
Chapter 6118: Extensive Business

 Two powerful men from the third level of the Emperor's Heaven descended, but the endless monsters did not attack them. Obviously, they were the ones who controlled the monsters. The endless

 monsters alone had already made them feel desperate, and the appearance of two powerful men from the third level of the Emperor's Heaven made people completely lose their fighting spirit.

 Even Su Yu felt powerless. The third level of the Emperor's Heaven was a peerless powerhouse that could only be looked up to. Under the space domain, all living beings were ants.

 "Open all the eyes of the formation!"

 Li Dongcheng gave a direct order to open the formation to the extreme. It is said that when the formation is opened to the extreme, even the strong men from the third level of the Emperor's Heaven cannot break it in a short time.

 As for whether it is true or not, no one knows, because for countless years, no one has ever opened the formation to the strongest.

 Because the formation in the strongest state consumes astonishingly, the spirit stones that could originally support five days will be consumed in a few hours.

 But now there is no time to care about so much, because if it is not opened to the extreme, the two powerful men from the third level of the Emperor's Heaven may break the formation with a casual attack.

 "A group of ants, doing some useless work, quietly waiting for death to come, struggling in despair and pain!" The female warrior spoke.

 Although the voice was processed, as soon as she spoke, Long Chen was sure that this person was indeed a member of the Qin Sect.

 Because the people of the Qin Sect are proficient in music, they usually speak with a unique charm, which is very pleasant to the ears. This is their symbol.

 Before the man spoke, because the words were very brief, Long Chen could not hear it clearly. Now, Long Chen can be sure directly.


 When the formation was opened to the extreme, endless runes flowed rapidly, and the whole city was shaking constantly.

 However, at this time, people's hearts were more and more fearful and desperate. The opening of the formation to the extreme meant that their lives began to count down.

 At most a few hours, the formation will collapse due to the exhaustion of energy. At that time, without the two strong men taking action, the whole city, young and old, will be buried in the mouth of the monster.

 "Lord Long Chen..." Su Yu sent a voice message to Long Chen. Seeing that Long Chen was always calm, she gave her desperate heart a glimmer of hope.

 "I'll go meet these two old men. City Lord, please help change the formation." Long Chen said.

 "Once you go out, you can never come back." Li Dongcheng was shocked.

 Although he still couldn't change his death in the end, dying later would give him a glimmer of hope. If the General Alliance sent a master, they would be saved.

 In addition, there would be a gap for a moment when the formation was changed. If the two took the opportunity to attack, it might cause some damage to the formation, which was very risky.

 "Lord City Lord, please believe him!" Su Yu said.

 Seeing that Su Yu supported Long Chen so much, Li Dongcheng gritted his teeth, and the formation trembled violently, and the runes began to change.


 Long Chen took a step forward and walked out of the formation directly, came to the void, and entered the domain of the two emperors.

 The two emperors were slightly shocked. They didn't expect that a kid in the human emperor realm could enter their domain so easily.

 If it was an ordinary human emperor, he would have been suppressed by the terrifying space force and couldn't move after entering their domain, and he would have fallen directly.

 However, Long Chen seemed to be very relaxed. Their space domain had little effect on him, which made the two of them wary.

 "You are not from the Four-Party Alliance? Who are you?" the woman asked coldly.

 In the information they had, the man in front of them was not among the top geniuses of the Four-Party Alliance.

 Even a sect like Qin Sect was extremely jealous of the top geniuses of the Four-Party Alliance.

 They used all kinds of means, coercion and inducement, to find ways to win them over to their own sects.

 However, there were dozens of geniuses with amazing talents in the Four-Party Alliance who refused to leave, and Su Yu was one of them.

 If it was Su Yu who came out, they would be a little surprised, but it was also expected.

 However, it was not Su Yu who came out, but the guy in front of them who looked quite handsome and had a naughty smile on his face.

 "Ask me my name? Stand still, don't let Master Mo's name scare you to pee your pants." Long Chen stood with his hands behind his back, raised his head and chest, and looked at the woman with his nose.


 The woman clenched her fists and almost couldn't help punching this bastard to death. She had never heard such arrogant words in her life, and they were spoken by a little human emperor.

 Long Chen moistened his throat, put his right hand on his chest, pinched an unknown seal, and chanted in a showy manner:

 "In front of Wuliang Mountain is Wuliang Palace, and outside Wuliang Gate is Wuliang Pine. Tianjiao's dream will eventually have no way out, and it will be in vain once he meets Mo Nian..."

 "Damn it, it turned out to be you..."

 As soon as Long Chen finished reading, two fierce murderous auras instantly locked onto Long Chen, and the two of them seemed to have seen the murderer of their father.

 The woman shouted sternly: "You damned little bastard, you entered the resting place of Qin Zong's ancestors without permission, opened the coffin and dug the grave, you... you fucking... go to hell!"

 The woman roared, and immediately rushed towards Long Chen. The fierce murderous aura condensed into substance, and the void around Long Chen was deformed. Damn

 , Mo Nian, your business scope is wide enough, right? Long Chen was stunned. This guy even dug up the ancestral graves of Qin Zong. How did he find it?

 Seeing the woman rushing over, Long Chen immediately pretended to be terrified, as if his body could not move. The woman's five fingers were like hooks, and she went straight to Long Chen's neck. Obviously, she didn't want to kill Long Chen directly, she wanted to kill him alive.


 Suddenly, the starlight around Long Chen trembled, and the violent pressure disappeared instantly. A big hand covered with stars slapped the woman's face.


 There was a loud bang, and in the loud noise, the mask was instantly smashed, and a panicked face was revealed.

 It was a middle-aged woman who looked to be in her thirties, with sharp eyes and a fierce look on her face. However, her mask was blown off, and a trace of panic appeared on her face. Obviously, she didn't want people to see her true face.

 However, Qin Zong's mental method was special, and her face could not be easily changed. As the saying goes, the appearance is born from the heart. If the face changes, the state of mind is easily affected. Therefore, she wore a mask.

 "Wow, with such a fierce face, no wonder you would do such a vicious thing.

 I have recorded your face with the image jade. I will announce Qin Zong's crimes to the world and let the whole world recognize your ugly faces." Long Chen sneered.

 When he first saw Master Chunyang, Long Chen felt that this guy was a hypocrite. Now that Qin Zong was doing this again, it completely confirmed that his perception was completely correct.

 "Damn little beast, do you think you can leave alive? All of you will die here today." The woman roared.


 The triple emperor body emerged, and the violent emperor's power radiated. The barrier below shook wildly, looking shaky.

 "Just the two of you?"

 A sneer appeared on Long Chen's lips: "It seems that it really can't be done." "


 The woman moved her feet and appeared in front of Long Chen in an instant.


 Suddenly, endless stars flowed, thousands of roars, and the eight-colored divine ring appeared behind Long Chen. " The gate of life - open!" Long Chen shouted and punched out. 

 "One star falls" Boom! With a loud bang, the sky was full of starlight, as if the sun exploded, and the woman spurted out a mouthful of blood, like a meteor hitting the distance. 

 "Boom boom..." 

The earth exploded, and the woman rolled all the way. Wherever she passed, the mountains were shattered, the rivers were cut off, and the billowing smoke and dust extended to the end of the world. Along the way, endless monsters were all smashed into a blood mist.