

The story tells about John Hugo, a former ninja who escaped from his clan and hiding with his family from his violent past in rural America one night he is ambushed by a team of assassins from his former organization who took revenge on John and his family .For the betrayal of the old law

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9 Chs

Chapter Seven: the familiar face

John walked through the secret door into the organization, his heart pounding with tension and caution. The corridors were dimly lit, and silence hung over the place, which increased his sense of anxiety. He crept slowly, hiding behind doors and under stairs, until he reached a central room where monitors were showing images from surveillance cameras.

And suddenly, he froze in place. In front of him, standing in front of one of the screens, was his childhood friend, Akira. He was dressed in a uniform and seemed to occupy an important position within the organization. John had not seen him in years, and he would never have imagined that their paths would intersect in such conditions.

"Akira?"", Whispered John in a trembling voice.

Akira slowly turned around, and on his face a shocked expression that quickly turned into a complex smile. "John?" I wasn't expecting to see you here."

The meeting was loaded with emotions and questions. How did Akira get to this place What role does he play within the organization And most importantly, was he a friend or an enemy

In a few moments, the room turned into a battlefield. Guards poured in from everywhere, trapping Jun and Akira in the center of the room. But John, with his high ninja skills, managed to beat them one by one quickly and accurately.

After the guards fell, John found himself face to face with Akira. A fight has begun between them, quick blows and precise movements fill the space between them. The confrontation was personal, and each blow carried the weight of shared memories and possible betrayal.

Suddenly, the fight was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. The stranger was calling John again. "You have to get out of there now!", Shouted The Stranger. "Guards and organized ninjas are on their way. If you don't leave now, you won't be able to get out anymore."

John realized the seriousness of the situation. With every passing second, his chance of escape was diminishing. He pushed Akira away and ran towards the exit from which he came, following the stranger's instructions to avoid cameras and guards.

The corridors were narrowing around him, the sounds of ninjas were approaching. But John was determined to escape, not just for his life, but to reveal the truth for which he came.

John came out of the organization and called the two policemen and met them in a secret place, they sat talking John told them that he is an exiled Ninja and the organization is trying to kill him, Emily tells him that she is trying to solve the organization's case as it caused the death of many people, before the end of their conversation a stranger enters،

At that critical moment, when the stranger seemed to be heading towards them with deadly intent, John moved with lightning speed. His advanced senses as an exiled ninja were fully functional, and he could catch a glimmer of danger in the stranger's eyes. With a precise and quick movement, John grabbed the man's wrist, delivering a neat blow that knocked him off balance and knocked him to the ground.

"Don't move!"John shouted, putting his foot on the back of the man lying on the floor.

Emily and the other policeman approached, pointing their weapons, ready for any other threat that might appear. "Who are you?" And what do you want"Emily asked in a firm voice.

The man did not answer, but his facial expressions betrayed anger and frustration. It was clear that he did not expect his attempt to be thwarted so quickly.

"It seems that you knew that they would come for you," said the other policeman, directing his words to John.

John nodded his head. "Yes, but I didn't expect them so quickly. The organization has its sources, but they seem desperate to get rid of me."

"We will need your information to be able to protect you and investigate this organization more effectively," said Emily, helping the man to stand up to be taken for interrogation.

John agrees, realizing that cooperation with the police may be his only chance to survive and stop the organization that is after him. And while they were preparing to leave the Secret Place, John felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He knew that the road would not be easy, but he was ready to face what awaited him.

Thus, a new journey began for John, one filled with danger and mystery, but also with hope for justice and freedom