

The story tells about John Hugo, a former ninja who escaped from his clan and hiding with his family from his violent past in rural America one night he is ambushed by a team of assassins from his former organization who took revenge on John and his family .For the betrayal of the old law

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Chapter Three: the mysterious ally

After the horror night in the hospital, John was exhausted and in pain, but he was driven by the need to look for the stranger who helped him. He knew that this person could be the key to understanding his past and perhaps even to ending the organization that is after him.

The next morning, John finds himself wandering the busy streets, following the few clues left by the stranger. The sun was scorching the Earth, and the people around him were living their daily lives, unaware of the danger hovering around them.

Finally, in a dark alley, John found the stranger waiting for him. the stranger said in a calm voice: "I was expecting you, John Hugo," 

John asked cautiously: "Who are you?" And why did you help me", 

Kazuo replied, stepping out of the shadows: "My name is Kazuo, and I was also part of the organization that is after you. But I left her when I realized her depravity, just like you did," 

"Why should I trust you?"", Wondered John.

"Because we share the same enemy, and because I know how we can defeat them," Kazuo said confidently.

Thus, a new alliance between Jun and Kazuo began. Together, they begin to develop a plan to eliminate the organization that destroyed their lives. The journey was going to be long and dangerous, but John knew that he couldn't back down now. He had to continue to fight, not only for revenge, but for justice and peace.

The news about John's escape from the hospital had spread with lightning speed among the police personnel. Officer Emily and her partner Michael were leading the search team, determined to find him before he disappeared again.

"We have reports of a man matching John's description in the eastern neighborhood," one of the officers said over the radio.

"We're on the way," Emily replied firmly.

As the police cars were heading towards the East Block, Emily was thinking about John. There was something in his story that wasn't setting the record straight, and she felt that the truth was much bigger than it seemed.

At the same time, John and Kazuo were hiding in a secret bunker, collecting information about the organization. Kazuo knew a lot, but he was careful in sharing information.

"The organization has branches all over the world, but the headquarters is located at...", Kazuo paused, looking at John.

"Where?"", John asked urgently.

"In Japan, where it all started," Kazuo replied.

John knew that the road to Japan would be dangerous, but he also knew that he could not escape from his past forever. He had to face the organization and reveal the truth, no matter what it cost him.