

It didn't look like we would get any more information from Bronn's ex-woman and Oryon. It had become clear that originally Bronn had plans of disappearing and hiding somewhere. He'd been borrowing money from people.

He must also be desperate enough to even borrow from Dorax, his supposed-to-be rival. But the question was: what happened? Where did he end up? 

Now the next question in my head was less pleasant: was he still alive?

What if, all this time, we were actually chasing after a dead man?

Additionally, his father, the non-biological one, owed us an explanation. He didn't disclose the part where he wanted Bronn back because he took something valuable from him.

What if, after all this time, he was actually the person behind the abduction?

That was a possibility.

After silently musing, I got to my feet and turned to thank Oryon and Bronn's ex-woman. That was when the roof suddenly caved in, halting everything inside the gambling den.