
Chapter 18

Nina stood back and looked at the vases, which were now at either end of the mantlepiece. No, that looked too symmetrical. They were moved to stand together at one end. Still not right. A number of positions were tried and rejected before the correct look was achieved. The vases together, slightly off centre, to the left.

A mirror hung over the fireplace and Nina had made minute adjustments to the positioning, until the ornaments stood either side of the frame. A nod of satisfaction and then a look at her watch. Good God, that had taken her half an hour to perfect. Time to head for the kitchen and start cooking Rory's dinner. Still full up from her lunchtime pasta, she would have a snack.

"How was the shopping expedition?" Rory asked when he got home.

"Really good. We had a lovely lunch at an Italian restaurant and had a mooch around the shops."

"Any purchases?"

"Yes, come and have a look."

Nina led her husband to the lounge and stood beside the fireplace. To save any confusion on Rory's part, she pointed at the vases. 

"Oh, wow. They are perfect for this room."

Reaching towards one of the vases, he was stopped before he could touch it.

"No. It's taken me ages to get them in the perfect position. You will just have to admire them from where you are."

Rory bowed to the fireplace and then nodded solemnly. 

"Looking only. I understand. I must say that they are, as you say, perfectly positioned."

"And now you are taking the piss."

"Yep. Seriously though, good find. Maybe we can go back to the village together one weekend. I haven't been there for years. There definitely wasn't an Italian restaurant."

"That would be lovely."

It was a slow start for Nina the next morning. A cup of tea in her dressing gown and then a reluctant trip to the study to check emails and see if there was any work for her to do. Her finger hovered over the button for a few seconds before she clicked on the mail from the marketing agency. It was another job. She didn't know whether she was pleased or not.

The details would be read later and then a reply would be sent. It was good earning some money and having a focus, but not today. Sighing, Nina climbed the stairs slowly and then went to her wardrobe. It was a jeans and T shirt kind of day. Nowhere she had to be, nothing particular to do. 

Having dragged a brush through her hair, Nina wandered back downstairs. Standards were definitely slipping here in the country. No makeup, no hair straighteners, no agonising over an outfit. How lovely. She would never have imagined that she would be so relaxed about her appearance.

Still enamoured of her recent purchase, Nina headed for the lounge. A quick peek at the vases and then get on with the day. One of them had moved. A smile crept onto her face. A picture of Rory, grinning, and moving it came to mind. It was only a fraction out of place, but enough for her to notice. Quite subtle for him.

It was time to do some work. The file attached to the email from the marketing company was opened and Nina read the details. It wasn't an onerous task, so a reply was sent accepting the job. The file was then closed. Not today.