
Next Generation Leveling

Sung Su-Ho was the son of Sung Jin Woo and Cha Hae In and the grandson of Sung Il-Hwan, but during the battle between the absolute being, he was sent to another world resulting in the birth of Izuku Yagi. How will he deal with this new family and the bullying he receives. What would happen if he gets his memories back. I do not own solo leveling or my hero academia. There may be some spelling errors, I’m kind of new to writing fanfics.

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It's been two years now, I've realized that it would've been suspicious if I suddenly had an appearance change, so I decided to wear a hoodie in class and at home. I realized that the teacher didn't care when I did this, so it started becoming a habit, although I've been ridiculed for it I still kept it on.


Name: Sung Su-Ho

Level: 133

Occupation: Monarch Of The Shadows

Titles: Demon Hunter (And 2 Others)

HP: 78,230

MP: 136,160

Fatigue: 2

Strength: 308

Stamina: 306

Dexterity: 316

Intelligence: 321

Sense: 298

Ap: 12

Hmph, where should I put my extra points? I thought to myself, but suddenly the teacher came into the room and spoke "So, as third year students, it's time to think seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude tests, but why bother? I know you all want to go to the hero tack!" Hearing this the class started to cheer, they started to use their weird quirks such as stretchy eye balls. "But no power usage in school!" Yelled the teacher. "Hey teach don't lump me in with these losers!" Bakugo yelled. "Yeah, we are the real deals, but these guys are will be lucky to end up sidekicks to some busted D-lister" Izumi spoke in a harsh tone while glaring towards my direction. Arrogance will be their downfalls, I've seen many hunters who overestimate themselves and get killed, I thought while rolling my eyes. Suddenly Izumi and Bakugo walked up to me, she yelled. "Hey! Why the hell do you keep wearing that hoodie?" This caused everyone to turn around including the three other stooges. "Yeah! I've been wondering that too. I tried to walk away from the crowd but they kept trying to pull my hoodie off, I realized this was a good time to show my face so I took it off, this caused the girls to blush including Izumi, Shota, And Katsumi. Alot of the guys started to stare daggers at me, I could see the teacher go wide eyes.

"What happened!" Izumi yelled. "What happened? What do you think happened? I grew up, I went through puberty..." I said nonchalantly. " No, I mean what's with your hair, why is it black?" She spoke. "I don't know, it just started turning black." I answered. I could see a group of girls walking up to me with their phones out, "C-can, I get your number? would you like to go out later, izuku?" But from the corner of my eyes, I could see Katsumi and Shota glaring at them. "Sorry, I'm not looking for a relationship right now, but thanks for asking me" I answered.

After that whole incident ended, the whole school found out, and immediately I started getting a fan club. It's weird considering they were part of my bullying. At first they just thought I was a new student/model until my classmates started spilling the beans.

I was walking back to the Yagi's home until my senses acted up, "I know your there, show yourself!" I spoke with my back facing the foe. "You will be a perfect body! I didn't know he was here!" He spoke, I turned around confused until he started running at me, using rulers Authority I pushed the villain down on an angle, causing the villain to compress into a ball shape while screaming. suddenly I heard a voice I didn't want to hear, "I Am Here?"

It was two years ago, a week after my release from the hospital, I was caught in between the battle between the a lava villain and all might, when I sensed him it was kinda familiar to my dad. The thing that weirded me out the most, was it seemed like his power or life was fading. A few hours later, I arrived home, and like always I was greeted without any dinner or and interactions from my family. I saw my father watching TV and realized it was the same energy I felt, so your all might I thought to myself.

"Hey, did you see a sludge villain by any chance?" All might spoke. Damn, you don't even recognize your own son I thought, I mean I'm wearing a hoodie so I shouldn't blame him too much, but still. "Yeah" I said and I pointed towards a puddle of sludge, "oh I see, well thank you young man!" All Might spoke while bottling up the villain. I watched as he launched up to the sky, "kinda slow....." I remarked.

30 Minutes later I could hear an explosion, I quickly used the skill sprint and ran 3 miles in 0.3 seconds. "What happened?" I asked one of the hero's, "There's a group of kids stuck in sludge!" Spoke death arms. "What are you doing? Go help them!" I yelled. "We can't! we don't have the right quirks!" Kamui Woods yelled. "Right quirks? A true hero's job is to save others, a true hero should know how to handle different situations, a true hero should risk their life even when there's a chance of death! Fine if your not going to do it, then I am!" I shouted, this caught the attention of everyone, a few Cameraman started to filmed me, "Wait! Kid don't go!" Death arms yelled while trying to grab me. I slip through his hold and with rulers Authority I pulled he 5 stooges out of the villains grasp. Gasps, could be heard in every direction.

Suddenly, a voice could be heard "I am here!" All Might yelled, "All Might!" The crowd yelled. All Might then pulled back his fist and with a punch he pushed the sludge villain back while changing the weather! This caused my hoodie to blast off regaling my face. Everyone seeing this started to crowd all might for his autograph until they realized I was still here, all that could be heard were murmurs and blushes could be seen on many of the girls, "you have a quirk!" Izumi, Shoto, Shoka, Katsumi, and Katsuki yelled. "It's none of your business" I spoke nonchalantly. Suddenly the cameramen began swarming me before the 5 stooges could ask anything. "What's your quirk? How did you do that? Are you a model? Are you single? Who's your girlfriend?" They asked, this caused me to blush a noticeable red. "Uhh, sorry guys, I gotta go!" I said and vanished using shadow exchange.

In the corner a group of six were talking. "Who was that guy?" Toshinori asked. "Believe it or not, that's izuku!" Yelled shoto. "Izuku? He's got a lot of explaining to do! But it seems like he got his mother's quirk." Said Toshinori. "Also why did his appearance change so drastically?" Asked Toshinori. "I don't know, I just discovered it today!" Said izumi, "Ok let's ask him about it later, but did you guys tell him about me being all might?" Asked Toshinori. "No" they said in unison. "Good!" Toshinori Replied while smiling not noticing that Izuku teleported away.