
Chapter 3

It took a lot of effort before Ivy could revive me back. When I woke up Alexander was seated on the sofa with two others by his side. I was about to close my eyes again when Ivy yelled at me.

"Don't faint again, Bella"

I stood up still feeling weak.

"Who are these?"

"Am Ethan and this is my sister Emily. We're twins. And we have the same number inscribed on our collar bones ever since the nightmare we had last night"

"I found them after you ran out on us" Alexander explained to me.

"But what could that 7 mean?" Ivy thought aloud.

"Well, Bella you said you saw two men right?"

I nodded.

"And Alex you saw a lady?"

"The twins saw twins in their different dreams"

"That's 7" Alex exclaimed.

"What of you Ivy?" Ethan asked.

"I saw a man," she said disappointed.

"It's 8"

"Should our main focus be on the numbers or why this is happening?" I asked.

"Why are you all staring at me?" I asked.

"I think it'll be best if we just go home and sleep over it besides something might come up tonight," Alexander said as he stood up to leave.

"See you all tomorrow"

Ethan and his sister who had been quiet since followed Alex behind. I guessed she was more terrified than anyone.

"Why is he acting all bossy?" I asked Ivy.

Ivy just stared at me. I knew she wasn't in the mood to talk right now so I got up and left.

Walking back home I paused in front of my house where I had met those two men. I sighed and quickly went in.

I just prayed that all these that were going were just mere coincidences.

After a long prayer session, I tucked myself ready for bed but I wasn't sleepy at all. How could I be?.

I checked the clock and it was still midnight.

I closed my eyes for a second and opened them immediately. Sweat dripped from my face like water, I took a glance at the clock. It was 7.00


But it was still dark.

I cautioned myself not to leave my bed no matter what may happen. My eyes were just fixed on the clock, something mysterious caught my eye. The hands of the clock which were fixed at 7 began moving backward.. as it ticked fast I heard wild screams of someone in misery but I just couldn't move. I heard someone yell my name then another voice screaming out my name but I just couldn't move tears dripped down my cheeks as I watched the hands of the clock strike on 6 and the screams stopped. My heart was already thumping so rapidly, as I decided to go down but the ground was filled with blood. There was so much blood....so much blood.

Just then the door opened and a figure walked in even though I couldn't see it. It looked like one of those men I saw at the entrance of my house.

"Was it his friend that was screaming?"

"Whose blood is this?" I asked myself.

The man walked closer to me when his face was so close to mine I saw a smile form on his face. His teeth were stained with blood then a hideous figure came into sight it was like a beast with six horns on it

I could already sense the spirit of death wavering around me.

The beast came closer with its teeth nearing my neck and with a slash I was gone as darkness overwhelmed me.