
No Excuses

James was a teenager who lived a "normal" life, what happens when his reborn in a world that has more to offer than he expects?

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15 Chs

What a beautiful world

Days have passed since Yu has recruited the twins, he only needs 2 more members but unfortunately, he still hasn't been able to find them. Ever since Yu came into this world, he has realized just how beautiful it is.

Every day when he goes to school he sees the same elementary kids walking together and smiling and when he leaves school he sees the happy working adults being loud at bars. he can't help but always have a nonchalant smile.

The new ability he received when Koto activated his power is quite confusing, the only lead he has is that it activates when someone uses or is about to use their power. He ran a few tests with them, but that's all he got, he doesn't know the range or anything, but he can pinpoint exactly where the power comes from.

Yu every day has trained his powers, yes indeed, powers. He has found out that instead of being telekinesis it was Psychokinesis or both, he didn't know the difference between the two.

His powers have grown and his meditation skills as well. Now he can create a barrier and easily control things, his trying to develop skills that his seen in anime, especially mob. One skill he's focusing on right now is air whip, a skill that Teruki in mob psycho copied and improved, he finds it rather useful, matter of fact his goal is to improve that skill.

He wants to improve that skill to the point he can create and control multiple whips with his hands. He also wants the whip to be extremely thin so that it can cut through anything, point is, he has a lot of ideas and hopes for his future skills.

He also learned to fly, which he had to admit, it feels incredible, unfortunately, one of the times he was flying, he was in his room, and well...


"WOOOOOOOOOO" Screamed Yu while floating throughout his room, he felt incredible, but then in a few moments, his mom came...

"Hey, Yu can you lower it do-" Before she could finish she finally saw where he was, in the ceiling, they both stared at each other before she spoke again.

"No flying in the house" She said, Yu's world crumbled.


[Flashbakck end]

That day was a sad day...anyway, Yu now has fuel for his power. Every power needs fuel, for instance in some animes the character loses his mind and then gets some crazy power up, and the cause of that is the extreme emotion back by it.

While meditating, Yu tried to see how it would go if he tried feeling certain emotions, but it didn't do anything until he came up with a different idea, What if he focused on instead all emotions focused specifically on a few.

After hours, he finally got it...guilt and improvement, no matter how powerful, handsome, or smart, he was, he wanted more, he wanted to improve himself further and further. In his mind, there isn't a limit, not one. Some people can call that greed, but he likes to call it improvement.

Then there's guilt, he always was a guilty guy, and he knew that, he hated it but no matter how hard he tries to get rid of the feeling of guilt, he couldn't, it always followed him, so he accepted, he knew that no one can get rid of this feeling...right?

Anyway, with these two emotions, he overflowed with even more power, he felt as if he understood himself more, he also started getting curious, just what is the limit of his powers? And will he get more?

If he didn't receive any more powers he wouldn't complain, although he wonders what his eye is, no matter how hard he focused on it, or put energy on it, all it did was glow.

I also may add that, he has been focusing a little on his physical capabilities by doing bodyweight workouts, similar to Saitama's but a bit more. Yu's mom is helping Yu by giving him a strict diet for him to gain more weight, which Yu asked for and she accepted happily, anything to help her son.

At the moment you could see, Chika, Kaguya, Miyuki, and Yu in the student council room, they were all currently eating lunch, the difference was that Yu's lunch seemed a lot more than everyone else's.

"It's so goooood!" Exclaimed Chika while eating a piece of Miyuki's food, she then continued to mention why it was so good. Miyuki was proud of himself till he saw Kaguya's glare, by the way, Kaguya's glare is one of the coldest out there.

'Why is Shinomiya glaring at me like that!?' He thought to himself while turning back his head to his food, he then notice that Yu, who was sitting across from him had a glare as well, but he seemed a lot colder.

'Why does it seem like Ishigami is going to kill me!?!' He said getting even more anxious, then he looked at his food and only one thought ran through his mind, 'Is my food that awful to them!?!'

It wasn't the food at all, in reality, Kaguya was extremely jealous of Chika for eating a piece of Miyuki's meal, and Yu, well in reality he didn't even notice he was glaring but seeing Chika smile because of Miyuki made him go insane.

Miyuki then decided to dig his grave even deeper by showing off his extremely delicious miso soup and giving some to Chika. She tasted it and once again when on a rant about why it was so delicious.

Miyuki bragged about how he made it and Chika complimented him, let's just say that Yu's and Kaguya's faces did not get any better it got worst.

'Farewell Fujiwara, you are dead to me' Thought Kaguya while looking at Chika as if she was a mere shit on the sidewalk.

'Miyuki Shirogane, although you are my best friend, and someone I could trust enough to tell my powers, right now, if I had to pay 1 yen to save you tomorrow, I wouldn't pay' Yu thought, let's just say for the rest of lunch Miyuki felt like he was in danger, and Chika well, she had a good lunch.


'BRUHHHHHH, how do I find more members!' Yu shouted in his mind, this was frustrating to him, the fact he managed to find the twins was all because of his power, he also kind of blackmailed them but that's not the point.

Yu walked down the hall thinking of what to do until he caught a glimpse of something in the schoolyard, there he saw Chika and a boy talking, from what he saw, Chika looked...uncomfortable.


"DO YOU WANNA GO OUT WITH ME!" Shouted the boy in front of Chika with all his heart, Chika was left flabbergasted.

Chika was given a note to meet up here at the beginning of school, and now it has come to this, this was the first time she has ever gone through this experience, ever. Although she was nervous, she steeled her nerves so that she can respond appropriately.

"I'm sorry, but I have to decline" She responded holding her hands together because o her anxiousness. The boy did not expect this, he felt as if the entire world crumbled in front of him, the girl he had been attracted to for so long rejected him, he felt sadness, but that feeling of sadness slowly turned into something else...

"May I ask why?" He asked with a low tone, now Chika was panicking, she didn't think it would go any further than this, she has no experience in this type of field, so she with an anxious manner responded.

"well...we don't know each other and..." She wanted to say more, for instance, his not her type, her type is the type of man who would save someone without thinking, someone who talks to her all the time and plays games with her all the time, she had so many things to say about her type but one thing she knew is that the boy in front of her was not it.

"WE CAN GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER! I'LL TAKE YOU ON ALL TYPES OF DATES!" He shouted, now this was getting out of hand, and even people in their surroundings were noticing, he was taking this too far, Chika desperately wanted someone to help her but...no one did, even the bystanders just awkwardly ignored the situation.

"i-im sorry but I just don't want to go out with you..." She said clenching her dress, she didn't want to be here, and the look the dude had was scaring her.

"IS IT BECAUSE I'M UGLY?! IS THAT IT?" He kept shouting, 'please, please, someone help me!' Chika thought in her mind, her lips were trembling, and her heart was beating extremely fast, but as if God heard her prayers, a hero appeared.

"Can you stop shouting" Said Yu while grabbing the guy's left shoulder, the guy jumped a little at his appearance and Chika's eyes widened.

"Ishigami?" Said Chika, the feeling she felt, was a feeling she just couldn't describe, but one thing is for sure, she was glad, glad that he was here.

"that's me, what's happening here?" Yu asked taking a few steps towards Chika. Chika was going to respond but instead, the guy responded.

"I asked her out and she rejected, so I'm just giving her reason to go out with me!" He said as if what he was doing was okay. Yu turned his head, and the look he had could rival that of the famous ice princess or even worst.

"I didn't ask you" He said in a cold tone while turning his face to look at the dude dead in the face, the guy was now scared, anyone would think the face Yu had was scary, but Chika thought otherwise.

"This morning I received a note and it said to meet him here, and I did, I kindly rejected him, but he kept pushing it..." She said trying to act brave but inside, she was scared, and it was noticeable by her trembling lips, but only Yu noticed.

"I see" Said Yu, there was silence before he walked past Chika, grabbed her hand, and started walking away with her.

"Ehh" Chika was confused and was blushing, "WAIT, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Screamed the dude, now he was mad at Yu.

"Are you dumb? She rejected you, there's nothing more to do here, the fact you kept pushing it makes me wanna punch you but...lucky for you were in school, because if we weren't..." Once again Yu glared at him, if looks could kill, the guy would have been dead in a nanosecond.

Just like that Yu walked away with Chika.



The door for the student council room closed, inside the room were Chika and Yu still holding hands, but for some reason, not one of them let go.

"...are you okay?" Asked Yu standing right in front of Chika, she had her head lowered down.

"...I don't know, I always thought love and romance was something everybody wanted, something beautiful, but now I know that sometimes...it can be scary" She said in a low tone, almost as if she were just seconds away from crying. Yu just stared at her, what could he say at this moment? He was never a guy who could cheer people up.

Matter of fact in his past life many of his girlfriends left him because the moment they needed emotional support, he was never helpful.

After a few seconds, Chika finally looked up at Yu, and Yu was left in shock, she was...smiling?

"Sorry for that, I was being gloomy for no reason, thank you for helping me, I'll go now" She said with her always playful smile, which was obviously...fake. She turned around, which cause Yu's and Chika's hands to detach, but Yu had one line of thought.

'Why are you faking it? Why do you act as if you are not scared or want to cry? Why do you always seem like you never care for yourself' He thought to himself, slowly as if the world was moving in slow motion, he sees Chika walking closer and closer towards the door.

"Why can't I do anything in this situation? Am I this pathetic? I need to help her, stop walking away please, think of something, come on' Yu thought of every possible solution, anything to say that could help her, but he thought of...nothing. But then one idea popped up in his mind, he didn't know if it was a bad one or a good one, but it was something.

He took a few steps to get close to her, grabbed her left hand, and turned her completely around, then...he hugged her. He tightly hugged her by putting his hand around her waist and pulling her close to him.

Chika was stunned, she couldn't believe what Yu was doing, her face was very close to his shoulder, but even if this was surprising, all the emotions she was bottling up slowly came out in the form of tears, she wrapped her hands around his neck and pressed her face on his shoulder.



what a beautiful moment this was, after all, Chika found her type.

hope you enjoyed

have a nice day or night

Lord_Bannedcreators' thoughts