
Next Generation Leveling

Sung Su-Ho was the son of Sung Jin Woo and Cha Hae In and the grandson of Sung Il-Hwan, but during the battle between the absolute being, he was sent to another world resulting in the birth of Izuku Yagi. How will he deal with this new family and the bullying he receives. What would happen if he gets his memories back. I do not own solo leveling or my hero academia. There may be some spelling errors, I’m kind of new to writing fanfics.

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The Entrance Exam!

It was finally time for the entrance exam, throughout this time, I've been leveling up as well as saving/Meeting new people. This caused me to gain the nickname "the shadow" because of the fact that I'm always seen saving people in a black hoodie. But today I've decided to wear a hat and a face mask to hide my face.

As I was walking I recognized the girl that was about to fall as Ochako Uraraka. It was a sunny day out, as I was trying to finish my exercises tasks, I saw a girl near the construction site, she had brown hair and a permanent blush on her face. Suddenly a steel bar was about to fall, she noticed it and tried to move, I quickly activated Rulers Authority and stoped the bar from falling. I ran up to her curled up body and asked, "Are you ok miss?" In a soft tone to not alarm her. After that incident, she asked to exchanged contact information, to which I agreed. Although she was very cute, I'm only loyal to one girl.

I caught the brown haired girl with rulers authority before she fell. "Hey Ochako, it's been along time." I said while rubbing the back of my head. She looked up and recognized me causing her to blush a bright red. "Hey Sung Su-Ho! Your going to UA?" She questioned. "Yeah I am, wanna walk there together?" I questioned. "Yeah! Let's go!" She said In an extremely happy tone. As we were walking together, we started to discuss about many topic such as what's our favorite, foods, restaurants, vacation spots, and about our ambitions. Although we talked about our ambitions and goals, I didn't speak about my true goal.


Name: Sung Su-Ho

Level: 178

Occupation: Monarch Of The Shadows

Titles: Demon Hunter (And 2 Others)

HP: 102,358

MP: 196,564

Fatigue: 1

Strength: 367

Stamina: 389

Dexterity: 378

Intelligence: 369

Sense: 356

Ap: 34

After that three hour exam, I walk in the auditorium seeing the pro hero, present mic. He started to speak up and discuss about the three robots, them being the one pointer, the two pointer, and the tree pointer. Just as present mic was going to talk about the zero pointer a blue hair obnoxious kid spoke up, "Excuse me sir, I have a question!" He yelled. "Hit me!" Spoke present mic, ""On the print out, you be listed four types of robots, not three, with all respect if this is an error on official UA material, it is shameful. We are exemplary students, we expect the best from japans most notable school a mistake such as this won't do! Additionally, You With the face mask and the pink hat!" He poke while pointing at me. "What?" I question while pointing at myself. "You've been talking the entire time, stop that, if you can't bother to take this seriously leave!" He demanded. Just who does this guy think he is, "First of all, i am four rows away from you meaning that you shouldn't even be listening to my conversation. Next on the sheet it literally says zero pointer, what else is there to explain, and it's you that is causing a disturbance because you interrupted present mic as well as made a big unnecessary commotion." I interjected, this caused the room to start laughing at the blue haired boy.

After that whole incident I was currently at ground beta, we stood behind the huge iron doors. I saw Ochako and decided to go walk to her, as I tried to walk to her, I sensed the blue haired kid trying to lay a hand on me, In an instant I had him pinned to the ground with his arms behind his back. "Don't try to mess with someone stronger than you!" I spoke while using a portion of my bloodlust skill, he was on the verge of passing out before I stoped it. Everyone started murmuring thing like "Wow, how did he do that?" Suddenly I heard the gates open, I sprinted out through the tiny crack casing the contestant to yell at me. "Hey! That's cheating" they yelled, what idiots I thought. Present mic announced "What are you doing? Theres no countdowns in a real battle!" The Realization came to them and before they could get any robots most robots were already destroyed by shadowy creatures. I ran to the center and spoke one word, "Arise!" Instantly 10 thousands of my regular shadows came out and started destroying robots left and right.

After thirty minutes, I've gained about 720 points, "Hey, I want you to leave some robots for the other contestants! Also help them if they need it!" I shouted at the shadows. "They nodded and started helping the others. In the teachers booth a guy with long black hair spoke, "did you see that, he gained 720 points within three minutes, and earlier he was able to pin down the blue haired kid with flawless technique." "let's test him, because people show their true self during times of fear." A white mouse spoke while laughing manically causing the other teachers to sweat drop.

I was peacefully taking a nap until I heard a rumble, "What the hell!" I said while looking directly towards the zero pointer. As I was about to go to sleep again I heard a familiar scream, I realized it was Ochako so in an instant I called out "Igris!" a shadowy figure started to form behind me. "I want you to go take down that zero pointer!" He nodded and vanished into the shadows. I quickly cleared the distance between Ochako and I and picked her up bridal style. "Are you ok Ochako?" She opened her eyes realizing I saved her and started sobbing in my chest. I guess anyone would be unable to speak after just experiencing a near death situation. After 15 seconds, the zero pointed was destroyed. "Good job igris, you may leave." He bowed down before vanishing. Suddenly claps could be heard everywhere, I walked towards recovery girl and handed Ochako to her. After healing Ochako, she started to scold me and Ochako for being reckless, with the scolding finally finished,  I said goodbye to Ochako before vanishing.