
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Komik
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41 Chs

Ch~Twenty>Three: Whispers Of The Winter!

Trisha saw Jae suddenly appearing in front of her with his body flickering with lightning currents. His hands were raised in front of his chest making a sign she couldn't recognize and then suddenly, she saw Jae's body bloating a little before he spat out a huge sheen of thin water barrier that protected him and Trisha from the red energy orb coming their way.


The moment the red orb and the water shield collided, a temporal loud noise came into being. The shield got evaporated into mists in less than a second after getting hit but the same also happened to the red orb. It also got neutralized by the water shield since it was no more at full power. You could say the attack and the defense cancelled each other.

With lightning still crackling around him, Jae turned around and carried Trisha away from that spot. He didn't even have the time to take a look at the beast. After giving a safe distance away from the beast, Jae dropped Trisha and the lightning on his body faded away. Even though it wasn't that noticeable, his face got a little pale.

"Hey! Keep that beast busy! I'm gonna prepare something we could use to eliminate it..... oh, also, don't die!" Trisha said to him as soon as he dropped her. She then entered a meditative state and started chanting some incomprehensible words. Although Jae doesn't understand what she was saying, he knew she was preparing something very powerful to deal with the beast and the evidence of that are that chilly mist aura covering her from head to toe.

Jae didn't say anything, he just stood up and turn to look at the beast that was slowly approaching them. What Jae saw wasn't what he had thought of the beast, he couldn't understand what was in front of him.

Striding towards Jae was a porcupine-like beast that was a meter big in size. The different thing was that, instead of the sharp spikes of a porcupine, this beast had tentacles of an octopus on its back which it uses for grabbing, attacking, restricting and others. Although the tentacles looked soft, it was quite very strong.

Jae noticed its eyes were red and bloodshot. He couldn't help himself from getting scared but he didn't show it. He made hand seals and casted the [Lightning Style - Overdrive Jutsu] making the lightnings appear on him. He took out his kunai and sword from his storage dimension and equipped them. Taking a deep breathe, he dashed towards the strange beast with a very serious expression.

Jae knew that he was no match for the beast at all but with the enhancement on him and his weapon, he at least would be able to grab the beast's attention and delay it for some moment. That was how confident he was in himself.

'I will let you see the power that even a newly reincarnated person like me can do at the moment. You! Shall! Not! Pass!' Jae screamed in his mind as he arrived next to the beast and then flung his kunai at one of the beast's eyes and followed the move by slashing his sword at the beast's legs, trying to immobilize its movement.

Time slowed down and for a moment, Jae was feeling really good about his attacks that had almost connected to the beast...


The next moment, he felt something hard and thin whipping his stomach sending him flying away. Nowadays, things just kept slamming into his body. First he got slammed by the large tails of foxes, then he got slammed by a flying Trisha and now, he got slammed by a tentacle and damn it was painful.

[-35 HP]

Jae collided with a wall, cracking it a little before he slid down in pain. Blood was leaking from his mouth and his left shoulder was a little bit dislocated. Jae almost had the urge to scream in agony as he felt the biting sensation on some of his body parts but he was afraid it was disturb Trisha's chanting.

"Damn! What just happened? I thought I was gonna show it the power of a reincarnated person like me? Why does it seem like I got swatted like an annoying fly? I mean, The Beast Is F*cking Passing!"

Standing up, Jae muttered under his breath and also saw that the beast didn't even follow him or try to pay him any attention. It's focus was on Trisha as it slowly walked towards her. Jae was just like a fly it can swat away from it at any time. Considering how it had swatted Jae flying with a whipping move earlier proved that Jae was like a fly to it. Fortunately Jae didn't know what it was thinking, if not, he would fight it to death with the beast.

Jae quickly fixed his left shoulder and rushed towards the beast. The lightning was still functioning which is great. He quickly blocked the beast's path and started making hand seals as he casted the [Fire Style - Fireball Jutsu] at the beast. He added more Chakra to the Jutsu making it more powerful and bigger than two meters. It was by far the biggest fireball he had ever created and it massively drained his chakra.

The beast didn't dodge the attack and just kept walking forward. Its tentacles suddenly stretched out and gathered together to form a huge shield that blocked the fireball and it successfully fended off the attack. The attack did almost no damage to the beast but this time, it didn't stop the beast from becoming angry at Jae and started targeting him. It swung its tentacles towards Jae in order to grab him.

Jae felt shocked as he saw the incoming tentacles because it was too fast for him to react to it. It couldn't block or dodge the beast tentacles. So he just let himself to be grabbed and pulled towards the beast. As he was being pulled, he also noticed that the beast was no longer emitting red light its eyes and it's seems like it was behaving a little weaker than usual. Although it was still enough for it to crush Jae with its strength.

Jae was being pulled towards the beast and then, the beast opened its mouth which was very huge and filled with jagged sharp rows of teeth. Jae gulped in fear and quickly started struggling to break free from the beast. As he was getting closer to being eaten, the air in the cave suddenly became many times colder. Mist actually filled the whole cave and then, the area started getting frozen with eyes.

As Jae realizes this, he suddenly heard a very cold and chilling voice. His entire being felt frozen and cold like a dead person as he heard that soft whispers coming from behind him.

"Ice Elemental Secret: Whispers Of The Winter!!!"