
Chapter 12

Heading into town for shopping, Nina was confident of her surroundings. Strolling along, looking in shop windows, the supermarket was her destination. In no hurry, a dress caught her eye and it was appraised through the glass. Turning away, it was pretty expensive, she came face to face with Abby.

"Oh hello." Nina came to a halt.

"Hi, Nina. I'm really sorry about the other day. About the way I picked up that photo. It must have made you uncomfortable."

"Don't worry about it, Abby."

"I think it was being in the house again. That made me sad and then that photo reminded me of a different time. It was only a bit about Rory. It was more about that time in my life. You know, being a teenager, having no worries. We were still living at the house, no money problems."

"I understand. The house has changed a lot since you lived there, too. That can be unsettling."

"Yes, a new kitchen."

Abby stood in front of her, arms hanging at her sides, tight smile.

"Er, do you want to get a coffee or something?"

"Oh no, thank you. I've got to get back to the stables. It was a silly reaction and I'm a bit embarrassed, but I'm okay now that I've spoken to you. You have been really nice about it."

"No problem. See you around Abby, take care."

Deep in thought, Nina wandered along arriving at the entrance to the supermarket without noticing the journey. Stopping on the threshold, a deep breath was taken. Time to focus on the job in hand. The conversation didn't leave her and she discussed it with Rory when he came home from work.

"I bumped into Abby today."

"Ooh, how did that go?"

"It was fine. She was apologetic for how she acted over the picture. Said it was awkward being in the house. Made her a bit emotional. The photo reminded her of a simpler time, when she had less worries and still lived at the house."

"That was nice. I know it wasn't a big problem, but its good that she explained."

"She said that the reaction was only a bit about you." An evil grin crept onto Nina's face.

"Cheers for that." Rory laughed.


"Yes, please. After her visit, it made me think back to that time. Abby and I, it was never a love thing. We didn't break up as such, just didn't bother to get in touch . That's why her reaction was so bizarre. I wondered if it was more to do with the house than me."

"I'm pleased that it was the house. It would be a bit creepy if she was still pining for you after ten years."

"It would remind you what a great catch I am."

"I'm thankful every day."

Smiling as they sipped their tea, Nina reached and held Rory's hand. An acknowledgement of how lucky she was. The squeeze from him, said he was, too.

"Out to the pub on Saturday. I'm looking forward to that. You'll meet a few more of the locals."

"I've met some already. You'll have to remind me of their names. We're eating there aren't we?"

"Yes. It's pub grub, but it's good. Grant has booked a table and we're meeting at eight."

"Tell me that they have some decent wine."

"They have a list. Only about five things on it, but at least there's a choice. Or you could have a pint of bitter." After getting a disapproving look, Rory added "Maybe not."