
See you soon

Hash was about to use his powers to get back to the hotel.

"Hash, don't abuse your teleporting ability because it doesn't come free."

It made Hash's heart skip. What if it was harming Isabel?

"Every time you're teleporting, your old self dies, and whatever you are right now is the remainder of that old self." 

It made him confuse.

"I don't understand."

Liz tapped his shoulders and faced him.

"You need to understand that every creation has an opposite destruction."

Hash remembered the anime he watched in high school about teenager alchemists. 

"Deconstructing our physical self into pure energy at will is amazing, but we will never be the same whenever we use it. Use it wisely and only if necessary."

He nodded. The problem was. If they're going back to the tunnel, they didn't have the boat or the money to have someone drive them back to the mainland.

"I know."

Liz read his thoughts.