thrusts were strong and powerful which drove you absolutely crazy. You loved how his muscles rippled as he made love to you. The feel of the water also added a nice sensational and romantic touch.

"Hah~ You're so beautiful Lily." Asta panted as he continued to thrust, his embrace tightening around you as he increased his speed. He brought his lips to the side of your neck, gently nipping and sucking at your skin which drew more sweet moans from your throat. Having sex with you in the water was amazing. He loved the feeling of how the water swirled and splashed around your bodies, how it weighed down your hair, making it cling to you and accentuated your curves. But most of all, he loved how it collected in tiny beads all over your body which made it glisten in the sunlight. It all drove him crazy.

"L-Lily, I'm gonna cum!" Asta announced as his thrusts became even more wild and frantic. You bounced up and down from his hips forcefully slapping against you.

"Me too Asta, I'm close!" You panted as you could feel yourself nearing your limit. Asta thrust one last time and lifted you up off his dick as he came, his milky white semen swirling and dispersing into the water. You climaxed with Asta's final thrust and were coming down from your orgasmic high. You both clung to each other, taking a moment to catch your breaths. Once the two of you had calmed down, you unwrapped your legs one after the other from around Asta's waist. He set you back down and trailed his hands to your hips where he rested them. You wrapped your arms around Asta and locked your hands together behind his back, holding him in a warm embrace. You both rested your heads in the crooks of each other's necks and enjoyed the romantic moment together.

"Wow... that was just..." Asta began to say, but trailed off in a blissful daze.

"Amazing." You finished his sentence as you pulled away from him slightly and looked into his eyes. He chuckled softly.

"Yeah. Who knew the water would make everything so... erotic." Asta said with flushed cheeks, still in a bit of a trance-like state from the intimate moment he and you shared. He leaned into you again, resting his head on your shoulder facing you. His warm skin sending pleasurable tingles throughout your body. You wished you could just stay like this with Asta forever, but the Royal Capital was still a ways away and you did not want to miss the Magic Knight's Entrance Exam. Besides, Yuno was probably waiting for you guys. Asta was still clinging to you, relaxed and smiling contently with his eyes closed. You reached down and splashed some cool refreshing water into Asta's face which brought him back to reality.

"I'm glad you enjoyed our romantic moment, but we should get dressed and go find Yuno. He probably caught something and is looking for us so we can help him make dinner and eat together." You mentioned as you pulled away from Asta. His lips curved upward into a mischievous smile. And you knew exactly what he was going to do.

"Don't you dare!" You warned Asta, but he ignored your warning and sent a wave of water at you. It completely doused you and you gasped out of disbelief. Your hair that was partially dry was drenched again.

"Why you-! Oh you're gonna get it now!" You said as you began chasing Asta through the water, engaging him in a full on water fight assault. Meanwhile, Yuno had just finished hunting and went looking for you two to ask you guys to help him prepare what he captured for dinner. He stumbled across Asta's clothes next to a tree and followed the footprints. Then he found your clothes by a bush not far from the tree where Asta's clothes were with another set of footprints leading to a watering hole. There, he saw you and Asta swimming around and splashing each other. He smiled as he briefly watched you two happily playing around in the water. It didn't bother him that you and Asta were both naked in front of each other. He figured it was bound to happen eventually. Yuno knew how Asta really felt about you and how you felt about Asta. And besides, you looked so happy playing with Asta right now which made Yuno happy. He left the two of you alone and walked back towards the pathway to the Royal Capital with the boar he had hunted down where he would wait for your guys' return. On the way there, Yuno thought about Asta's obliviousness to your feelings and his own.

'Honestly, Asta really should forget about pursuing Sister and go after Lily. They're practically inseparable already and they'd make a cute couple. Lily has a crush on Asta too so she wouldn't reject him, unlike Sister. It's clear that he gets jealous whenever I'm around Lily. He also has a tendency to make everything into a competition between us when it comes to her. If he only saw Lily as a friend, her hang outs with me wouldn't bother him at all. Now that I think about it, Asta never showed any signs of jealousy when Sister talks to me or vice versa. He still tries to get her attention, but he never makes it into a competition against me. When will he realize that Lily is the one for him, not Sister?' Yuno thought to himself as he walked back to the path. After about five more minutes of splashing around, you got out of the water to go put your clothes back on with Asta following right behind you. As you got out of the water, he couldn't help but stare and admire your beauty.

'Wow, this view of Lil is gorgeous. I wonder if Sister Lily can even match her. She always wears that nun's robe which hides her true curves. From what I can tell, I know for sure that Sister Lily has a pretty face, decent figure and a kind and caring personality. When it comes to Lil, I've seen all of her. She's stunningly beautiful and also has a sweet, kind and caring personality. She even has a touch of humor and sass which, I'll admit, I really like a lot. Even though she went through hell back in the Spade Kingdom, Lil still turned out to be such a gem in both personality and beauty. She really is amazing. Would Sister Lily even be the same person I know now if she had the same backstory as Lil?' Asta thought to himself as he got dressed. Meanwhile you were also putting your clothes back on. You couldn't help but think about the two times you and Asta have had sex so far. You began to realize just how much your feelings for Asta had multiplied with each love-making session you had with him. Even though he mentioned Sister Lily again, you weren't as disheartened as you were the first time.

'It seems like Asta is getting closer to recognizing his romantic feelings for me. When will he realize that he'll eventually have to give up on Sister Lily? Oh Asta, I'm waiting for the time when you recognize your true feelings. I love you so much, it hurts. When will you realize...?' You mentally reflected. You didn't even realize your desire for Asta to face reality was bringing tears to your eyes until he gently placed his hand on your shoulder, giving you a worried look.

"Hey are you okay Lil?" Asta asked you, trailing his hand from your shoulder to your chin and turning it gently so that you faced him. He wiped the tears away then caressed your cheek with his thumb as he looked into your eyes with concern.

"I-it's nothing to worry about. I'm fine. Just reminiscing a bit, that's all." You said as Asta smiled widely and took your hand in his.

"Well that's good at least. We need to start heading to the Royal Capital again. I'm sure Yuno is wondering where we are." Asta said as he started walked with you towards the path to the Royal Capital where you both saw Yuno sitting on a rock on the edge of the path with the boar he caught laying still beside him on the ground.

"Hey Yuno! We're back!" Asta said loudly to get Yuno's attention, waving his arm back and forth. Yuno look up and turned in the direction he heard Asta calling out to him from.

"Took you long enough. Now you can finally help me prepare dinner." Yuno said to Asta in a monotone with a bored look on his face.

"Hey! Do you always have to be such a jerk to me?!" Asta yelled at Yuno who completely ignored him. Yuno turned to you, his expression softening into a faint smile.

"Did your training with Asta go well, Lily?" Yuno asked as he stood up and approached you to hear what you had to say. You could have sworn you saw a faint smirk on his face. But you wrote it off as your imagination.

"Yeah it did. As always, Asta gave it his all. At this rate, there's no way I'm gonna fail the Magic Knight's Entrance Exam!" You answered Yuno with a smile as he placed his hand on your head and ruffled your hair which was still wet from earlier.

"That's good. After dinner we should continue our journey to the Royal Capital. We don't want to miss the exam." Yuno said as he walked back to the boar he hunted earlier to start dinner preparations. Asta gave you and Yuno a jealous glance. You doubted Asta even realized he was making that facial expression, like it was just autonomous. The three of you worked together to prepare and cook up the boar for dinner. When you were all done eating, you took off for the Royal Capital again until it got dark. You guys set up camp to get some rest until morning then continued on your journey. At one point, Asta made a suggestion.

"We've got to be fairly close now. Let's race to see who gets there first!" Asta said as he got ready to take off. You giggled and just started sprinting along the path to the Royal Capital.

"Hey, no fair Lil!" Asta yelled as he sprinted after you, Yuno following close behind. The three of you ran for a while until you got tired and rested for a bit before taking off again in another sprint race. You guys competed fiercely as you raced each other on foot. Soon the Royal Capital was within view a ways away.

"Wow, would you look at that! The Royal Capital is huge! Just think, the Wizard King lives there." Asta said as he took in the scenery of the magnificent Royal Capital off in the distance.

"Yeah it's pretty amazing." Yuno agreed as he stood next to him to take in the view. You were not so thrilled by the sight of the city. Though it was not the same as your former home, it was still similar enough to bring back memories of your past minus the winter wasteland part. But a trial of destiny awaited the three of you within the walls of that city. The outcome of that trial would change yours, Asta's and Yuno's lives forever.

"Come on Lil, let's go! Our journey is just beginning!" Asta said, holding out his hand to you while smiling widely.

"Okay!" You replied as you smiled back and took Asta's hand. A glint of hope shone in your eyes at the sight of Asta's enthusiasm and optimism.