

The story tells about John Hugo, a former ninja who escaped from his clan and hiding with his family from his violent past in rural America one night he is ambushed by a team of assassins from his former organization who took revenge on John and his family .For the betrayal of the old law

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Chapter Six: tangled threads

In his darkened room, John sat staring at the contents of the box scattered in front of him. The map, the photo, the encrypted message - they all looked like pieces of a complex puzzle. He was trying hard to connect the dots, but the whole picture was still vague.

After hours of reflection, John realized that he might need help. Perhaps the police were able to give some answers. He took a deep breath and grabbed the phone, calling Officer Emily and her partner Michael.

"I have information that may interest you," John began his conversation as soon as they answered the phone.

"What is it?"", Emily asked curiously.

"I found a map, a photo and a letter that may be the keys to understanding what the organization is planning," John explained, feeling nervous.

"Can you come to the center to discuss this in detail?"", Suggested Michael.

"No, not yet. It's very dangerous. I'll try to decipher the message and come back to you with what I find," John answered, and quickly hung up the phone.

He knew that time was running out for him, and every passing moment could mean a missed opportunity to uncover the truth. John begins to analyze the encrypted message, hoping that it will lead him to the answers he is looking for.

Kazuo found Jun lost in thought, staring at the contents of the box scattered in front of him. The map, the picture and the encrypted message were forming a complex puzzle, and John was looking for a hidden meaning between the lines and symbols.

"This map...", Kazuo began in a confident tone, " she shows the secret way to get into the organization."

Before John could answer, the phone in his hand shook. The number was unknown, but he immediately knew that it was the stranger to whom the box was sent.

"If you want to get into the organization, let me help you," the confused voice came from the other end.

The message was clear, but the motives were vague. John had to decide whether to accept help from someone he didn't know, who might have a hidden agenda. But with every passing moment, he realized that time was running out, and he might have no other choice.

Jun and Kazuo stood in the shadows, staring at the phone that still emitted a faint light in the darkness. The unknown voice had offered to help, and now they had to decide whether to trust this stranger or not.

"What do you think?"", Jun asked, looking at Kazuo in search of an answer.

"I don't know... It might be a trap," Kazuo answered hesitantly.

"But if this is our only chance to get in, maybe we should take the risk," John said in a voice full of firmness.

After a few moments of silence, John took a deep breath and answered the phone again. "Well, we will accept your help. What is the next step"

"I'll send you the details. Be careful, don't trust anyone," came the firm reply from the other party.

John hung up the phone and looked at Kazuo. The decision had been made, and the road ahead was fraught with danger. But they were ready to face what awaited them, together.

The night was wrapping the city in its black curtain when John's phone rang again. The stranger was on the line, his voice calm and loaded with confidence.

"Are you ready?"", The stranger asked.

"Yes, what should I do?"", John replied, his heart beating hard.

"I'll tell you the locations of the cameras and guards. It should move quickly and silently. Follow my instructions strictly, " said the stranger.

John began to move behind the shadows, avoiding the bright lights of the cameras pointed by the stranger. Every instruction he received seemed eerily accurate, as if the stranger knew the organization from the inside.

"Now, turn left... Stop it... Wait for the guard to pass, " the instructions were coming in succession, and John was following them very carefully.

John finally reached a hidden door behind an old electrical box. "This is the entrance, use the code 0523 to open the door," the stranger whispered.

John entered the code and slowly opened the door, feeling the adrenaline running through his veins. He was about to enter the heart of the organization, and he knew that what awaited him inside those walls could change everything.