
Thanks Giving

The guards drag the protesters and put them in the dungeon. 

She changed her mind and brought Hugh back to the palace. 

"These people are too much!"

The more chaos the kingdom was getting. The more she missed Hash.

"Sa, why don't we create a holiday? Something people could celebrate from."

"Like what? I don't think Jesus was born in this timeline yet."

That automatically eliminated Christmas on the list. But Tyler is right, they need a diversion.

"How about thanksgiving? We'll have harvest in a few days."

"That's a good idea. Let's make an announcement."

They'll have a thanksgiving feast and then Masquerade ball.

Vego's spies heard about the masquerade. They're all over the palace. 

Now that the king is gone and the crowned prince is away. This was the perfect opportunity to take over.