
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Komik
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41 Chs

Ch~Twenty>Four: Silver Rank Expert Is The Real Deal.

'Ice Elemental Secret? What's that? Isn't it suppose to be art?' Jae thought as snow started filling the whole area and then, a gigantic ice avalanche sprung into being and swept towards the strange beast. The ice avalanche carried a chilly fierce wind with it as it clashed with the strange beast.

By this time, the beast already knows that if it did not leave Jae, it wouldn't be able to block the avalanche coming at it. Jae immediately escaped without looking back and dashed out of the cave. He knew he shouldn't worry about Trisha because, his own life is also important.

At least, Trisha could still save herself but he would be a goner in an instant. Even after exiting the cave, he didn't stop and continue running ahead. After giving a distance of more than fifty meters away from the cave did he stop and calm his breathing. As he was recuperating, he suddenly heard a huge explosion coming from the direction of the cave. He looked at the cave and saw that it was frozen. The entrance of the cave was frozen and the inside would be worse. The cave was emitting chilly breeze around its surrounding. Even Jae who was faraway still felt the cold air passing him by.

'Damn! Silver Rank Hunters are the real deal! Damn! I must be stupid thinking I could hold that beast back for even a tiny second. I mean, it is a f*cking Silver Rank Dire Beast for damn sake! If it wanted, it would have killed me with its earlier swat. I'm gonna wait here for some time before checking the cave again' Jae thought as he sat down on a giant tree branch as he observed the cave's entrance while still keeping an eye on his surrounding in case of enemies.

After more than five minutes, Jae finally approached the cave. As he enters the cave, he immediately started shivering like a chicken due to the snow and ice all around the place. As he went deeper, the more cold he felt and his body was already slowly freezing but he continued to dive deeper into the cave seeking the battleground of the beast and Trisha. This time, Jae was no longer walking on solid ground and had started transversing thick snow.

When he reached the place where Trisha was, he started looking for signs of the beast but got shocked when he saw it frozen in ice sculpture and little bit buried within the thick snow. He approached the ice sculpture and stared observing it. The beast was truly frozen. He then thought of something.

He took out his sword and strongly held it with his both hands and then, he hacked the ice sculpture. Hard! That was his thought. His sword didn't do much again the ice but he continued hacking and hacking at the ice sculpture. Soon, cracks started appearing on the sculpture which made him hack the sword harder. Soon, shattering sound filled the cave and the ice sculpture debris had scattered on the ground. That attack was so powerful it froze the beast in and out, so Jae basically shattered the beast body after he hacked at the sculpture.

Unfortunately, what he was expecting to see didn't happen. He thought maybe the beast was just frozen and hadn't died truly and so, he tried to shatter the beast's body to kill it in the process. He was very excited at the thought of the Chakra Points a Silver Rank Beast could give him. He was sure he would instantly become a Bronze Rank Hunter or Gēnin Ninja. Seeing that, the beast had died as soon as it got frozen, Jae was disappointed and sad for a moment but then, this made him understand the power of a Silver Rank Expert and also how powerful Trisha was.

He then started looking for Trisha once again and soon found her in a corner of the cave lying on the ground. She seems to be unconscious as she haven't moved even though Jae had approached her. Jae gently positioned her sleeping posture well and then, he went deep into the cave. He wanted to see what was inside but was once again disappointed as he came back with nothing. Seeing as he had nothing else to do, he carried Trisha to an unfrozen area in the cave.

He then went out to gather woods to and used a mini fireball to light it up into flames. He then sat down and just stared at the beautiful woman lying on the floor. Thinking of how she would react when she wake up would be very interesting. This scene was similar to when he had also received serious injuries and Trisha had helped him stabilized his health. He had already checked Trisha's condition, there was nothing wrong with her except being a little cold, other than that, she was perfectly fine. For her being a little cold, Jae thought maybe making a fire would help her.

Seeing that she wouldn't be waking up anytime soon, Jae decided to train his current skills. He practiced his Hand Seals Skill for an hour, practiced the Chakra Control Skill for an hour, practiced the Chakra Flow Skill for an hour and then, he started cultivating his chakra. Although the Chakra Extraction Skill didn't give him a sub skill after surpassing fifty levels, his chakra absorbing rate had increased to 10 Chakra Points every five minutes.

With his current strength, he could still finish the mission so he wasn't in a hurry to end things so quickly. He patiently cultivated his Chakra without stopping. His Chakra Points kept increasing and would soon level up. Soon, the next morning came and Jae awoke by the sound of a soft yawn. Opening his eyes, he saw that Trisha was already awake and was just looking at him with a tired eyes.

Trisha nodded her head at him and then looked at the cave that was still frozen. She saw the shattered debris of ice on the ground and confirmed that the beast was dead. For a moment, she had a conflicting expression on her face as she donned a heavy frown.

Jae in the other hand was looking at his system's notifications. Its time to complete the mission.

[Host has gained 730 Chakra Points for cultivating his chakra for more than six hours]

[Host has leveled up to Level 5 Iron Rank Hunter. All Stats has increased by one point.

Host has gained Stat Points +5 and Shop Points +1]



[Host Character]

[Name - [Jeremy Jr. Styles]

[Race - [Human]

[Rank - Level 5 Iron Rank Hunter / Low Level Academy Student]

[HP - [200 / 200]

[CP - [200 / 200]


[Host Stats]

[Strength - [11]

[Dexterity - [13]

[Vitality - [15]

[Intellect - [9]

[Chakra - [15]


[Host Points]

[Chakra Points - [276 / 500]

[Stat Points - [15]

[Shop Points - [66]