
Nightwalker ~when the devil sings

He loathed her. So much so that he was numb from the hatred. He wouldn't kill her~maybe not yet. She glared at him from where she sat on the bed. "Glare all you want since that's what you would be doing from this moment on". "What do you want?" "I will be the musician and you'd be the dancer. Whatever song I sing, you must dance to it. I don't need your will, you just have to obey me". He was the devil himself and this time, she has to be a dancer for him.

Crystalella · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
114 Chs

Hundred. Bloody

Hundred. Bloody

At Cee country, the Mint house.

The family were already done with their dinner and everyone had retired. However, Camille didn't think this was a time for her to retire. While in her room, she girded herself with her weapons, dressed herself with her bulletproof vest and pants and stuck a pistol in her back pocket. She clicked on the earpod that was in her ear, connecting to Cobra immediately.

"Cobra, have you found them?" she asked.

"Yes. They are coming from the east side and they would be there in thirty minutes" he said.

Camille nodded and walked to her balcony and stood, in wait for the enemy. It was a relief that all the members of the family had gone to bed. While she waited, a sudden thought came to her mind. She immediately whipped out her phone and dialed Hera's number.

The latter picked up the call almost immediately. "Hey Camille" she said through the speaker

"Hera you're ok?" She asked.

"Yeah. Is there a problem?" Hera asked, sitting on her butt.

Camille looked around, her eyes trailing towards Hera's window. "Did you lock up every door to your room?" Camille asked.


"And the balcony?"

"Nope. I need the fresh air that comes from there" Hera said and looked at the balcony. The doors were drawn apart, and the curtains danced through it every now and then. "Is there a problem Camille?"

There was no response, however, Hera heard a knock on her door. She furrowed her brows. "Who's it?" she asked. She left the bed, begrudgingly and walked to the door.

"Hera open the door" Camille said from the other side of the door.

Hera pulled the door open and was met with a dressed up Camille who was clad in bulletproof attire. "Camille" she blurted, looking the Camille over. "What's that outfit you're wearing?"

Camille ignored her questions and went over to close the doors leading to the balcony. Her face was expressionless and she looked stern, a look that Hera had never seen before.

"You should always lock up" Camille advised.

"But I always leave it open when I am going to sleep. I don't understand why you're telling me to close it up" Hera complained.

"They're coming" Camille said looking at the doors of the balcony.

"Who are they?"

"Those who didn't want you to find Lily" Camille said looking at the balcony doors.

"What? What's their problem?" Hera asked her face petrified with fear.

"They wanted to be the one who revealed Lily's identity to you and your family and then use it to ride the Mint house" Camille summarized.

Hera clenched her fists, her face pale with fear. Things like this had never happened before and it all sounded so foreign to her.

"I should go and tell mom and dad. This is crucial" Hera pointed out.

"No. Not yet. Stay here" Camille advised. She went over to balcony and closed five doors, bringing the room into a state of darkness. Hera hurriedly turned on her bedside lamp, illuminating the whole room almost immediately.

"You need to hide" Camille said and pressed the button on her earpod.

"Hey Cobra" she called.

"Suga has almost landed. Elijah actually sent out his men, thanks to Rex for feeding info to him" Cobra said, despise in his tone. He hated that Rex of a bastard.

"What? Rex betrayed us?" Camille asked, shocked at the news.

"Yeah Camille. I can't even believe it myself. He has been good. Also found out that he also manipulated everything and mad bus lose one of our best staff, Luke".

Camille sighed. "That's ok. Where are the enemy now?" Camille asked.

Cobra punched on some buttons which led to the appearance of some symbols and signals, showing where the enemy were located.

"Camille, get your guard up. They already entered the Monday house" Cobra said.

Camille looked at Hera who was also looking at her, wide-eyed. She didn't understand why some people wanted to attack them.

"This is all sister's fault! How could she even bring us trouble when she's not even here?!" Hera snapped.

"Quit your blame game Hera and hide under the bed" Camille said whipping out a weapon. Hera almost swallowed her tongue when she saw the dagger-like object. *What's that?"

"Get down Hera" Camille yelled and immediately pushed Hera to the floor. " Under the bed. Don't you dare make a sound" Camille warned.

Hera was so frightened. This wasn't the Camille she knew. She was so cold and scary. Tears gathered in her eyes when her butt hit the cold tiled floor. "Camille" she gasped.

"Sorry. That pain is better compared to when you'd b bundled into a dungeon filed with scarier things. You would go insane. Now hide!" Camille instructed.

Hera quickly did as she was told. Just then, a figure jumped into the balcony, moving stealthily. Camille saw this and immediately stood in a corner to avoid being noticed. A sneak attack would be the best measure to take care of such bastards.

The figure placed his hand on the doorknob, and squeaked it open. He walked in. The bedside lamp was on but their was no one lying on it. "How stupid can you be? Do you think I don't know where you're hiding? Come out bitch!" the man taunted, his voice a nightmare.

Hera cringed under the bed, her heart hammering loudly in her chest. She was really scared.


A slashing sound was heard making the figure under the bed to jump and gasp. She was so scared an hid deeper under the bed.

Camille took the man unawares and gave him a quick and clean death silencing him. The man made no sound, falling to the ground in a heap. The slash was so clean that he didn't even have the time to fight for his life.

"Everything's fine Hera. You can come out now" Camille said.

Hera gasped and quickly slid out from under the bed. She caught of the dead man her stomach churning at the sight of blood.

"Camille...blood,...the man's dead" Hera stuttered.

"That's better. One down" Camille said. She clicked the button on her earpod. "Cobra, one down. He came in to take Hera away".

"Nice one Hera. Buh, I think their troop is already in the compound. The guards have been silenced. Suga is almost there" Cobra listed.

"Ok. I will hold them out till he gets here. Till then" she said.

"Hera" Camille called , taking out a pistol. "Here" she said, handing Hera the pistol.

" What?! I don't even know how to shoot this" Hera cried. She was scared mad.

"Hera, they're already inside. I have to go down and take care of them I can't be here with you. So, protect yourself!"

"I don't know how to hold a gun! I have never held it" she yelled.

Camille gave her the gun and showed her the right way to use it. From the correct manner of holding a gun, to how to pull the trigger.

"Take care of yourself Hera. Don't let them take you" Camille said.

"I might as well come with you. Please. I'm too scared to stay here. You can't leave me here with this dead body", Hera sobbed, taking a glance at the body.

Camille looked at her for a while. "Follow me, closely. It's going to be bloody right now" Camille said.