
Chapter 56

"They are coming over." Rory had called his parents.

"Thought they would. We'll have to give them a full run down of everything that has happened. They'll be a bit cross that we didn't tell them everything."

"I know. Give them a cup of tea, hand Conor over and they will soon get over any resentment."

Half an hour later they heard a car pull into the drive. For once, Joy and Martin weren't carrying food or gifts. Martin, usually laid back, was setting a brisk pace towards the front door. Joy was nearly jogging along beside him, trying to keep up.

Nina dispensed the tea and, having assured them several times that everything was alright, everyone was finally sat around the kitchen table. Conor gurgled and smiled amidst the worried faces of those around him.

"What I've got so far, is that Abby Phillips was arrested last night, for breaking into your house, and she has been doing it on a regular basis." Martin summed up the previous phone call,