
Next in line to the Primordial

BluRog · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 37 : Getting to Know

Cain looked at them as they were surprised and few were disappointed as Thorkell spoke

"We are going to travel by foot till the capital , we decided it would be best to get to know our strengths and how we can work together . Thomas already left to the capital since we forced him to , but won't you be uncomfortable in that armor while travelling"

"No , i think it will be better for me . I want to improve all my skills before i start focusing only on my main strength .So it thought this would be the best it's leather and chainmail in the joints and all weapons are accessible to me "

Aurora looking at him in a little irritation spoke

"How long will you be like that ? it will be enough if you wear those during fight and remove your helmet "

"No , I plan to be like this till the IAC tournament . So let's leave , Thorkell how long will it take to reach the capital"

Thorkell looked at Aurora with a slight glance , she was furious . Thorkell didn't want to think about it and answered

"Thomas will likely reach the capital in 6 weeks , If we just use our skills or footwork we can reach there in 3 weeks with taking little rest . But since we will have 3 weeks buffer we can explore nearby dungeons for 2 weeks duration as we go and let us keep 1 week as emergency time and will leave it off calculation . I have got list of all dungeons , ruins and places ideal to train or take treasures from the Aquonia . So let's move like that"

"So our destination is ?"

"There is major study hub city in route to the capital that will be our next stop , from there we can reach the capital in a single route . There is a dungeon i'm interested in as it might be a good haul if we go there so lets go to that dungeon"

"Fine then let's start"

Thorkell looked around as everyone were in light ware and all the goods were stored in space rings and using his footwork he flashed from his position , following him Elaine , Rebecca , Aurora and Cain left Zrervin.


It was 2 hours since they left Zrervin and they had almost covered 180 kilometers , and Thorkell stopped as Rebecca spoke

"Here everyone take these potions they'll help you to relax your legs and Cain wearing a armor might be bad as at the joints it might be tough for movement and may cause strain "

"Oh , check the joints . I had chainmail or leather attacked there so i have free movement "

Rebecca then started to examine his armor at the same time Thorkell was speaking to Elaine who then flashed somewhere. Aurora was resting as she was sitting under a tree she asked

"Where did Elaine go ?" Thorkell looking at her spoke

"She went to check ahead if there are any dungeons or towns we can reach by end of today "

Aurora then looked at Cain who was being checked by Rebecca and spoke

"Rebecca let him go , Cain come here please " Rebecca without even looking at her spoke

"Aura you know it's important to check the armor , if its not a proper fit he could get problems in the future and even some of his joints will weaken ,so wait a few minutes"

"Cain take off that stupid armor "

"Aura i need this armor , I have plans so this will be necessary and at night or while i'm going to remove so don't worry . But if it's really problematic for you I can remove it "

"Tsk , do whatever you want"

Thorkell was on watch duty and Aurora was resting as Cain's armor was checked and he was showing some basic movements to Rebecca so that she could see if she missed anything . After around 30 minutes Elaine returned as she spoke

"About 30 kilometers from here , there is a dungeon with a small outpost when I checked there was a Town close to it "

Thorkell listening to this turned to Cain who was now sitting on the ground checking his new sword

"Cain ,We can go to a dungeon to check on our abilities or directly go to town then later go to a dungeon what do you want to go for?"

"Isn't it better if we just checkout that dungeon and then go to the town "

"Yeah , i was thinking the same . What about you Lady Aurora ? i think it will better if we can see our strengths"

"Yeah , even I can clearly see what he can do"

Thorkell then looking at Elaine

"So let's head to that dungeon "


They then went leisurely towards the dungeon which took about an hour , when they reached there about 10 guards were present with a small room which looked like it contained essentials , Thorkell and Rebecca went to speak with them and gave them a few papers to look at , then all of them continued to the dungeon .

While in the dungeon Rebecca spoke

"This dungeon is cleared every 2 months so that there are no hordes or breaks running out , and it has been 6 weeks since the last clear . The guild usually sends their own official party to clear this . The dungeon has four levels and is fairly easy to clear as parties with few A ranks cleared it "

Thorkell continued "There 4 levels we each can clear a level as we can get a better look at each others skills and Lady Aurora can do it later as I think everyone here has seen hers "

"What , so what should I do now just walk around when you all just have fun"

"Lady Aurora you can fight anyone one of us if you want for a spar but as we others have not seen the strengths properly we need to do it ."

"Aargghhh!! I'm going to die of boredom " She then ran to Cain and started to pull off his helmet as she sat on his shoulders .

"Wait ! I need this "

"I don't care , you can clear the last level . Remove your armor now" Aurora meant this as an order now and suddenly all the armor and weapons turned to a Mercury like liquid and became a ring in Cain's finger .

The other three were moving ahead and didn't notice what they were doing as they knew it would be something of a sensual fashion . Aurora was surprised seeing what had happened , when she looked at Cain he looked a little frustrated looking at that she spoke

"I don't know what was that but I'm sorry , if you think i needn't know about this I'm fine with it "

Aurora got down from Cain's shoulders and started to walk away , Cain pulled her towards himself as he spoke

"We'll come in a minute you all can go ahead"

Rebecca looking at how he was pushing Aurora to a wall and was looking at her in glowing eyes spoke

"Yes , but this is a dungeon we'll start clearing soon"

Aurora was shocked by what happened , she didn't understand what was happening . Infront of her a man was looking at her with obsessives eyes , she could feel Cain caressing her neck and with another hand holding her from leaving . She asked Cain

"I'm sorry , But isn't this too much"

"Aurora you don't understand how much I've been holding back , you don't understand how beautiful you are and how you look at me seductively is just... . I'm in this armor because i want to develop a new identity as Thorkell's disciple and with my real face I will be unknown . I can just saw I have scars on my face to hide it and people will likely to observe me more"

Aurora feeling Cain's breath and how he was heating up but she spoke in a serious tone

"But aren't you ignoring me since Rebecca was checking your armor"

"Aura , till now in this world i don't care about anyone except you ,You're all i need and to make you completely mine I need to be stronger than those assholes who want you as their wife , Incomparably strong that they will be scared to even approach you so I needed advice about how armors should be as it will help me get stronger . I don't care what method is necessary you will be mine "

Aurora Started to blushed and left heavy breath as she turned away and Cain summoned back his armor as they both rejoined with the others.

Now Elaine was fighting or to be precise slaughtering all the monsters in this level with lightning magic , she quickly switched places as lightning covered her which was almost in a instant . The monsters here goblins , white goblins and few orcs , all of the smaller monsters were fried in an instant while the larger ones took more shots of lightning.

Cain was standing next to Thorkell who spoke

"This is how Elaine fights , instead of taking the destructive force of lightning magic to give huge attacks , she uses that to make herself faster and attacks them multiple times in a second . To put it purely in speed aspect she is as fast as me but she can process information faster than me . And if she stays in a single position and attacks -"

As Thorkell was saying around 100 monsters had huddled around her she came to the center of the horde and with some chant blasted everything around her with lightning with even a slight touch of the lightning the monsters were burned to dust .

Thorkell and Cain were looking as the former continued

"That happens , so the 1st level is cleared Rebecca will do the 2nd and you do the 3rd I'll finish the 4th"

"Fine "

Elaine in a flash came infront of Rebecca and Aurora as she spoke

"How was that ? aren't I awesome"

"Yeah ,yeah lets just finish this dungeon and go on with it "

In the Second level , there was a herd of Tuskers which Rebecca dealt with them quite easily . Within 10 minutes she called the heed to attack her with some sort of taunt skill and using ground magic crated walls entrapping them inside , The quality of mud walls made by her were more stronger than Cain's thanks to her affinity to the element and understanding of it .

She jumped into the circular wall she jumped in and started to bash and crush the Tuskers with her bare fists and her fists glowed as she killed them and within half an hour all of the tuskers were killed and she had blood of the Tuskers all over her and used some spell to pull away all that dirt and blood away from her.

Thorkell told that Rebecca was more suited for one on one fights as her fighting style suited that and since she had healing abilities she would be vital to a team when fighting a single strong monster .

They were now in the third level and had cleared the levels extremely fast and moving in a even more rapid rate , It was just 3 hours and half of the dungeon was cleared .

The monsters in the 3rd level were Darkhan's , they are huge birds which resemble Wyverns and usually trick prey to getting caught by them and usually moved in groups of 30 to 40 . Individually they are C ranks but in a group the can be A rank in danger or even more .

Thorkell looking at the groups of Darkhan which were around in the 40's number spoke

"Cain , this can be handled right . I'm asking because dealing with a group of them can be troublesome"

"Yeah , just I want you all to stay away little further that's all"

The others didn't question , Cain then swiftly moved to the center of the level and started to bang his sword against his shield . A few Darkhan noticing this started to fly towards Cain with loud screeches .

Black mist started to come out of Cain . It was more dense and and larger than his previous times and grounding himself firmly used War Demon's Roar which shook the whole level and all the Darkhan started to panic and attacked him .

Elaine , Rebecca and Aurora felt chills rundown their spine as as the heard Cain's roar , now his sword was covered in flames and flames started to leak out of his armor as it started to glow red due to the heat of the flames . Using a combination of Air step and Flash step Cain started to cutoff the heads of the Darkhan with the flame engulfed sword in one hand and blasting flames with poison mist mixed in them towards the Darkhans in the other hand .

Since Cain was now Expert+ rank they were no match for him within few minutes more than half of the Darkhans were either killed or escaped as they were burned alive to death by the flames . As The others started to escape Cain released his aura to which the Darkhans were startled and froze in place where Cain lighted them in fire of cutoff their wings .

One of them escaped and fell near the group who were watching Cain , Rebecca looked at the Darkhan which was flailing on the ground as it was being burned alive and spoke

"This beast reeks of poison , Whatever Cain infected them with is highly Toxic and at the same time it's being burned alive . Thorkell finish it off , it's just being tortured to death"

Thorkell then moved towards the beast whose screams started to die down as it was being burnt and before he was going to make his move Aurora spoke

"Thorkell , don't touch even a tinder of those flames . If even a little falls on you when you don't have a mana shield around you , you'll be burnt alive"

Thorkell instinctively jumped back as Aurora said those words and a sword pierced the head of the Darkhan as Cain came and spoke

"It's done , so let's go to the next level"

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