
Chapter 55

"Wake up."

A groggy Rory needed another couple of shoves before he became fully conscious.

"What? What's going on?"

"She's here."

"Who, Abby?"


"Have the police spoken to you?"

"No, but I know she is here."

Rory groaned and turned over. A second later the sound of voices came from downstairs. He and Nina were both sat up now. A glance at each other and then a mad scramble for dressing gowns and slippers. They were out of the bedroom and heading down the stairs with no thought for Paul's words about staying out of the way. The voices were getting louder.


Abby had swung the inner door open and stepped in. There was no quick look, to make sure the coast was clear, she stepped in confident that no one knew about the door. A couple of paces and then torchlight shone directly at her. Simply standing with her mouth agape, she was utterly bemused.