
Nine Sacred Things: The Greatest Gift Treasures

An ordinary girl? I don't think so. All years serving is what she do. But yearning that her fate will twirl. Shedding gemstones as tears , you don't know? Life is full of difficulties, unlucky all follow. Yet she wanted to escape from another misery. And saved by handsome guy that shrouded with mystery. For the second time too from fraudsters. Showing weird things, what's the identity? Then that's how she'll starts her journey... Unfinished former work date: August 18, 2019 - October 30, 2020 Rewritten: January 1, 2022-

shistineJdLd1 · Fantasi
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4 Chs

Volume/Chapter 1• Episode 1-15

Title: The Nine Sacred Things: The Greatest Gift Treasures

Whole V1 Former Finished Date:

August 18, 2019- August 30, 2019

Rewriting Date: March 25, 2022

Time: 3: 01 pm- 10: 28 pm

Author: shistine

Chapter 1: The Beginning


<"{Table of Contents}">

Informations for C1: D, T, TOC, E, CWBI... Entry 1

Disclaimer: Author's Note #1... Entry 2

Episode 1: Who Is He?... Entry 3

Episode 2: The Frauds... Entry 4

Episode 3: Who's The Savior?... Entry 5

Episode 4: The Torizon Kingdom's Problems... Entry 6

Episode 5: Medallion Of Nature: The Solution To Their Problem... Entry 7

Episode 6: He'll Go With Her... Entry 8

Episode 7: The Person That She's Looking For... Entry 9

Episode 8: Follow The Commands... Entry 10

Episode 9: Related and Connected... Entry 11

Episode 10: Oh My First Accidental Kiss... Entry 12

Episode 11: The Contest To Win A Ball... Entry 13

Episode 12: Gileria, The Mermaid... Entry 14

Episode 13: The Reward... Entry 15

Episode 14: The Date... Entry 16

Episode 15: Reine's Mom In Her Dream... Entry 17

Fantasia => Atlajika's World Map... Entry 18

The Kingdoms In the Map & Add. In. ... Entry 19

Shistine: Author's Note #2... Entry 20


Characters With Basic Information

Main Female Lead: Reine Florasphere

-Power: Nature and Fire

Age: 18 years old

Description: A mysterious but pitiful abused maiden that rarely cries but when she does it turned into precious gemstones who got sold off as a slave many times over and over again. The last time was sold off by her foster parents for five million coins but escaped with the help of a mysterious savior. There starts her journey and slowly discovers her identity...


Main Male Lead: Claude Orihiko

-Power: Water and Ice

Age: 19 years old

Description: He's a cold and nonchalant hero who saved a damsel in distressed. After providing her needs and accompanying her, he eventually fall in love with the miden. Together with other friends and companion, they embark in exciting and somewhat dangerous adventures...


Second Female Lead: Riana Florasphere

-Power: Healing and Water

Age: 18 years old

Description: The good and kind long- lost twin sister of the maiden who cries precious gemstones. After she separated from her family, she became the guardian of the second sacred thing to repay the nymph's hospitality. Soon she reunited with her sister and helps with uncovering the truth...


Second Male Lead: Valour Pramigus

-Power: Wind and Earth

Age: 21 years old

Description: In the first encounter, he appeared weird, obscure and foreign yet it seemed that he knew everything. Ahaha not actually. He even acted aloof but handsomely knowledgable like a God's messenger or something. Unbelievably, he's the cousin of the hero whose personality greatly differs from his. As an emperor of the kingdom of Sweden, he joined the team of three and became allies who provided some useful information...


First Side Character: Daimon Tanzania

-Power: Water and Lightning

Age: 25 years old

Description: He's a good, loyal and youngest emperor of Torizon kingdom who cares about his subjects, territories That's why when his nation experienced a great crisis he leaned towards his closest cousin to ask for a suggestional help. That leads to the maiden who cries precious gemstones. He doubts her but still trusted her fortunately she succeeded in saving his beloved kingdom, his homeland. In return he gives the maiden a privilege...


2nd Side Character: ??????? ?????????

-Power: Nature and Earth

Age: 43 years old

Description: In the ending episode of C1: The Beginning, the woman will appear in the dream of the maiden who cries precious gemstones. Her figure was vague, blurry and unclear. Though the time is tight, she still conveys the important matters at that moment. She tried to advice her saplings and her friends so that their paths may become clear. The strong bond and relationship by blood between the two made the other already guessed each other's relation...


Antagonist: Aico Deivel

-Power: Darkness and Metal

Age: 23 years old

Description: Revenge is a must for him. After his father ganged up and 'killed' by the eight Emperor and Empress of the most beautiful kingdom in Atlajika. He filled with resentment and clouded his mind with negativity. He became corrupted. From that day on he always wanted to destroy those who harmed his father. But sadly, he beacame more evil and wanted conquer all the kingdoms in the world. Wouldn't ruling it all makes him superior of all? Who would dare to harm the most superior man of all?...


Third Side Character: Maika

-Power: Lightning and Sand

Age: 20 years old

Description: Left hand of the emperor of the kingdom Magnus. She did all the works given to her without any second thoughts like a good and obedient dog and even admire his majesty but she started to feel the resistance against his majesties more devious orders. She had a bad feeling about it and unwanted his evil plan to get into further success...


Fourth Side Character: Jejimon

-Power: Portal and Shadow

Age: 22 years old

Description: A homeless boy who grown up along with the left hand of the emperor of the kingdom of Magnus. Under the care of the emperor he too became a loyal dog who is willngly do anything for its master's sake. The right hand position finally becomes his. He's more than willing and happy to continue in this dark and bloody path with his master...


Extra Number 1: The steamed buns' seller

-Power: Microphone Mouth and Unique Kitchen Knowledge

Age: 55 years old

Description: A typical poor middle aged fat aunty, who works very hard to earn money by selling her homemade foods in taxed stall got tricked by a stranger. Now that her trickster is a fast runner, how can someone like her with fat body will ever caught that fast trickster? Never ah! The big buns that costed 15 copper coins cutted down by five, what a big loss!


Extra Number 2: The four young and handsome human traffickers

-Power: Bewitching Beauty and Mind Manipulation

#1 Age: 20 years old

#2 Age: 19 years old

#3 Age: 23 years old

#4 Age: 27 years old

Description: With the handsome faces and a cunning but wicked mind, they can easily tricked people into coming with them. Thay already done it many times and sure their business is blooming. Unfortunately, they someone they shouldn't messed with. Not just they can't fooled a maiden for so long, they didn't a lady could fight, though it's too sloppy. But with the savior to the rescue, they taste what it felt like to be hitted with hailstones in summer. Now it's their time to get tricked! What a layer by layer trouble they've got! Now even their families won't be able to recognize their swollen like pig's faces! Ahahaha...



Extra Number 3: The Tori Palace's Servants

-Power: Super Strength and Super  Agility

Age: Ranging from 18 to 60 years old

Description: They got paid according to their performance, services, how witty they are, what's their intention and the accordance with the assigned work. There are different person you can meet. You won't get bored cause they differ personalities from one to another. But you should beware too. Not all are with white heart. Though it's more free here but there's still a lot of etiquette and laws. The servants will accommodate all your needs with warmth and smiles. Giving you comfort. Much different from the accustomed servants of the other kingdoms...


Cannon Fodder: The rich disgusting man

-Power: Shitting Golden Nuggets

Age: 62 years old

Description: As old as he already been, it's unbelievable that he's still fooling around with young maidens in bed. He has some addictive, strange, disgusting fetish and sick in his mind! He buys young girls whatever and whoever  he wants! He already grown a huge beautiful human doll collection in his mansion.

Where do you think he gets money? Easy, basically and literally just poo!... Pooping a gold? Wow! No wander he's so rich! I know right? Who wish to have that kind of power? It's a win- win situation! Imgine... You don't have to work, all you need to do is to poo and twala money is already in your toilet!!!

It's just that he died quite earlier than expected. There's no more gold money pooper! Maybe he's still enjoying his beauties and luxuries as he worked hard pooping gold in his entire life if he didn't meet and force another maiden to be one of his beutiful collecton...

Author, shistine- sama: *Sighs... 😞🙁😢😓🤑😒What a pity I would like to ask for his gold to be donated to the governments in my country if only he's alive and real. Maybe this country will get better and no more kids would experience the dark side of society, of our world like poverty...😶😔😩😢😭😞🙁☹... When they should be worry- free, happy and bright.

Hi! Here is where this Entry 1 will ends. Bye! See you to the next! Hope you enjoy reading this. Give a vote, comment and follow me for more updates so thqt I'll be more motivated in writing. Thank you and good bye. And again I hope you enjoys this...